“Incredible Transitions”

Part 8 America on Shaky Ground

At a press conference in Japan, Biden said “[When] it comes to the gas prices, we’re going through an incredible transition that is taking place that, God willing, when it’s over, we’ll be stronger and the world will be stronger and less reliant on fossil fuels when this is over,”

A few pressing questions come to mind:   

  1. What are we transitioning to?  Renewables?  It is critical to understand that renewables such as wind and solar are currently unreliable and unable to meet US energy demand. Until a solution for long term storage of energy is invented to overcome the variable nature of weather and/or nuclear energy is increased dramatically, we are stuck with fossil fuels if we wish to satisfy current demand.  Does Biden mean we are transitioning to low emissions nuclear?  Nope.  This administration has declared war on nuclear as well.  Why would they undermine fossil fuels and nuclear which supply 88% of our energy without a viable alternative in place?  An important question that is never asked much less answered by our so called leaders.  
  • Is Biden doing everything he can to lower gas prices?  Regardless of Biden’s words to the contrary, this administration is taking more steps, right now, with the highest gas prices in history, to further hamper the US fossil fuel industry. Regulatory actions impact prices. For additional details please also refer to an earlier article “Predators”, a deeper dive into energy policy.  
  • Intent or incompetence?  Any serious conversation about the Biden administration’s record invariably leads to this question, can they possibly be this incompetent or is there some measure of intent?  Biden lifted the curtain with his “transition” remarks and confirmed intent.  Think long and hard about that folks.  Their intent crushes Americans economically and he encourages us to suck it up with some grand notion of transitioning to a better future.  It’s blatant manipulation.  

It is now crystal clear that this administration has purposely put America on shaky ground to achieve an “incredible” yet undefined “transition”.  A “Great Reset” perhaps?  How long will we tolerate this assault on our country?  How long will it take otherwise intelligent people to stop believing foolish memes that deflect blame from Biden and attempt to normalize high gas prices?  Will the silent majority finally dispense with their silence?  


Below is a summary of destabilizing factors addressed in this and previous articles in the America on Shaky Ground series.  

  • Part 1  “The Beauty of Gathering”.  Division and distrust caused by the prohibition of gathering.
  • Part 2  “Bad Ole Men”. Division and distrust caused by categorizing women and men into victims and oppressors.  
  • Part 3  “Whitey in the Woodpile”.  Division and distrust caused by racial segregation via victim/oppressor ideology.
  • Part 4 – “Annie Get Your Gun”.  Destabilize the populace by undermining the constitutional right of self-defense. 
  • Part 5 – “Thou Shalt Lie”.  Propagation of false narratives designed to destabilize the populace and consolidate power.  
  • Part 6 – “Predators”.  Destabilize US economic and national security with unsound energy policies.
  • Part 7 – “Through the Looking Glass and Snowballs.  Division via the splintering of society based on gender.  Destabilization caused by teaching kids to reject reality.
  • Part 8 – “Incredible Transitions”.  Purposeful economic and national security destabilization to “transition” the United States.   


The Transgender Campaign, Part 2

From “What Are Your Words” by Katherine Locke

Our compassion was hijacked years ago.  How else could our perception of reality be so twisted that we believe biological men should compete in sports against biological women?  That it is a moral imperative to teach young girls and boys they can be a boy, a girl, a boy and a girl, or neither?  That tampons should be in K-12 boys’ bathrooms? That minors should be able to pursue chemical castration without parental approval?

Most humans ache for a troubled, unhappy child and would do whatever possible to bring them comfort.  This basic human compassion has been teased into a grotesque acceptance of policies that risk the health of both our gender confused youth and kids in general.  Equally disturbing, “gender affirming care” increases the demand for transgender care, which increases the number of opportunists who lobby for more “gender affirming care”.  A nationally orchestrated cycle of Munchausen by Proxy.  Who wins?  Opportunists.  Who loses in the short term?  Confused kids.  Who loses in the long term?  All of us. 

From “What Are Your Words” by Katherine Locke

Many are unaware how far this insanity has spiraled since Obama gave the gender snowball a shove via administrative and executive actions in 2009.  Very few objected.  Would we have blocked Obama’s pen if we knew it would result in our kids being taught “See, when you were born, you couldn’t tell people who you were or how you felt.  They looked at you and made a guess.  Maybe they got it right, maybe they got wrong”.  Would alarm bells have gone off if parents knew “gender affirming care” could lead future kids to declare “they got it wrong” and unilaterally pursue irreversible, life altering drugs and surgery as minors?   

From “It Feels Good To Be Yourself” by Theresa Thorn

As we witnessed with appalling clarity during Covid, once a snowball gets rolling encouraged by politicians, institutions and a media machine that cancels opposition, folks tend to jump on board.  “Of course we have compassion for kids with gender dysphoria, love is love”, they mimic.  Sadly people are too busy to see the rot beneath the pretty words or consider what this snowball will look like in a decade.  Nor do they wonder why the snowball got pushed over the cliff initially. Or why our compassion and acceptance of those with gender dysphoria isn’t enough and to be truly supportive, we must deny the link between gender and biology for all humanity. Note less than 1% of the population were transgender when this movement began.

For those who wish to critically evaluate this movement, it’s important to determine where we are and where the transgender snowball is headed.  Let’s start by understanding that most kids will grow out of gender dysphoria by the end of adolescence.  On the other hand, desistance is rare once puberty blockers are prescribed to a gender confused child (the federal government recommends blockers at age 12).  Puberty blockers are not “reversible” when consider the full range of physical and psychological impacts not the least of which is a desire by almost all kids to continue with cross sex hormones (the federal government recommends cross sex hormones at 16).  The combination of these drugs results in irreversible sterility, undeveloped sexual organs and other potential health issues.  There appears to be no foolproof method to determine who will desist and whose gender dysphoria will persist.  Since most 12-year-olds are incapable of grasping the ramifications of these drugs, treatment with comprehensive psychotherapy appears to be the only safe and humane avenue for gender confused minors.  When the brain of a gender dysphoric young adult is fully developed, the individual can then decide if drug and surgical interventions are the appropriate course of action.  

From “It Feels Good To Be Yourself” by Theresa Thorn

Next, let’s consider the future.  Where will we be in ten years without a course change?  Three states have passed laws that allow minors to pursue puberty blockers and cross sex hormones (ie sterility and other complications) without parental consent.  How many more politicians will follow like sheep?  Will a generation of children who have been taught that feelings supplant reality be easier to manipulate by future snowballs that target emotions?  How does the push to unmoor children from their biology impact the family in the future?  We have learned how the collapse of the family has impacted poor black communities.  Can we expect similar destabilization in other communities?  What will be the impact on the family as government entities insert themselves between kids and parents on health matters?  

This is a small sampling of potential outcomes to ponder.  We must take our collective heads out of the sand and face this issue head on.  Lest folks think the above is nothing more than a right-wing talking point and, as such, should be ignored, let’s examine actual trends which will help us understand where we are and predict the future….

From “What Are Your Words” by Katherine Locke


  • Note my previous article, “Through the Looking Glass” on the transgender movement is a deeper dive and would perhaps be helpful to understand the basics.  The above seeks to communicate a few important details in a shorter format and set the stage for an examination of data and trends.  
  • “A new law recently passed in California allows (foster) children as young as 12 years old to receive taxpayer-funded transgender treatments and services, without parental consent.”  Source.  
  • In 2015, Judicial Watch wrote regarding Oregon’s new law: “In a matter of months dozens of kids—some younger than 9—received taxpayer-funded, sex-change therapy in a state that earlier this year made it legal for minors to undergo radical treatment for “gender dysphoria” without parental consent.” Source.
  • In Washington, “the age of consent for obtaining health care services was lowered to 13 in a bill that went into effect in January of 2020.” Source.  Note it appears that HB2288 referenced in this article to locate health centers on middle and high school properties which would effectively bypass parents, is dead.  That it was even considered should raise eyebrows.  
  • “Gender affirming care” has had an impact on how therapists approach treatment of gender confused kids.  This article by Dr. Miriam Grossman is essential reading for anyone who wishes to understand the current state of care or for parents of a child who has declared they are transgender, especially Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD) that has impacted so many young girls.  ROGD is a recent phenomena that many believe is caused by social contagion.
  • The photos from this article were taken from the following two books which are in many school libraries around the country.  Brenda Lebsack, a teacher in California, forwarded them to me.  I do not believe they are used in the classroom or if it is likely a child will encounter them.  They do however provide insight in how gender ideology is communicated to children.  I highly recommend listening.  Please consider the impact on a young mind. 



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