
Dental Part 7

Soooo, let’s get to the question you have been dying to ask. How do you look after surgery? Not bad at first but the swelling kicked in on Wednesday and peaked Friday. Fair warning, these photos do not grasp the extent of the swelling but perhaps this story will paint an accurate picture. Earl was away for the weekend and when he returned on Sunday the swelling was almost gone. He duly noted that and then told me that I had looked like an old lady who lost her teeth. Hot.

I thought I had escaped any real bruising but no I was sadly mistaken. On Friday, two bruises popped and started draining down my face. Peak blackness was Sunday but those babies lingered through the following weekend. Come up with a good story. People either stare or ask. I like the “askers”. What I needed was some black lipstick to complete the look but alas my black lipstick was in Key West where such things are needed.

To sum up, swelling gone in a week and bruising gone in two.  Not a bad tradeoff to reduce the time in braces/invisalign by more than half.  The first selfie above was the day after surgery, the second was 3 days after and the selfie with the zombie base makeup was at 6 days.  And for comparison, the nonselfie photo was taken just before all this started.  My vanity demanded inclusion of a normal photo.

One Reply to “Zombies”

  1. “What I needed was some black lipstick to complete the look but alas my black lipstick was in Key West where such things are needed.” Love it! Sue, you’re a total trip to read. Keep it coming!!

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