Violence, Protests and Race Relations

Continued protests are self-serving and will cause more damage to race relations.  Yup I dared to say that.  Continued protests have put our communities at risk. Yup I said that too.  And I mean it. 

The peaceful protestors provided cover for violent looters to destroy our communities already suffering from the lockdowns.  A thinking protestor might put their neighborhoods above their overwhelming need to virtue signal and realize if they stopped so would the looters.   But no, they blindly kept at it and the violence piled up.  

Even worse are the politicians and talking heads who suggest this violence is justified rage.  What pathetic drivel.  How about telling that to the family of the retired sheriff who was murdered in St Louis by these vicious criminals. Or the folks of every color whose lives have been destroyed by gratuitous violence.  

Those who suggest we need violence to open everyone’s eyes to racial disparities in this country are seriously misguided or worse. This will open everyone’s eyes for sure but not in the way they think.  Our eyes are open to the fact that government either can’t or won’t protect us.  Our eyes are open to the incredible stupidity of extended lockdowns. Our eyes are open to how quickly a mob can destroy everything that is good.  Our eyes are open to the fact that we must be armed in case that mob comes our way.  Our eyes are open to the twisted desire of those who seek to enflame race relations in this country rather than heal. 

Sit down, watch the videos of the violence and consider if those images will help or hurt race relations.  Just maybe your eyes will open and realize that you have been manipulated.  Great job everyone.  Really appreciate your lack of critical thought.  As an aside, I am infinitely curious if the same folks who continued to protest knowing their message had been coopted are also the same folks who support the continued lockdowns.  Newsflash, you are too selfish to be taken seriously.  

So use your brains instead of allowing your emotions to be whipsawed by others.  Stop taking to the streets until the thugs crawl back under their rocks.  You are only making things worse.