Please God, Let me Floss

Dental Part 9

I never imagined bartering with God over dental floss but here we are. The stitches are still in and until the gums are healed, there will be no flossing or proxabrush. Over the years my teeth have all crowded at the front to see what is going on in the world leaving the introverted back teeth roomy and comfortable. To prevent meals from moving in between my back teeth, flossing is essential. The only solution during recovery is rinsing vigorously (still love this word). Plus I wonder if I need to stand a few feet away from people???

Stitches come out somewhere between 2 and 5 wks. At 3 weeks hopefully the stitches will be removed. Not sure how to describe my relationship to the stitches. Mostly I was unaware of them except the ones in the lower front which will not let up on the inside of my lip. But even that has not been too much of a problem.  Warm saltwater rinses are a staple of my new life.