Why I am Voting for the “Clown”

By Sue Seboda October 19, 2020

How could a smart girl like you go for a guy like Trump?  Don’t you know that only uneducated racist white male hillbillies clinging to their guns and religion are Trump supporters?  By this Democrat definition, I am the antithesis of the stereotypical Trumpster.  However, as is so often the case with politics, this narrative has no bearing on reality.  In my sphere, Trump supporters are women, men, college and high school educated, white, blue, pink collar, rich, poor and everything in between, every race and ethnic group.  

The parties hope to direct the voters’ attention to the notable failings of their opposing candidate.  This is superficial.  In these times with these candidates, the critical thinker must set aside personality and examine each platform and candidate’s supporting cast.  Which side most closely aligns with one’s world view, values and hopes for our country?   This process has led me to unequivocally choose Trump.  I have also asked others, why Trump.  What follows is a compilation of my own views and those of these respondents.  

Our World View 

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.  That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness…”

The preamble of the Declaration of Independence is an excellent summary of our belief structure as it relates to our rights, their origin and government’s relationship to same.  Government does not exist to grant or deny rights, it only exists to protect them.  We stand with those politicians who will assist in the protection of our rights and stand firmly against any who would threaten them.  

We have a fervent belief in America and its founding principles.  As with all ideals we recognize that we must exert constant effort to both achieve and maintain these ideals.  We believe our next phase should be more akin to the Renaissance than a regressive revolution based on victimology, fear and loathing.  

We believe the concept of personal responsibility is a critical hallmark of a free society as is the free expression of critical thought necessary to exercise it.  Those who embrace personal responsibility give themselves the beautiful gift of failure and success, the ability to learn, grow and overcome fear as one strives to develop their God given talents.  A dedication to personal responsibility leaves no room for dependence which stifles growth and creativity.  Politicians who peddle ideas that foster dependence do so in an attempt tamp down our potential and solidify their own power.  They will never have our vote.

We recognize and support that the United States of America is a representative democracy or republic.  It is not a direct democracy.  As such, we are committed to limited central government, the electoral college and the ability of each State to craft individual detailed policies.  We oppose political platforms that wish to transition us towards a direct democracy.  

We are patriots. 


We are in an ideological battle between individualism and collectivism.  Collectivism is defined as “the political principle of centralized social and economic control, especially of all means of production”.  In a collectivist society the “individual is subordinate to a group, recognizing no rights without the consent of authority”.  Socialism, Communism, Fascism, Nazism, Authoritarianism are examples of collectivism.  

Individualism is “a social theory favoring freedom of action for individuals over collective or state control”.  Individualism is a system of inherent liberties known as unalienable natural rights, rights that cannot be given or taken away by man or government although “one can forfeit their enjoyment through one’s actions, such as by violating someone else’s rights”.  The Declaration of Independence embodies individualism.   

We believe the choice in this election is simple.  A vote for Biden is a vote to transition towards collectivism. A vote for Trump is a vote for individualism and the principles upon which our constitution is based.  We base this opinion on the left’s clear attempt to erode our inalienable rights and nationalize large segments of our economy.  


It is my personal belief that the data will ultimately demonstrate that strict, extended lockdowns did not contain the virus and caused serious, unnecessary harm to this nation and its citizens.  In addition the politization of COVID is reprehensible.  Rather than a review of the indefensible talking points, our goal is to question which candidate will best manage COVID as of January 20, 2021.  As therapeutics and vaccines become available and fear mongering is no longer needed to influence the election, will COVID be the issue that dominates the country in 3 months?  Doubtful.  More likely we will be focused on repairing the damage to our country from both the virus and lockdowns.  

Generally, the Democratic politicians tended toward extended lockdowns, mandates and enforcement and had little faith in the individual to manage their own risk and protect those around them.  Republican politicians tended to reopen earlier, were more likely to balance COVID and the negative impacts of the lockdowns and exhibited more trust in the individual. Eight states never issued stay at home orders: North and South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Wyoming and Utah.  All have Republican governors.  All were thoroughly criticized.  All managed COVID as well or better than lockdown states.  All experienced less economic trauma than lockdown states.  

Biden recommended a nationwide mask mandate and a national response to the virus.  He also said that he would lock the country down again if the scientists told him to.  Perhaps someone should remind Biden that the President does not have the constitutional authority to implement a national mask mandate, force a State to lockdown or force it to open.  Regardless, his statements reflect his attitude. He wants the federal government firmly in control, not the State and certainly not the individual.  

Regardless of the rhetoric to the contrary, Trump listened to the scientists and took COVID seriously enough to recommend a 6 week shutdown of our economy.  I believe Trump was late in an attempt to balance the risk of COVID against the risk from the lockdowns.  He did so, however, far earlier than any Democrat and was heavily criticized for his position.  He was right.  They were wrong.  It is interesting to note that the WHO now agrees and recommends against lockdowns stating “Lockdowns just have one consequence that you must never ever belittle, and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer.” 

Should the COVID hit the fan again, we believe that Biden would respond with far more damaging, draconian measures.  We choose the Republican COVID philosophy and vote Trump on COVID.  

Health Care

Healthcare is a mess and neither side has put forth a satisfactory solution.  We will vote Republican because we believe they are more likely to pursue a solution based on free market principles resulting in greater choice.  Market based strategies are also more likely to rein in the cost of care and drugs.  

Democrats are moving in the opposite direction towards national health care.  Given the government’s inability to manage anything efficiently, we believe this will lead to mediocrity and reduced quality of care over the long term as has happened in other countries.  The cost of government run healthcare will exceed the cost of a properly designed market based system.  The citizens will pay this increase one way or the other.  Nothing is free.  


We believe conservative policies of limited regulation, lower taxes and reduced spending serve our free market economy the best and will result in the shortest recovery from the lockdowns.  It seems incredibly unwise to saddle our COVID weakened economy with the Democratic platform which promises tax increases “on day one”, increased regulation, increased government intervention in our economy and unprecedented spending.  Neither party has displayed any fiscal discipline regarding spending yet there is at least a chance the Republican party will come to their senses and return to their core principles.  A serious reduction in spending is essential after the debt generated by the COVID recovery bills.  

The First Amendment and Cancel Culture

The First Amendment to the Constitution states: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”  

The free exchange of ideas is under attack in our society.  This is evident in our schools, corporations and social media platforms.  The increasingly aggressive behavior to control our speech is exceedingly disturbing.  Below are a few examples among many.

On some college campuses, conservative speakers are heckled and prohibited from speaking.  Others simply ban conservative speakers.  Expressing an opinion on social media can lead to dismissal.  A highschool student voiced her disproval on Instagram of her school’s decision to hire the speaker Ibram X Kendi.  “She posted “Absolutely DISGUSTING that @episcopalhs let this man speak at our school. Unbelievable.” Along with the words, Mackenzie shared a screenshot from Fox News of a Kendi tweet in which he accuses federal Judge Amy Coney Barrett of being a racist for adopting two black children from Haiti.  For expressing her opinion, the school has begun proceedings to dismiss her.” 

Even people who use words that sound racist are canceled. According to this Forbes article “a professor at the University of Southern California was placed on leave for using a Chinese word that some people think sounds like the n-word even though it is simply the Chinese word for “that.” 

Corporate cancel culture is rampant.  For example, Facebook employees demanded an officer be fired for supporting Brett Kavanaugh.  Trader Joe’s was attacked for racism.  Their crime?  They named products Trader Giotto’s, Trader Mings and Trader Jose for Italian, Chines and Mexican foods.  Trader Joe’s initially signaled they would succumb to the pressure, but instead, with a rare show of corporate backbone, chose to ignore the cancel culture mob.  

Big Tech practices censorship on a daily basis.  This is most dramatically demonstrated by Twitter’s censorship of the New York Post article on the Bidens’ corruption.  Did they censor the fictional Steele dossier?  The constant claims that Trump was a Russian operative?  Would Facebook and Twitter censor an October surprise involving Trump regardless of how questionable it might be? 

The mob not only wishes to silence us but would like to cancel our history as well.  They have gone far beyond ripping down statues of confederate soldiers.  Our founding fathers are being canceled and schools renamed that mention them.  A mob even destroyed a statue of Frederick Douglas.  Assuming this was not ignorance, we should all examine motives of the mob and their masters.

What ideology drives cancel culture?  The vast majority of incidents are fueled by leftists.  While leftist rhetoric suggests conservatives are intolerant, their behavior reveals who the truly intolerant people are.  Cancel culture is a notable cause of division in this country.  If the left wins, will censorship and cancel culture increase or decrease?  Our bet is it will increase, maybe dramatically.  We vote Trump in support of the 1st Amendment.    

Be Very Afraid of Public Shaming

What do Cubans, Venezuelans and Vietnamese have in common that would lead many to support Trump?  The shaming tactics of the left are eerily familiar.  They want no part of them in this country and are voting for Trump as a result.  This video by Paul Joseph Watson draws the comparisons between ritual public shaming in America to communist tactics.  While there are obvious differences between communist China and America, we believe the objectives of public shaming wherever and however it occurs are the same – humiliation, conformity, indoctrination and control.  

We should all be concerned that the cancel culture mob has left their keyboards and taken to the streets.   What’s their next trick?  Which ideology motivates this group?  Leftist.  Once again the party that preaches tolerance practices intolerance and intimidation demanding conformity.  We will vote Trump in the hope this unsettling movement will cease.  

Protests and Riots 

Protests in support of racial justice are good and represent a fundamental American right.  Violence, looting and riots are not. 

The left accuses the right of conflating protests and violence and the right accuses the left of downplaying the violence.  Which talking point is closer to the truth?  Michele Obama’s own words answer this question.  In her “Closing Argument” for Joe Biden, Michele Obama said “they’re stoking fears about Black and Brown Americans, lying about how minorities will destroy the suburbs, whipping up violence and intimidation and they’re pinning it all on what’s been an overwhelmingly peaceful movement for racial solidarity. It’s true, research backs it up. Only a tiny fraction of demonstrations have had any violence at all.”  How incredibly disingenuous.  The violence resulted in more than 19 deaths, an unknown number of injuries including approximately 700 police officers, upwards of $2 billion in damages, countless lives and businesses destroyed and communities setback for years.  

Of course the violence has been “pinned” on the protests.  The events were interdependent.  Many more would have supported Michele Obama had she said, we support all those who march for justice and will prosecute all those who diminished their efforts with violence.  Instead she “pins” the violence on Trump.  Is she suggesting that Trump sent Antifa and BLM acolytes to loot, kill and burn?  If that is the case why are left leaning organizations supported by the likes of Kamala Harris bailing out those arrested during the riots?  How can she “pin” the violence on Trump when it was Democratically controlled cities that allowed it to continue unabated?  Did Trump create CHAS/CHOP?  Is Trump responsible for the young man who was killed during the “occupation”? Did Trump cause leftists to destroy Portland?  Did Trump vote to defund police?  No.  Michele Obama’s argument is nonsense.   

Why?  The Obamas and other leftists encourage identity politics, a political movement that promotes division and victimology, weakening our society.  A more insidious motive is that chaos breeds distrust in our systems leading people to accept massive change they would never consider otherwise.  

Organized, bussed in agitators lead us to believe the chaos and violence was strategic not a spontaneous eruption.  This is a serious warning for all Americans.  Anyone that uses death and destruction strategically will do anything to advance their agenda.  They must be ousted.  


To repeat from an earlier article “Good humans reject racism in any form, uplift fellow humans with compassion and understanding and always offer a hand to those who start short of the starting line.  It is always the right thing to do.”  The vast majority of Americans believe this statement.  Ironically the very success of the BLM organization is a testament to the goodness in America.  

Do we have an inherently racist, evil country that routinely kills black people and prohibits their advancement?  No.  Nor does the data support this growing chant among leftists designed to promote identity politics.  While the institution of slavery was evil, we do not believe our country is evil and stand firmly against all those who would have us believe that.  

We support Martin Luther King’s statement “I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”  We are disturbed by the clear efforts to promote racism against white people, especially white men.  Racism is evil regardless of who it is directed against.  People and corporations who support racism in order to avoid being called a racist are cowards.  

One of the terrible consequences of colormongering and identity politics is the creation of groups who now believe they are victims.  Please consider the following question carefully.  How many successful people view themselves as victims?  We stand against any who promote victimology and support those who encourage citizens through all means possible to reach their full potential.  

Which candidate addresses the question of racism the best?  Both candidates verbalize their views poorly.  Our only option is to evaluate their actions.  Trump’s plan is to lift minorities via overall economic success and targeted initiatives such as Opportunity Zones.  Biden recommends a long list of government handouts.  Which strategy created the lowest level of unemployment among minorities preCOVID?  Trump’s.  Biden had 8 years to prove his strategy was effective for disadvantaged communities and it was unsuccessful.  In fact we believe certain government programs have caused more harm than good in these communities.

Is BLM the answer?  A previous article addresses my views on this subject.  Suffice it to say that BLM is a self-avowed Marxist organization that supports the elimination of the traditional family.  One of the major factors contributing to the failure of disadvantaged minority communities is the dissolution of the family structure.   Why should BLM even have a seat at the table much less lead the movement since they advocate policies that would harm our people more?  For a broader understanding of racism, poverty and those who profit from it please watch the “Black Wisdom Matters” series by Thomas Sowell and other notable intellects.  

And finally is Trump or Biden a racist?  Anyone with a modicum of historical perspective knows the Democrats have successfully tanked opponents by tagging them as racist.  Why change a successful strategy?  We do not believe either candidate is a racist although Biden has certainly said many racist things.  If he were anyone else, the mob would have canceled him long ago.  

2nd Amendment

The 2nd Amendment states: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”  

Cancel culture, censorship and shaming are ongoing strategies to limit our most effective weapon, free speech.  Is it any surprise that these same folks are attempting to separate us from our actual weapons?  Gun violence is a notable problem in America.  We believe it is a cultural failure and forced “assault weapon” buybacks will do nothing but begin the process of disarming Americans.  Phrases such as Biden’s “weapons of war” are designed to engage people’s emotions and turn off their brains.  We implore Americans to resist this emotional appeal and remember that the ability to defend ourselves is an inalienable right.  We vote Republican on 2A.  


I wish politicians would say: “The climate is changing.  We need an open and free discussion of disparate scientific views in order to estimate which and to what degree manmade and natural factors contribute to this change.  The proposed path forward must consider these factors with a simultaneous dedication to the environment, energy independence, national and economic security.”  But of course that is a far cry from what we do hear.  

The left utilizes an emotional appeal predicting the world will end “as we know it” in 10 years unless we adopt the Green New Deal, a program that cannot possibly satisfy current energy demand thereby weakening us financially and threatening our national security. Is a pattern becoming obvious yet?  The right generally dodges the discussion, also unacceptable.   

In my limited research on climate change, I learned the following:

  • Contrary to the rhetoric, there is not a scientific consensus on the extent and cause of climate change and there is an attempt to silence those who do not agree with the prevailing end of days narrative.  An open debate is essential for a successful climate, energy and environmental policy. 
  • A single pronged approach, ie fossil fuels, will fail as surely as do other single focused approaches that neglect to examine contributing factors.  
  • Emotional triggers are being used to drive voters to accept a plan to restructure the economy and increased government control of energy use and production.  
  • We have learned from COVID that incorrect modeling can result in global hysteria leading to the adoption of destructive policy, ie extended lockdowns.  We must avoid this grave error with energy policy which is the backbone of our economic and national security.  
  • Carbon emissions have declined in the US while increasing dramatically in China.  
  • America achieved energy independence for the first time in 2019 since 1957.  This is a significant achievement that must be maintained in future energy and climate policy.  

We believe the right will be more likely to approach energy and climate solutions with the commitment to protect energy independence, the economy and national security.  The proposals of the left offer no such commitment and in fact seem to ignore the need to have a homegrown supply of energy before turning off the fossil fuel faucet. The Green New Deal, which Kamala Harris cosigned, also contemplates government control of energy use and production.  Simply put, I will not vote for a platform that will irrevocably undermine our country. 

Supreme Court

I support constitutionalists on the supreme court whose focus is interpreting the law. I do not support judicial activism and the politicization of the courts. A true constitutionalist will at times anger the left and right.  This is as it should be.  

There is a more important question.  Why has the court become politicized?  There is a simple answer, Congress is not doing its job.  We implore both parties to work together to pass laws that address issues such as abortion that tear this country apart.  Their inability to do so subverts the purpose of the courts.  Congress blames divisiveness on everyone else but themselves.  Their lack of courage to tackle the tough issues is a significant contributor to the deep divide in our country.  Both parties are at fault and sadly neither candidate is capable of bridging the divide.  


The current discussion is synonymous with a descent into the twilight zone. Both sides are hurling accusations of vote tampering.  Why is mass vote by mail necessary?  Is it unsafe for the vast majority of Americans to vote in person due to COVID?  Wouldn’t the current absentee ballot process suffice for those who are at risk from COVID?  Do picture ID requirements constitute voter suppression considering picture IDs are required for many less critical activities?  Why are some states legally attempting to count mail in ballots postmarked after the election?  Are bureaucracies typically capable of implementing new complex systems in a short period of time without incident?  Why would either party reduce the number of in person voting locations?  Why do we hear complaints that volunteers for in person voting cannot be found yet those who attempt to volunteer are never contacted?  Why do banks have vaults for their cash? Why are IDs required to fly?  


Trump’s character is a matter of significant debate.  We will leave that debate to rage among others.  We can agree he generally does what he says he is going to do.  He is a patriot and loves this Country.  While he refuses to pick his battles, he will stand against the insanity and take the fight to those who perpetrate it.  We greatly appreciate that he is politically incorrect and refuses to be canceled.  One said “even though Trump is a narcisstic maniac, he is authentic and we know where he stands.” Trump makes it easy for people to hate him and the left has used that to great advantage.  He is the greatest red herring of all time.  

Biden’s character is a matter of significant debate.  Biden’s positions change with such regularity we have no idea where he stands on important issues.  Regardless of whatever skills he used to possess, it is clear he has cognitive issues.  This makes his choice of VP incredibly important.  Many of us became acquainted with Kamala Harris during the Kavanaugh hearings.  She did not make a good first impression and has done nothing to redeem herself.  She is a committed leftist as her voting record confirms.  Nancy Pelosi recently recommended a commission to assist in the application of the 25th amendment.  While some thought this was another attempt to remove Trump, I believe this was about Biden.  If I am correct, imagine the stunning deceit of a party that would install a President the people rejected.  

The stakes are high.  In previous elections we chose between conservative and liberal policies to achieve a common goal.  We are now choosing between disparate goals for the governance of our country.  Do we want to sacrifice our inalienable rights further in a transition towards a collectivist form of government? Or will we remain a capitalist society based on the principles of individualism embodied in our constitution?  Please choose wisely.  Our future depends on it.     

16 Replies to “Why I am Voting for the “Clown””

  1. Well reasoned.

    When people try to tell me why I should not vote for Trump, their arguments are invariably personal. They don’t like Trump. It’s emotional.

    I vote logically. Which candidate has policies that I agree with, and the ability to deliver on them. That’s Trump in a nutshell. No contest.

    If I were to only vote for politicians I like personally, I wouldn’t vote often.

    1. So agree Kevin. The emotional weapons being hurled at the voters this election demand we set aside emotion and employ logic.

  2. Sue.
    Well researched and articulated.
    Enjoyed it and confirmed my feelings that Trump is the best choice.

  3. Below is a comment on this article from social media:

    Quite the novel you have written here Sue. But you cover most of my thoughts.

    I identify with “I am the antithesis of the stereotypical Trumpster.”

    I voted Libertarian in 2016, I could not vote for HRC at all, and could have voted for Joe Biden then, had he run. I did not feel Trump had credibility, almost seemed he was running as a stunt. Biden in 2016, would have seemed a reasonable choice.
    In 2020, Trump now has a track record, and by policy, it is a good one. By contrast the Dems have thrown a four-year tantrum, and are in a constant state of disarray with Progressives and Moderates constantly talking over each other. Biden has historically been a feather in the political wind, and 2016 would have been his chance, because Trump was so unknown.
    Now, Biden is a shell of a candidate and barely able to maintain consciousness or cogent thinking. That tells me one thing – you’re voting for the DNC candidate of choice, Kamala Harris.
    The DNC is quite literally the Politburo of the modern Democratic Party.

    I think most liberals could evaluate Trump’s bills signed to law, and outcomes for labor and minorities, removing the “Trump personality” and admit his policy favors the traditional left. But the rage, protests, and arrogance of “the hive mind” could never admit to it.

    I have many friends and relatives sending me long articles extolling the virtues of Mr. Biden. But, I was paying attention when decades ago he withdrew primaries for plagiarism and exaggeration of his credentials. So, I really think he is the wrong guy at the wrong time in 2020, and missed his chance to be a more reasonable alternative to Hillary in 2016.

    Most of my hard Democratic friends, (and those who have “unfriended” me) struggle to articulate real policy wishes outside of Trump hatred and rage. I’m not a fan of Mr. Trump’s personality, I think he plays too much with antagonizing his detractors. But equally, there are at least six major corporate media companies, the Hollywood media industry, and major liberal news sources (WaPo, NYT, among others) who are in constant attack of the man, and have been so for 4 years. Despite all that, he continues to enact policy that is good for the majority of Americans.

    I think many of us have been yelled-at, raged-at, and condescended-to way too often, and this has created the new “Silent Majority”, the people who refuse to answer survey polls, or be goaded in conversation, but instead just carry on.

    Stay strong.

  4. Here is another comment that was made on social media. The author makes a valid point that our evaluation should include the behavior of the left in their 4 yr long attempt to oust Trump.

    Long read, but well worth it. I agree with most of your conclusions, but you were too nice to the left. They’ve done things in their pursuit to remove Trump that are criminal, even treasonous, and those who led this attempted coup must be exposed for the evil that they are. An election of Biden means all of what they’ve done to divide our country just goes away, identified as fake news, leaving those who committed these crimes free to do the same to the next person they don’t agree with.

    You gave the left too much credit for the things they do as being just a part of their ideology, but it’s a planned takeover of what we have known all our lives with the ultimate goal of putting tax payer money into politicians bank accounts.

  5. Well written commentary on the state of the Union.
    I despise the cancel culture, which I call a mob, which does modern-day leftist, social media beat downs of anything they disagree with, which is a lot. We need public discourse on all sides, right and left, not cancellation.
    I do agree that America can never be a socialist country, rather it should continue to be the beacon of hope , and we need look no further than Cuba or Venezuela to see why. I keep coming back to cancel culture as the best example of how it is many are on the path to socialism and it saddens me that they have not been taught history.
    Thanks for continuing the conversation, which we need much more of, not the name calling, the last bastion of those with no argument.

    1. Agree, the cancel culture mob is incredibly disturbing. Are they useful idiots or behaving with purpose?

  6. Well said. We have a striking difference between a 40+ year entrepreneur who never held a public office before 2016, and a 40+ year politician with no private experience. I’ll be voting for Trump for 3 reasons- First, I support him and his policies, much of which you articulated. Second, I don’t agree with Biden’s stance on any issue. Finally, it’s one way of telling the media, news, entertainment and now sports, to stop indoctrinating me with leftism.

    1. Sorry I missed this earlier Arthur. In another few months I will update this post outlining “where we are now”. Things are moving very quickly and not in a direction that I am happy with and from your comments above, reckon you probably feel the same.

  7. I happen to agree with everything Sue Seboda says, but who cares? This post is not about me or my agenda. Sue’s research and critical thinking on the subject matter is impressive, but what is even more extraordinary is her ability to not get emotional, but rather just state the facts and give her assessment of right and wrong on both sides of the aisle without attacking anyone. Sue rises above the fray and the nonsense of some folks who only rant and attack those who disagree with them. This path only leads to more hate, polarization, and nothing positive to bring Americans together. If folks who disagree with you are attacked, they will shut down and not listen to you even if your points are valid and deserve reflection. Sue has the exceptional ability to present her views in a strong, factual and respectful manner while at the same time not giving up her principles. In doing so, moderates and independents might consider her views and potentially change their mindset. I say that Sue’s approach demonstrates her passion to make progress for the betterment of our country, unlike some folks who say they care about America, but are too narrowly focused on their own agenda to understand and appreciate the value in how Sue expresses her opinions. I, for one, say America needs more people like Sue Seboda, so I say thanks Sue for your insights and your approach.

    1. Thank you for your comments David. When will people start rationally discussing ideas again? Our country desperately needs that. The drive towards conformity of thought is frightening.

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