Whitey in the Woodpile

America on Shaky Ground, Part 3

Do you really think the likes of Carol Swain, Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas and Ben Carson achieved success by crawling around under someone’s bootheel?  Of course not, they believed in their own ability to succeed, worked hard and took advantage of all that America has to offer.  As Dr. Swain eloquently explained “I was born into a world where systemic racism was real—no-fooling, outright-bigotry, back-of-the-bus real. But here’s what you need to know: Yes, that racism shaped the black experience—but even then, it did not define it. Change was in the air. Call it systemic reform.”  

The systemic reform Dr. Swain referenced has transformed our country.  While there is more work to do, a person of any color can succeed in America.  Our collective American message should be one of possibilities, hope, hard work, personal responsibility, and perseverance.  We should encourage all citizens to learn from the past and shoot for the stars.  Sadly the opposite is happening. We are bombarded with negativity and defeatist messaging that black folks are victims to white oppressors.  Some would have us believe that America is drowning in racism and white supremacy.  As one BLM leader said regarding US systems of law: “when we talk about institutional and systemic racism, I can’t think of an example of a system that is clean.”  Welcome to the race chapter of the victim/oppressor club where black outcomes are stymied by whitey in the woodpile.  

Will stoking animosity between racial groups result in the advancement of our nation?  Highly unlikely.  Has any group of any size achieved success when the team members are infighting rather than focused on the goal?  A group with a common focus that knows what’s working, what isn’t working, creates reality based plans, learns from mistakes, avoids problems and works in concert has a chance of winning.  A group divided by hate sinks to mediocrity or collapses entirely.  We see this concept played out in our families, sports teams, small business, large corporations and countries.  Since this is a fundamental fact of human interaction, why has a narrative been deployed that pits citizens against each other rather than a message of unity that uplifts us all?  

It is extremely disorienting to watch black people who have achieved the pinnacles of success tell their black brethren that their success is hampered by white people.  Where is Captain Obvious when you need him?   There are many reasons individuals and groups achieve different outcomes not the least of which is the individual’s attitude and work ethic.  However, these peddlers of victim ideology offer only one excuse for poor outcomes – systemic racism.  

Anyone who listens to the local news knows that there are serious problems that plague poor minority neighborhoods that are unrelated to racism.  These communities suffer from lousy government schools, the disintegration of the family, a culture of government dependence, drugs, out of control gangs and black on black violence to name a few.  Instead of honest conversations regarding the economics of poverty and comprehensive multipronged strategies, we see black youths loot and burn their own communities, often destroying minority owned businesses.  Then BLM tells us “looting is reparations”.  Translation – violence that destroys other people’s lives is okay because whitey is in the woodpile.  

The actual occupants of the woodpile are race hustlers and others who seek to benefit from the extreme division caused by corrosive victim/oppressor ideology.  These evil people are sacrificing our black youth for their own gain.  It is beyond sad that many have placed themselves in victim status in search of a handy oppressor to blame for their personal outcomes.  Victimhood is at best a recipe for mediocrity and will likely result in worse outcomes for struggling black folks.  How can this be good?  

Even though we still feel the shock waves from slavery and the unbridled racism that followed, it is my fervent belief that the vast majority of Americans are not racist.  Please consider how these folks will react as the nationwide hunt for whitey in the woodpile intensifies and white people are tried and convicted for the actions of their ancestors.  It is very bad business to fight racism with racism unless division is the actual goal.  There is a better way.  

We will delve into the subject of race in greater detail in future articles but for now our goal is to list destabilizing factors impacting America.  Without question, the racial segregation of Americans via victim/oppressor ideology puts us on dangerously shaky ground.  

Shaky Ground Summary

As a reminder we will only examine what is happening and leave why unasked for now.  Below is a summary of destabilizing factors addressed in this and previous articles in the America on Shaky Ground series.  

  • Part 1 – Division and distrust caused by the prohibition of gathering.
  • Part 2 – Division and distrust caused by categorizing women and men into victims and oppressors.  
  • Part 3 – Division and distrust caused by racial segregation via victim/oppressor ideology.


  • Dividing our nation along racial lines is so incredibly destructive that it behooves all Americans to study this issue in depth rather than react emotionally to three word slogans.  Empirical evidence and historical context are essential to evaluating the current narrative accurately.  A great start is the “Black Wisdom Matters” series of videos curated by Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams and other very smart people.  Here is part 1 of 7.  
  • “Discrimination and Disparities” is an excellent book by Thomas Sowell that offers an in depth examination of disparate outcomes among groups and forms of discrimination.  This is critical information for assessing the current conversations on “equity”.  “Black Rednecks and White Liberals” is a collection of thought provoking essays that provide necessary historical facts missing from critical race theory based narratives.  
  • The Black Lives Matter (BLM) organization is more than it appears and research into BLM and the founders is wise.  This video by Ami Horowitz is worth your time.  
  • This Forbes article provides a quick summary of the history of slavery. Note to all our poorly educated students, America did not invent slavery.

Pearls of Wisdom from Thomas Sowell

Below are two Thomas Sowell quotes which elaborate on the concepts discussed above:  

“While the lessons of history can be valuable, the twisting of history and the mining of the past for grievances can tear a society apart. Past grievances, real or imaginary, are equally irremediable in the present, for nothing that is done among living contemporaries can change in the slightest the sins and the sufferings of generations who took those sins and sufferings to the grave with them in centuries past. Galling as it may be to be helpless to redress the crying injustices of the past, symbolic expiation in the present can only create new injustices among the living and new problems for the future, when newborn babies enter the world with pre-packaged grievances against other babies born the same day. Both have their futures jeopardized, not only by their internal strife but also by the increased vulnerability of a disunited society to external dangers from other nations and from international terrorist networks.”  Black Rednecks & White Liberals.

“Whatever chances such people have of acquiring the missing ingredients for their own advancement are reduced to the extent that their problems are misdiagnosed as the sins of other people rather than things that they themselves lack—even if they lack those things for reasons beyond their control. Often the things they lack can be acquired sooner and more extensively than they can either reform other people or get the society as a whole to provide for them through a redistribution of existing wealth what they are capable of producing for themselves through an upgrading of their own productivity. Moreover, rising productivity adds to the net wealth of the society and the world, which is more likely to gain the respect of others, as well as self-respect, than are reiterated pleas or demands for a share of what others have created.”  Black Rednecks & White Liberals.    

3 Replies to “Whitey in the Woodpile”

  1. As a first generation American, I believe people flock to America because hard work will get you ahead. We need to look to the future, together. The teachings of Martin Luther King, Jr. should be remembered, too. Lots to digest in this excellent post!

  2. Thanks Lori. It’s fairly simple, United we stand, divided we fall!

  3. Actually they both had bad times that enabled their good times , the trouble with America today is Prosperity above all else , safety before duty , soft living , and get rich as the ideal of success .

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