Let’s Ignore the Clown Show

America on Shaky Ground, Part 9

Dear Readers, I am slowly switching over to Substack for political articles. Please use this link should you wish to read this article in Substack. Thanks, Sue Seboda

Does anyone believe Alvin Bragg is a “rogue” prosecutor?  Highly unlikely. The Democrat machine is running this circus and what a circus it is.  All the clowns have assumed their roles.  Politicians wring their hands over democracy and declare no one is above the law.  Media personalities fake sadness to hide their glee over ratings.  Clueless protestors take to the streets for their TV debut.  Republicans perform their tired reactionary dance.  Biden dons a dazed smile and remains silent. Trump gives a campaign speech to his newly energized base.  Meanwhile our country continues to unravel with serious internal and external problems.  It’s sickening.    

What is going on?  Bragg indicted Trump on weak charges that others declined to prosecute, charges that are unlikely to result in a conviction.  Why?  Politicians have taught us that motive is best determined if we ignore their verbal misdirections and examine patterns, actions and consequences.  One pattern is obvious.  Keep Trump front and center in the media with real or made-up scandals and his loyal base will fanatically support him or his candidates while independents run screaming for the hills.  Trump gives the Democrats an assist when he takes the bait, spews ill-conceived remarks and endorses beatable people.  As we have witnessed in the last 3 elections, it is a winning Democrat strategy. 

This theory is borne out by the schedule.  Trump’s next court appearance is December 4, 2023 and prosecutors have requested a trial in January 2024.  What else is happening then?  Primaries.  Democrats have ensured Trump will be the orange amorphous cloud hanging over the primaries detracting attention from the other Republican candidates, obscuring their message, tilting the emotion towards Trump.  The Democrats will be ecstatic if Trump wins the nomination.  He is beatable.  They could run an over ripe banana and win.  Oh wait…

Isn’t this election interference on a grand scale and a serious assault on “we the people”, our country and democracy?  The clowns don’t want us to see it that way but the patterns tell the truth. 

The made-up Russia collusion attack is child’s play compared to the potential consequences of this stunt.  One of many is the public’s realization the Democrats have weaponized the justice system against the opposition.  Regardless of what anyone thinks of Trump, if the Democrats will do this to him, they will do it to anyone.  Is this an attempt to give Americans a giant middle finger?  To chill resistance, create subconscious fear and further shift the balance of power from “we the people” to government?  To further undermine faith in our once venerable institutions?  To deepen the divide?  All seem like happy accidents if not actual motives. 

Imagine what the rest of the world thinks.  The President of El Salvador tweeted: “Sadly it will be very hard for US Foreign Policy to use arguments such as “democracy” and “free and fair elections”, or try and condemn “political persecution” in other countries, from now on.”  It is hard to debate this logic.  Is reducing our influence globally a motive or a result of the perpetrators’ hubris?   

Another possible motive is the old game of “a good defense is a good offense”.  Credible information continues to pile up on the Biden family’s influence peddling, aka corruption.  Due to media bias, many on the left may be unaware of this.  Should an irrefutable case develop, how will an uninformed public react to legal action against any in the Biden family?  Will they declare it a baseless tit for tat thereby undermining the charges? 

Perhaps the most insidious motive is distraction.  The clown show is like a car wreck that snarls traffic for miles.  While folks miserably sit, glued to the carnage, they may not notice the failures of those who seek power or machinations of those Democrats who push hard to reformat society.  As a result, some people base their votes on the distraction (ie scary orange man) instead of the disturbing trend of girls who spontaneously declare they are boys, sterilize themselves with drugs and cut off their breasts, or any number of other equally serious issues that plague our society.

What is to be done?  Let’s ignore the clown show.  The consequences of Trump’s indictment will be terrible, but we can mitigate them and change the end of this storyline if we stay focused on what matters. 

In this game, both Trump and the Democrats believe Trump’s arrest will fill his coffers and solidify his support.  Hopefully Republicans will not convert their anger into a knee jerk Trump nomination without consideration of his ability to win or govern.  Let’s avoid the distraction and research the other candidates exhaustively.  For example, what are their belief structures and platforms?  Which candidate can communicate effectively to most of the country not just the base?  Who is best suited to unite the country against the woke cancer eating our society and harming our children?  Who is the best manager and can build a solid team?  Which candidate can rise above 2024’s version of the Russia collusion attack?  Who is the most honest and ethical?  Which candidates lead and which divide?  Who projects strength?  Who can best navigate threats abroad?  Who can win?

Democrats, it is logical to assume approval for the Trump indictment strategy came from the highest levels of the party.  Their actions suggest they will use any means necessary to stay in power even if it means deeply wounding America at home and abroad.  We gave these people power with our votes.  There will be a competitive Democratic primary whether Biden runs or not.  Let’s dedicate ourselves to in depth research, ignore the clown show and select a worthy candidate and administration that won’t take this country down with corruption and incompetence.  

Once the primaries are over, we can assume another phase of the clown show will be in play.  Will the Independents ignore the distraction, stay focused on the issues, and conduct a rigorous evaluation of the candidates and their platforms? For the sake of our country, we should all hope so. 

The Democrat strategy has put America on dangerously shaky ground.  “We the people” must disrupt this scheme and mitigate the fallout.  Uninformed complacency is no longer an option. 


Below is a summary of destabilizing factors addressed in this and previous articles in the America on Shaky Ground series.  Note I am in the process of switching to substack and some of the articles below have not yet been transferred. 

  • Part 1  “The Beauty of Gathering”.  Division and distrust caused by the prohibition of gathering.
  • Part 2  “Bad Ole Men”. Division and distrust caused by categorizing women and men into victims and oppressors.  
  • Part 3  “Whitey in the Woodpile”.  Division and distrust caused by racial segregation via victim/oppressor ideology.
  • Part 4 – “Annie Get Your Gun”.  Destabilize the populace by undermining the constitutional right of self-defense. 
  • Part 5 – “Thou Shalt Lie”.  Propagation of false narratives designed to destabilize the populace and consolidate power.  
  • Part 6 – “Predators”.  Destabilize US economic and national security with unsound energy policies.
  • Part 7 – “Through the Looking Glass and Snowballs.  Division via the splintering of society based on gender.  Destabilization caused by teaching kids to reject reality.
  • Part 8 – “Incredible Transitions.  Purposeful economic and national security destabilization to “transition” the United States.