We are at a critical juncture in history.  Our choices now will have far reaching consequences at home and abroad.  We must choose wisely.  Can anyone predict with certainty how Russia will respond to our actions?  No. Therefore we must focus on strengthening America so we can weather any storm that arises.  

While bolstering America is a multipronged effort, the purpose of this letter is to focus on energy policy and request your assistance.  Let’s please dispense with the talking points and recognize that America is in a precarious position.  We import more energy than we export, have massive debt, spiraling inflation and fiscal responsibility at the Federal level is nonexistent.  The supply chain is fragile at best and most industries are besieged with worker shortages.  While much needs to be done, one strategy to strengthen our foundation is shift immediately to energy independence.  Our exports should exceed imports, we should import only from trusted allies and produce most of the energy we consume.  

The Biden administration energy policy is driven by the belief that fossil fuel emissions are the cause of our warming planet.  Energy policy is therefore geared to reduce fossil fuel production and increase renewable energy. While the environment is an essential pillar of any energy policy it is critical to understand that renewables such as wind and solar are currently unreliable and unable to meet US energy demand.  Until a solution for long term storage of energy is invented to overcome the variable nature of weather and there is a substantial overhaul and expansion of the grid, we must rely on fossil fuels and nuclear to satisfy demand unless we want to collapse our economy.   

Even though renewables cannot possibly supply US demand, through executive order and regulatory action, the administration has hampered investment and impacted US oil and gas production.  The willingness to invest is negatively impacted by this regulatory atmosphere, as is the market, as are prices.  Consumer price increases are the result.  

Inexplicably this administration tightened the regulatory screws on US oil and gas while simultaneously requesting OPEC to increase supply to moderate “prices at the pump”.  When Russian imports were cut, the administration sought alternate supply from Saudi Arabia, Iran and Venezuela without a corresponding policy change at home. 

The President and his appointees don’t like nuclear energy either.  If climate change is an existential threat, why is the Biden administration closing low emission nuclear plantsrevoking extension permits and denying permits for new builds?  When nuclear plants are shuttered, they are typically replaced with gas generation plants with higher emissions.  The consumer also pays more, a classic lose, lose scenario that makes zero sense. 

Recently Congress has shown willingness to override bureaucrats and regulators.  We ask that members set aside concerns of special interests, ignore the endless rhetoric, and consider only America’s present and future.  Please examine the efforts of this administration to undermine domestic energy supply and undo them.  Prohibit future regulatory actions without Congressional approval. Honestly evaluate the shortcomings of renewables and incentivize technological advancement.  Construct an energy policy based on national security, economics, climate and environmental concerns.  

High energy costs and dependence on foreign oil and gas will lead to increased economic instability that weakens America and her allies.  A stable economy with affordable energy is essential, especially now.  Please act.  

Please feel free to visit BayBuddha Travels for articles on a wide range of subjects.


  1. I agree with all of the points made in this letter and support the effort to become energy independent by utilizing our oil and natural gas resources here at home to ensure our national security.

    1. It speaks volumes that our useless politicians think blaming the oil companies is the way to solve the problem. Hopefully that was all rhetoric for public consumption and they are taking the appropriate steps behind the scenes. We cannot follow Germany’s lead on this.

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