A Bad Thing Happens

Dental Part 8

Nine days after surgery and all is going well. Feeling confident, popping the trays in and out, eating solid food although nothing too crunchy or hard to chew. In hindsight it reminds me of a ski lesson many years ago. I was learning fast, feeling good, ready to get to the next level. At the bottom of the slope, preening in all my glory, I noticed another student skiing out of control straight for me. Maybe I wasn’t so great after all. Worse, she crouched down just before impact. I yelled don’t bend down but it was too late, she came in fast and low. I was propelled into the air, landed flat out leaving my skis exactly where they were.  What a great photo that would have been.

Back to teeth. The orthodontist office is one big open area with 4 dental chairs. Doctors and nurses tend to patients in soft, calm voices creating a serene ambiance. On this day all the chairs were occupied by young kids with mothers perched nearby and of course me, not a kid. We are ready to put in my second set of trays. As you may have guessed there was substantial difficulty even for the doc. So I am attempting to force the tray on my lower teeth and my finger slips and digs into my tender, Frankenstein gums. Yes, the F bomb came out of my mouth, vigorously you might say.  It was not my finest moment. Of course I stood in the no longer serene room and apologized to all the young moms.

Which led me to another observation. Am I the oldest patient they have fitted with invisalign? There was a long pause before answering the question in the negative.