Crossing Oceans

Dental Part 11

Crossing oceans is like flossing. It has to be done regularly.  It can be via air, boat or magic carpet, doesn’t matter, as long as it happens. Four weeks after Wilckodontics gum surgery and 5 weeks after my initial encounter with Invisalign, I took to the skies. Because airplane water does not inspire confidence, my sole concern was cleaning gums, teeth and trays on the plane. Decided there was an easy solution, don’t do it and go with gross teeth.

After eating I went to the restroom and unfortunately looked in the mirror (don’t do that). There was a wonderful selection of green bits of lettuce in my trays. As you might guess this was completely unacceptable. So here is what you need for travel in general and crossing oceans in particular. Bring a small bowl, retainer brite, bottled water, travel bottle of hydrogen peroxide and toothbrush. Retainer brite is a tablet for cleaning trays not unlike the “plop, plop fizz, fizz what a relief it is” equivalent of Alka-Seltzer. Put tablet and bottled water in bowl, add trays, use bottled water to brush and rinse trays. Trays back in. For good measure rinse with hydrogen peroxide and water. Yes there will be a line out the door when you are finished. Oh well.

When doing Wilcko, tray changes happen every two to three days and since there are always many excellent and delightful distractions on the road, a reminder system for tray change days is essential. I chose to label trays with the change date. Worked well and decided this was a habit to continue since there are always countless distractions and venue changes.  

Why was I in Italy you might ask? A wedding near the small town of Contursi, Italy at the Hotel Terme Rosapepe…