And the Confusion Begins

Climate Part 4

One would think a neophyte could look up the properties of greenhouse gases with ease. Nope.  Not even close. How much heat each greenhouse gas has the potential to absorb is a foundational element of global warming theory. This should be a straightforward measurement with results communicated in a scientific manner.  Instead I have found highly contradictory statements and opinions. More research is needed to present the various positions adequately so please bear with me as I take a step back and continue peeling back the layers.  Meanwhile the graphic below illustrates the volume of the greenhouse gases. Since water vapor is clearly the predominant greenhouse gas, an understanding of its properties is key.

Greenhouse Gases, created by Jay Lehr, Ph.D., Senior Policy Analyst for International Climate Science Coalition

Note: There is significant disagreement over the quantity of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere attributable to manmade activities but all agree that the majority is of natural origins. Many also believe that manmade carbon dioxide exerts a notable impact on warming even though the total percentage is extremely small compared to water vapor. We will be getting into all of this after delving into the properties of water vapor.