Navy Jets and Naked Men

Key West is a great place to learn photography.  Just take a walk and something interesting (or bizarre) will present itself. So when I had to decide between a pile of distasteful chores or going walkabout with my camera, it was a two second decision.  Boca Chica beach has been on my radar forever and what a day to finally go.  When there is a rare northwest wind, the navy jets use a runway that ends about 20’ from the narrow beach.  Plus the fence is busted so had a clear shot of the runway.  I love this one.  

The jet on the left was accelerating and the exhaust plume gives everything the feeling of looking through antique glass.  It did not occur to me at the time to wonder what I inhaled.  Oh well.

Seven jets took off and they were back in about 20 minutes.  Some photos are not sharp but they are good enough to see the personalized paint jobs. What fun. Note to self.  Bring ear plugs next time.  Note to navy.  Fix the fence.

After shark mouth landed I continued walking towards the end of the beach. There was a buck-naked guy standing in all his glory, cell phone in hand, having a full-on business convo.  

The grove was tricked out like a permanent camp, not a day at the beach.  Regardless of my strong desire to take a photo of this infinitely fascinating scene, I did not.  Considering his pose, not sure if he is happy about that or not.  I have heard various things about what goes on at this beach.  I asked some folks again today who suggested squatters were on the beach and going there alone wasn’t my best idea.  Not sure about that.  Another friend said it was simply a nude beach.  Still wish I had that photo. Took this tame one instead. 

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