Trump – The Greatest Red Herring Ever

By Sue Seboda 9/1/20

The sky is blue.  Trump is a liar.  OK then, the sky is pink.  Trump is a liar.  Let’s not talk about the sky.  I got a beautiful shot of an osprey this morning.  Trump is a liar.  What are your thoughts on the riots?  Trump caused the riots because he is a liar.  Do you support the BLM organization knowing the cofounders are self-admitted Marxists?  LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA. Biden has been spending ample time at the liars table himself.  Biden good, orange man bad.  I can’t wait for the debates, how about you?  Biden should cancel because Trump is a liar.  

How did we get to the point that conversation devolves quickly into heated Trump bashing sessions?  It’s simple.  After licking their wounds in 2016, Democrats realized they had a special gift in Trump.  With his questionable reputation, unscripted knee jerk reactions and bombastic, narcissistic behavior, it was child’s play to spark a visceral Trump hate.  Nothing like hate to short circuit the ability to think.  His politically incorrect words (which many love) have been easy to twist (if necessary) into a relentless drumbeat declaring Trump whatever “ist” would anger the target audience.  This would have been impossible without a compliant media happy to lie repeatedly and a populace already steeped in identity politics.  And of course we cannot forget the biggest liars of them all, those in Congress who will do absolutely anything to regain power.  Once the hate train got rolling, the echo chamber echoed loud and often.  It wasn’t long before folks were drowning in Trump hate willing to cancel all Trump supporters literally and figuratively.  The Democrats must be giddy with delight.  A job well done.  Perhaps one day Trump will stop helping them.  

What is gained from such pure hate?  Lots.  When the hate monger speaks, those consumed by hate believe without question.  Gotta feed that monster.  The most recent example is the blind acceptance that Trump is responsible for the violence.  Huh?  We can all agree that Trump is anything but a Uniter in Chief but how is Trump causing the violence in cities run by left wing Democrats who have hamstrung their own police departments, many declining to prosecute vandals, refusing assistance to stop the violence, allowing wholesale destruction of property and business, destroying many lives.  Mobs roam DC harassing restaurant patrons who won’t give the BLM fist, attacking republicans in the street.  Are the haters suggesting that Trump is secretly funding BLM and Antifa?  Or is this the “Trump made me do it” defense?   If Trump’s America is present in Portland, Seattle and Chicago, whose America is found in the rest of the country? Cities where there is no violence, no movement to shift funds away from the police, where racial equity is an everyday goal, where politicians take a stand against violence before the polls tell them to.  Is this Trump’s America too? 

There is another insidious consequence of hate.   Hate’s laser focus renders all else invisible.  This makes the Democrats so very happy.   It is impossible to see anything positive that Trump has accomplished.  And riding in under Trump hate is a progressive agenda that would have been unthinkable even a few years ago.  Yes, Trump is the greatest red herring of all time.  One of many examples is Biden’s position on healthcare.  He wants to institute a public option.  Are folks so blinded by Trump hate that they don’t realize that a public option will likely destroy private insurance resulting in 100% government run health care?  Government can’t manage their way out of a paper bag regardless of who is president.  Do you really trust them to manage the health care system without tremendous fraud and inefficiency?  To make this bad idea worse, the likely president, Kamala Harris, clearly stated she is in favor of giving free health care to illegal immigrants.  Genius.  And who knows what the candidate for shadow president believes.  

We must set Trump hate aside and deeply question each platform.  Country changing concepts are in play.  An informed public motivated by knowledge, not emotion, is essential to our future.