Government Gods Like Cruise Ships

By Sue Seboda

During Covid a dangerous creature emerged – the government god.  In search of relevance, these self-appointed gods picked Covid winners and losers.  They delivered incredible profits to big box corporate giants while shuttering small businesses even if they could operate safely.   Casinos won, churches lost.  Airlines, where passengers sit inches apart, continued to fly but restaurants were closed, some forever. They gave “essential” folks the ability to pay their bills and booted many “nonessentials” to food lines and government handouts.  All the while the government gods were free to ignore their own rules and studiously avoid the very real consequences of lockdowns.  Sadly the fear soaked citizens let them do it.  

In Key West, we are once again at the mercy of government gods.  This branch of Tallahassee gods has decided they know what’s best for Key West and they, and they alone, will pick the winners and losers in our town.  The House will vote on HB267 soon and, if passed, the bill will land on Governor DeSantis’s desk for signature or veto.  HB267 seeks to override the November 2020 referendum in which Key West citizens voted to restrict the size and number of cruise ships.  This bill was sponsored by Rep. Spencer Roach from Ft Myers and Rep. Tyler Sirois of Merritt Island.  

Inquiring minds would like to know how the size of cruise ships in Key West impacts Ft Myers, Merritt Island or any other city in Florida?  Have Rep. Roach and Sirois been in Key West when thousands of cruise ship passengers have been disgorged?  Are Rep. Roach and Sirois aware that many businesses in Key West are doing notably better without cruise ships?  Have they bothered to ask why that might be?  Have they evaluated how businesses who have been hurt with no cruise ships will be impacted when they return at a level consistent with the referendum? Or are they only focused on the reduced income that Mark Walsh and Pier D Development will experience from smaller ships?  

Has Mark Walsh’s nearly $1,000,000 donation to Friends of Ron DeSantis encouraged Rep. Roach and Sirois to arrogantly assert we “are engaging in economic elitism in an attempt to remake Key West in the mold of Martha’s Vineyard”.  First, why do they care what happens in our town?  Second, are we elitists if we want cleaner water?  Third, is it elitism to prefer more businesses that serve both the locals and tourists and less that peddle junk?  Fourth, please produce one human being who wants Key West to be Martha’s Vineyard.  In my humble opinion it is elitism for any Tallahassee god to create laws that determine which Key West businesses prosper and which do not thereby impacting the nature of our town. 

Regardless of your political party or whether you are for or against cruise ships, we should unite in the knowledge that our vote matters.  If those at the State level believe the citizens made a mistake, let’s examine all of the facts and perhaps hold another referendum if current reality differs from assumptions made in November 2020.  As a community we should honestly evaluate how and which businesses have been and will be impacted with no, limited, or the maximum number of cruise ships. We should also determine post covid travel patterns before any decision is made since this could significantly impact the debate.  One thing we cannot do, however, is let the government gods take over our town and once again pick who wins and who dies.  

Key West vs the Cruise Industry

Open Letter to Governor Ron DeSantis

The purpose of this letter is to express opposition to the recently passed SB426 which overrides Key West citizens’ vote to limit the size and number of cruise ships and request that you veto this bill in its current form.  I also wish to register disturbance that this bill has been crafted and supported by my fellow republicans many of whom do not live in Key West.  

Supporters fail to acknowledge a very basic question.  Did Key West have the legal authority to hold the referendum?  If so, then any attempt to silence the voters is wrong.   The shortsighted arrogance of this effort smacks of the nauseating elitism and hypocrisy we are exposed to on a daily basis.  If republicans wish to distinguish themselves as the party of common sense and principle then we better start walking the walk at every level of government.  

The only conceivable reason to override the Key West voters is if their actions caused grievous harm to other Floridians.  Did they?  Please detail exactly how since limiting the size of cruise ships in Key West appears to be a local issue and has no impact on the citizens of Bradenton or Fort Myers.  The argument that all ports serve the entire state does not apply. The only “goods” being delivered by cruise ships are tourists not trade product destined for the local and regional supply chain.   

Other reasons to support SB426 have been bandied about such as:

  • The citizens’ vote was based on an environmental report that was flawed.
  • Those in favor of cruise ships did not have the opportunity to present their data adequately.
  • Very few people voted.
  • People impacted by this vote such as those who work in restaurants do not live in Key West and did not have the opportunity to voice their opinion.  
  • Businesses are negatively impacted by the vote to restrict cruise ships.

Please see my responses below:

  • Scientists have conflicting opinions regarding the environmental impact, but our laymen eyes see the difference as do our local fisherman.  Some have made the fair point that restricting cruise traffic to smaller ships will result in dirtier older ships.   Doesn’t that statement alone suggest that all ships have an environmental impact?  
  • If new data exists that conclusively demonstrates there is no environmental impact of large cruise ships, work with the City to present this data and hold a new referendum.  The citizens can review and vote accordingly.  
  • After the election shenanigans we have observed, it has been shocking to hear anyone diminish the value of legal votes.  In addition, if the number of people that voted determined the validity of an election, elections would be thrown out all over the country.  It is an absurd argument.   
  • With a record number of visitors, many Key West businesses that cater to locals, vacation rentals and hotel guests, experienced increased March 21 profits compared to March 19.  Please detail exactly which businesses are in decline because the blanket statement that all businesses will suffer without cruise ships is untrue.  I suspect the primary businesses with reduced profits are those that sell cheap trinkets from China or run the $5.00 tee shirt scam.  Many citizens oppose the proliferation of such stores. Do Key West citizens have the right to determine the tone and tenor of their own town without interference from state level politicians?  In the opinion of at least 10,000 Key West voters, the answer is yes.
  • Anyone who is actually in Key West knows that town is packed.  Restaurant reservations are difficult at best.  If a restaurant is failing now, one can only assume it has nothing to do with cruise ships.  More likely they need to improve marketing efforts, are having difficulty finding staff or their food is bad.  

We must also consider the big picture.  We are in a twilight zone world of disinformation, boundless corruption and power struggles in which the combatants fully believe the ends justify very destructive means.  2022 and 2024 elections will determine whether we continue down a path of false narratives or turn the tide towards facts and common sense, a path towards centralized collectivist government or federalism, a path of divisive identity politics enforced by cancel culture or the free expression of critical thought.  In order to change course, we need principled leaders who are an uncorrupted, shining force of good.  The question is simple.  Is this a principled bill or one based on cruise industry dollars in the pockets of swamp creatures?  

Certainly I am naïve about the mechanics of politics but I do know that it is impossible to make everyone happy and this fact surely plays into a numbers game of votes and campaign contributions.  Considering the state of our country and how long it’s been since we have had solid leadership, I do believe the people will open their wallets wide and stampede to the polls if a truly genuine, principled leader emerges.  We hope that leader is you.  Please choose wisely when this bill lands on your desk.  Our country depends on it.  


Sue Seboda

Key West

Flaps and Folds

Sue Seboda, April 15,2021

I came by my vanity late in life.  It was a match made in heaven but, sadly, a notable problem has developed.  How does one reconcile being vain with the advent of old lady skin?   I stare at my arms and legs with a macabre fascination wondering what old fart has snatched my body.  Is there a deeper reason I have a newfound affinity for alligators?  What are we going to do about the grievous loss of our young girl skin? 

Denial.  Initially I figured I would do what all the woke kids do – identify as a younger person.  It did not work.  That pesky old bugger reality intruded on this fantasy and old lady skin is still advancing regardless of my feelings.  

Anger.  Our high degree of Irishness has always been a source of pride in the family.  But I am here to tell you that Irish skin does not hold up well.  Aside from rosacea and myriad other skin conditions, flaps and folds are developing that are most distressing.  Why oh why didn’t our ancestors marry a Mediterranean or two to bolster that fragile Irish skin?  

Bargaining.  Please God, if I work out every day, will you stop this?  How about if I promise never to go in the sun again?  How about random acts of kindness in the shade standing on my head?  No?  Can you slow it down at least?  Come on man, please?  

Depression.  Skip this step.  

Acceptance.  I am poor at accepting something as distasteful as old lady skin but I figured perspective would be most helpful. Have a good look around and a remarkable discovery will occur.  Young girl bottoms are on full display.  These bottoms are every size and shape with varying degrees of unattractive cellulite assaulting the eyes.  Nobody cares.  Bingo!  If young girl bottoms are OK what could possibly be wrong with a bit of old lady skin? 

The answer is simple, vanity has to go and sleeveless shirts can stay.  Reality wins.  But does that mean we roll over and turn into old ladies?  NO.  While we have to accept old lady skin, I will never accept old lady muscles.  Work out.  Stay active.  Strong muscles will keep us young in all the important ways.  Yes, the skin will flap and fold in the gym.  Don’t look at it.  

Anything else to be done?  Old lady skin appears first in the areas of greatest sun damage.  (Take note young sun worshippers.)  To avoid further damage and dehydrating the skin, I have succumbed to the unstylish ugly Columbia shirt when stuck under a hot sun.  Sigh.  When hiking or out shooting, I upgrade to the slightly more stylish Patagonia shirt.  I have always been a big fan of lotions and potions.  They clearly didn’t do their job but they do temporarily make things look better or make me feel better, not sure which.  Proper hydration in and out is key as is a healthy diet which is good for everything.  

The bottom line?  If you got it, flaunt it.  


  • Exercise is the fountain of youth.  If need motivation and live in Key West, I highly recommend Dante Harper who runs Flex Key West, 1204 White Street.  There is something for everyone at Flex with approximately 9 thirty minute classes daily including strength, cardio, boxing and abs.  If you are uncomfortable with in person training, Dante also streams classes.  If in Annapolis, try JD Adamson, the Fitness Studio of Annapolis, who is also excellent.  He offers traditional individual training and I promise you will see results. 
  • Lotions and Potions.  Everybody’s skin is different so what works for me may not be ideal for someone else.  Having said that I am a huge fan of Eminence products and slather them on liberally.  For sensitive rosacea prone skin, the Calm Skin line is ideal.  For sunscreen I wear Ulta MD physical defense and Eminence Red Currant Protective Moisturizer.  For body cream I like Epionce Medical Barrier Cream and for hands the magical Refissa. 
  • More aggressive treatments.  There appears to be nothing logical for the arms and legs although you can get an arm lift if want to lose two months of your life and have a big ole scar running down your arm.  Far more can be done for the face and neck from noninvasive to completely invasive.  If interested in this route, make an appointment with the most highly skilled cosmetic dermatologist and/or plastic surgeon in your area and examine what makes sense, if anything, for you.