Open Letter to County Executive Elrich and Dr. Gayles

By Sue Seboda, August 7, 2020

Time for a Chat

I am in receipt of today’s email reiterating your reasons for closing public and private schools.  I quote: “We are doing better because of the steps we have taken—all done with public health in the forefront of our decisions. We still need to reduce community transmission of the virus. When the State first shut down businesses and other organizations in March, we were averaging about four positive tests per day.  Right now we are averaging about 70 cases each day, which is lower than the peak we experienced for daily positive tests–but still too high to take further steps in reopening.”   Please answer the following questions at your earliest convenience. The ramifications of your decisions have significant negative consequences for our children and the community at large. Your words alone are no longer sufficient. We require facts.

  • What positivity rate is acceptable for opening especially considering the CDC references 5% as a benchmark.  Please also note Governor Coumo gave jurisdictions approval today to open all schools also citing 5% as the benchmark.
  • Please stipulate what specific scientific studies upon which you have based your positivity benchmark.  
  • Do you agree or disagree with these CDC statements that suggest the harm to students from closing schools outweighs the risk from covid.  If you disagree please cite the specific scientific studies supporting your position.   
  • You stated in the press conference Wednesday that the studies regarding transmission among children “are getting worse not better”.  Please cite the specific studies which are guiding your decisions.  There are studies throughout the world that contradict your words.  
  • The Montgomery County Education Association encouraged union members to attend the National Day of Resistance on August 3, 2020.  Demands of this well organized nationwide resistance movement are stated here.  Please outline which of these demands you support.  It is clear the teacher’s unions is opposed to charter schools, voucher programs and private schools.  

We look forward to your responses and to the determination as to whether you have the legal right to close private schools.  Meanwhile please consider “A Teacher’s Perspective”.  If our leaders focused on all covid data rather than stoking fear with select, aggregate data, perhaps more of our teachers would follow their vocation instead of their fear.  

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