Annie Get Your Gun

America on Shaky Ground, Part 4

The Rittenhouse trial offers a window on the current state of America.  It is not pretty.  I watched much of the trial to determine if the narrative of the killer, white supremacist, racist kid was true or if indeed he acted in self-defense.  Plus if Rittenhouse acted in self-defense, no question the media jackals would double down on the narrative instead of admitting their error.  Or if convicted, Rittenhouse supporters would likely spin their own narrative.  Only the facts would reveal the liars. 

Watching the trial suggests strongly Rittenhouse acted in self-defense. Even some of the prosecution’s witnesses corroborated Rittenhouse’s story. Are they racists too? The prosecutor did not present a strong case and in fact it was painful to watch. He asked questions that either reflected his lack of firearm knowledge or were designed to misrepresent the situation.  The most bizarre line of questioning insinuated that having a gun pointed at you was not grounds for self-defense because the person hadn’t pulled the trigger yet.  Ideology or grasping at straws?  

As the facts piled up in favor of self-defense, not surprisingly the jackals began attacking the judge.  Another white supremacist of course. If watch the trial instead of relying on media personalities for information, it is crystal clear the judge became angry when the prosecutor blatantly attempted to trample Rittenhouse’s constitutional rights. Are constitutional rights not applicable to those who Biden and the media label as racist? The judge is called a Trumpist as well because his ring tone is a pro American song. Horror of horrors. 

The jackals scream, why was he there in the first place especially with a gun? Guilty! Rittenhouse is not on trial for being in Kenosha. Have any of them asked why the rioters were there? Why did the police and local government allow the rioters to loot and burn the city leaving it to the citizens to defend their property? Why did the media, BLM and their masters incite violence with false information about the Jacob Blake case?  Why did President Biden and the jackals immediately brand Rittenhouse a white supremacist before the facts were available? So many questions yet so few questions asked.  But there is one question that is asked a lot – did Rittenhouse fake his breakdown.  Is that deflection or a failure to comprehend the big picture?

Let’s personalize this.  Suppose an out of control mob arrived in your town intent on massive destruction. As happened in some cities, assume local government and police stood down with little effort to curb the violence and protect private property.  No question this would be an Annie get your gun moment.  People have the absolute constitutional right to protect themselves, their families, livelihoods, and community.  

Whoever is calling the shots for BLM and Antifa certainly know that many Americans will take a stand when threatened.  I suspect these leaders count on that reaction because the possibility of confrontations and deadly violence increases. As we have witnessed in the aftermath of Kenosha and other clashes, the violence creates the opportunity to fuel division, chaos and instability, clearly goals of the combatants in our current culture war.  As expected, Kenosha violence was also used to advance the anti-gun narrative.  

There appears to be a more insidious goal however. The relentless false narrative seems designed to undermine our ability to defend ourselves both legally and in the court of public opinion.  Please think long and hard about this statement.  Watch the trial, consider the jackal narrative, examine the big picture. Do you see it?  Then ask yourself why.  

The ability of Americans to defend themselves provides tremendous stability to our country.  It holds bad actors in check.  It is not racism.  It is not white supremacy. An armed society tends to stay a free society. To undermine our right of self-defense would thoroughly destabilize this country.  We cannot let it happen.  

Shaky Ground Summary

As a reminder we will only examine what is happening and leave why unasked for now.  Below is a summary of destabilizing factors addressed in this and previous articles in the America on Shaky Ground series.  

  • Part 1 – Division and distrust caused by the prohibition of gathering.
  • Part 2 – Division and distrust caused by categorizing women and men into victims and oppressors.  
  • Part 3 – Division and distrust caused by racial segregation via victim/oppressor ideology.
  • Part 4 – Destabilize the populace by undermining the constitutional right of self-defense.