Comment on Biden Administration’s Proposed Amendment to Title IX

The Transgender Campaign, Part 4

It is important to participate in our democracy. Today is the final day to comment on the Federal Department of Education’s proposed changes to Title IX. We must always take a stand when presented with governmental actions that will harm the very people they are intended to help.

Please read this article by Candace Jackson for an overview of the proposed rule changes and their consequences or this article from America First Policy Institute.

While there is much that should be challenged in the administration’s proposal, I focused on the inclusion of gender identity in Title IX protections. My comment is below. Please feel free to use any or all of it in your own comments which can be submitted here.

I strongly oppose modifying Title IX to include gender identity.  This will enshrine gender ideology which teaches children they can be any gender on any given day.  Upon the child’s self selection, all must immediately affirm or face consequences.  Wedges will be driven between kids and parents.  The clock will be turned back on women and girls as their protections under the existing Title IX are sacrificed. Reality itself will be undermined as social contagion spreads and vulnerable children with no previous history of gender dysphoria decide they are transgender in an effort to belong.   Once they declare themselves transgender, immediate affirmation at school, with or without the parent’s consent, follows.  After affirmation, medicalization will likely follow and regardless of the federal government’s assertions to the contrary, puberty blockers are not fully reversible.  The government’s recommended “gender affirming care” will be reinforced with the proposed Title IX changes and will lead to more transgender adults who are relegated to a lifetime of drugs, sterilization, and poor health.  It is unconscionable.  

When did the federal government gain the right to force citizens to reject the most basic of all scientific realities, our biology?  Schools, teachers and students can be compassionate to children with gender dysphoria without the need to force all to accept a revised reality that states that gender and biology are independent of one another.  Why does the government believe it is necessary to teach kids they can change genders at will when it is physically impossible to do so?  No drug or surgery will ever turn a boy into a girl or vice versa.  No drug or surgery will ever erase a child’s genetics.  Imagine the absolute cruelty of dangling that possibility to a confused child.

Gender ideology is incredibly regressive in that gender stereotypes are narrowed and reinforced creating the bizarre need for an endless array of genders.  Isn’t it far healthier for a child physically and emotionally to embrace their biology and eliminate the stereotypes?  

An adult with persistent gender dysphoria will weigh the pros and cons of sex change drugs and surgery and may choose this avenue to mitigate their sense of dysphoria.  These folks should have our full support and compassion.  But have they truly changed themselves into the opposite sex?  Sadly for those with gender dysphoria, they have not and never will. Sex change drugs and surgery are cosmetic with seriously bad side effects.  Why is the federal government telling kids they can be any gender they want?  

The devil is always in the details and based on the executive order President Biden signed on June 15, 2022 chances are the revised Title IX language will prioritize medical transition over “watchful waiting” psychotherapy.  Government edicts in combination with the APA have already led most therapists to immediately affirm even when other psychological conditions are present.  Why is the federal government attempting to tell therapists how to treat their patients?  Why do the proposed changes to Title IX encourage unquestioning affirmation?  Other Western countries are moving in the opposite direction and have put the brakes on the medical transition of youth.  Why is our government ignoring the evidence?  

Below are the facts:

•          In the absence of social and medical transition, “Childhood-onset gender dysphoria has been shown to have a high rate of natural resolution, with 61-98% of children reidentifying with their biological sex during puberty.”  Source.  In other words, puberty itself cures gender dysphoria in most kids.

•          “Historically, the small numbers of children presenting with gender dysphoria were primarily prepubescent males. In recent years, there has been a sharp increase in referrals of adolescents, and particularly adolescent females, to gender clinics. Many do not have a significant history of childhood gender dysphoria and a number suffer from comorbid mental health issues and neurodevelopmental conditions such as autism (ASD) and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The reasons for these changes are understudied and remain poorly understood.” Source.  Are the increases a result of the marketeers’ attempt to redefine gender, inundate society with trans messaging making it “cool” and a way to “belong”?  

•          A recent study suggests desistance is rare when parents elect to socially transition a young child (6 or 7 years old).   

•          Once a child begins puberty blockers, desistance is very rare if at all.  Almost all will progress to cross sex hormones and the certainty of infertility and other lifelong health consequences.  

Please do not enshrine gender ideology in our schools.  The consequences will be enormous and none of them will be good.  

For more information and references, please see the previous articles below:

Through the Looking Glass


The Marketeers

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