The Zombie Apocalypse

Sue Seboda, Guns Part 2, April 20, 2020

Gun and ammo sales have skyrocketed since the corona virus exploded out of China.  Antigun activists are wringing their hands blaming it on the NRA and 2A supporters sense what we all know deep down, self-reliance is paramount.  Gun sales indicate a deep concern that government will not be there when the zombies mount a ruthless invasion in search of toilet paper.  Zombies are like that.  

As an aside, where is everyone hoarding their toilet paper?  The stores still run out within minutes of restocking.  Have additions been built?  Bedrooms converted?  Attics piled to the rafters?  I imagine houses stuffed with thousands of rolls of toilet paper where humans walk through winding TP slot canyons.  Dogs and cats absolutely love this.  Excellent for a good indoor pee.  But really if people would just buy what they need and leave the rest in the stores, the zombies will leave us alone and confine their rampages to grocery stores. Plus I am not a good enough shot yet to ward off a zombie attack.  

But with training and practice, I will have the gun skills to take down any zombie.  I look forward to that day.  My hands still sweat a bit and I forget to breathe sometimes but my mind is settling into it.  That and repetition will do the trick.  Until something new happens, let’s move on to more pressing matters. Batman comes to mind…

2 Replies to “The Zombie Apocalypse”

  1. laughing at the left. gun sales skyrocketing will make it ohhhh soooo harder to confiscate. seriously, i’m buying one too – or maybe i’ll buy 5. not sure how this ends but i know one thing for certain – i’m not going down without toilet paper – or a fight!! Note: still waiting for my bidet to arrive!

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