Trump Colored Glasses

As our country rushes headlong towards the cliff, it is frightening to observe how Trump colored glasses have blinded voters.  Many are oblivious to the danger as they blow by the exit ramps.  The rest of us watch with fear, helplessness, ignorance or apathy.   

It is inexplicable that so many appear unconcerned that Democrat leadership has politicized federal and local justice departments to attack a political rival and his attorneys.  This is astounding.  How could anyone believe this is good for our country and ignore the future consequences?  Blame it on the Trump colored glasses.  Wearers have been conditioned to believe Trump must be banished even if it requires undermining the foundations of our Republic. 

These same folks were also silent when it became clear the “Russia collusion” narrative was a scam, when evidence of Biden family corruption was censored before the 2020 election, when 51 retired intelligence officers misrepresented the Hunter Biden laptop as Russian disinformation, when conservative and/or antiestablishment people were censored and/or demonetized, when it was clear Hamilton 68 was a total hoax, to name just a few con jobs people have tolerated.  In years past one of these scandals would have rocked the nation.  Not now. People accept increasingly undemocratic strategies to “save” democracy from Trump.  Trump colored glasses are very effective. 

How many people with Trump colored glasses will be surprised to discover the goal of the Trump indictments is not to eliminate the “greatest threat to democracy”, but to manipulate Republicans to nominate him?  This is a natural extension of the successful Democrat strategy in 2022: keep Trump front and center, elevate his candidates, and watch with glee as the independents vote against anyone with the Trump stench.  Trump allowed himself to be played and coupled with his poor candidate choices in purple states, Democrats won the Senate.  The perceived corruption of justice will ensure Trump himself is on the 2024 ticket with the hope of similar results, up and down the ballot. 

How many people believe if they support one more duplicitous act to banish Trump that the country will unite and the creep of totalitarianism will be reversed?  Will the current crop of Democrat leaders retire fictional multiyear cons, embrace free speech, ban censorship, prohibit platform demonetization, stop lawfare election interference, and restore equal justice under the law?  Not a chance.  What is happening now will look like child’s play if those who have perpetrated these scams solidify their power. 

Once Trump is gone and the Trump colored glasses come off, folks might then realize the well-executed Democrat con jobs were never about getting rid of the orange man.  The goal was to crush and disperse organized opposition with the citizens’ unwitting approval.  

To compound matters significantly, there are many Trump supporters who have also donned a different version of Trump colored glasses.  These glasses only allow the wearers to see the weaponization of justice and unequal application of the law against Trump and their fellow Americans.  Folks are outraged this is happening in America and feel the most effective way to protest is to nominate Trump. 

They are blind to the trap. Democrat leadership want Trump to be nominated because he is beatable.  To hedge their bets, the Democrats will replace Biden and/or Harris and time Trump’s trials so he spends significant time in court rather than on the campaign trail. 

Trump colored glasses also blind voters to the fact that Trump has participated in his own destruction with unethical behavior and limited strategic planning. Trump and the Republicans were outmaneuvered with covid policy and pre-election lawfare in 2020.  Trump personally undermined the post-election court challenges and contributed to the loss of the Senate in 2020 by focusing on himself rather than driving the vote in the Georgia runoff.  As described above, his ego and poor judgement helped hand the Senate to Democrats in 2022.  Those wearing pro Trump colored glasses do not see his established record of losing or that he is a surface skimmer who senses the truth but responds with ill-conceived knee jerk reactions that are often used against him.  They only see that they were better off under a Trump administration and believe Trump can deliver the same results again. 

Trump supporters also fail to see Trump utilizes the same strategies that have been used so successfully against him.  He lies relentlessly and people believe him.  He deploys false narratives such as reducing his significant failings to a few mean tweets.  A very successful narrative suggests that anyone who challenges him is a RINO, never trumper or swamp dweller.  Trump colored glasses hide the fact that Trump has sunk to his opponent’s level.  Should he manage to win, will he also copy their totalitarian strategies and weaponize the justice department?  Perhaps engage in rampant censorship?  Encourage platforms to demonetize his opponents? 

Trump’s choice to run again is the clearest indication that his immense ego is in control, the country be damned.  A better man capable of intellectual honesty would realize he had been bested.  Even if he could win, his chances of building the A team have been severely limited by the successful Democrat attacks on anyone in his orbit.  A man who put his country first would have thrown his support behind a candidate who has a better chance of winning and could serve 8 years. 

What is to be done?  Some believe we have no option but to sit by and watch our country tumble over the totalitarian cliff.  Untrue.  We have been conditioned to think otherwise but We the People still have power.  People of all parties should forcefully unite against the establishment and select candidates outside the current Democrat and Trump machines.  If we don’t, our rights as outlined in the constitution will be diminished and ultimately extinguished.  We the People will become a quaint phrase that means absolutely nothing.  Let’s get serious and spread the word. 


The information below is intended to bolster my opinions above and offer a starting point for folks to do their own research.  We should clearly understand what has happened to predict what will happen if we allow the death dance between Trump and current Democrat leadership to continue.  

·      I highly recommend reading “Rigged” by Mollie Hemingway.  Both versions of Trump colored glasses will slip off as machine generated narratives are exposed.  As a companion piece, consider reading this Times article in which Democrat operatives, big tech and the media brag about their successful efforts to influence the 2020 election.  Then dive into the Twitter files referenced below.  An ugly picture of the combatants will emerge. 

·      This article from the Atlantic Journal-Constitution details who turned out for the 2020 Senate runoff in Georgia.  Many Republicans stayed home and more Democrats turned out.  Trump’s messaging (and how it was used by Democrats) impacted Republican turnout. There is a contingent of people who believe all of Trump’s actions are part of a grand plan to save the country.  This appears to be narrative building at its best to explain away his failures. From the Republican point of view, the consequences of losing the Senate were massive.  It is inconceivable that Trump caused this to happen on purpose.

·      After the first indictment of Trump I published this article with the message that we should ignore the Trump/Biden clown show.  With the events that have transpired since April 6, 2023 ignoring the clown show is the wrong suggestion.  This is not a clown show anymore but a race to the edge and it requires our full attention and action.  Corporate media is useless.  Consider following the independent investigative journalists who have left corporate media to pursue the truth. 

·      When it was announced Biden would be the Democrat candidate, their strategy began to crystallize.  I outlined my opinion in Predictions.  Once the indictments began in earnest, at least one of the required “distractions” referenced in the article was revealed.  It is unclear at this point if both Biden and Harris will be replaced with another candidate team or just Harris.  In my humble opinion, anyone who believes both Biden/Harris will be the 2024 ticket has fallen for yet another Democrat con job. 

·      Trump/DeSantis polls pre and post indictment tell the story of how the indictments have impacted the primaries.  Folks flocked to Trump ignoring that he will likely get crushed legally in the general.  It is a brilliant deceptive strategy by Democrat leadership.  Aside from undermining our election process to elevate Trump, it simultaneously depresses DeSantis, who is a threat to a Democrat win in 2024. It gives the media a reason to endlessly pontificate on why DeSantis has dropped in the polls and blame it on all manner of unpleasant things except the most obvious – the Trump indictments and the people’s reaction.

·      There are others who also believe that the Democrats are setting a trap.  Here is Daniel Henninger’s view.   

·      The WSJ editorial board details the politicized timing of the court cases and its impact in this editorial.

·      There is much legal discussion over the Trump indictments that is easily researched.  Many from both sides consider the indictments a notable legal stretch except for the documents case which has stronger legal merit.  This is a short video with Andy McCarthy that demonstrates the double standard and unequal application of the laws surrounding classified documents.

·      I highly recommend a deep dive into the Twitter Files to understand the scope of the censorship and the government’s involvement.  Matt Taibbi, Michael Shellenberger and Bari Weiss were instrumental in this reporting. Ignore the attempts to discredit them as right wing nut jobs (they are not) and jump into the details.  They are an eye-opening example of the efforts to curtail our first amendment rights and manipulate the public.  Other than vilifying the reporters, the Twitter Files caused barely a ripple in the media.  I wonder how many folks realize this has gone far beyond Trump already. 

·      For those unaware that Russiagate was a made up scam, I highly recommend reading Jeff Gerth’s article published in the Columbia Journalism Review “The Press vs the President”.  Racket News did a helpful summary.  People who cannot understand why folks still support Trump should immerse themselves in this subject.  The long term impacts of this con job on our country and the Presidency are immense.  It was all a lie designed to bring Trump down.  Is it any surprise people don’t believe anything about the current indictments and are blind to any Trump culpability? 

·      Everyone now knows the Hunter Biden laptop is real, the laptop includes much “smoke” about Biden corruption, it was censored by most media before the election and that 51 retired intelligence officers mispresented it as “Russian disinformation” at the bidding of the Biden campaign.  Biden and the media used this letter to deflect attention during the 2020 campaign. As a result many voters were unaware of the facts on election day.  

A search through most news sources will reveal the truth of these statements.  Here is good summary by the WSJ editorial board. Regardless of how one feels about Trump, the collusion between the Democrat machine, the media, big tech and the administrative state to interfere with the election should be chilling to all.  I have wondered if this group coined the term “election denier” to deflect attention from their own duplicitous actions in 2020. 

·      Matt Taibbi and Racket News have done a deep dive into the Hamilton 68 scam.  A search on Racket News site will reveal several follow up articles.  An organization designed to track disinformation created it.  This is our world already. 

An excerpt: “This was not faulty science. It was a scam. Instead of tracking how “Russia” influenced American attitudes, Hamilton 68 simply collected a handful of mostly real, mostly American accounts, and described their organic conversations as Russian scheming. As Roth put it, “Virtually any conclusion drawn from [the dashboard] will take conversations in conservative circles on Twitter and accuse them of being Russian.”

·      I pulled the phrase “creeping totalitarianism” from a Matt Taibbi and Walter Kirn podcast on the subject of censorship and the demonetization of Grayzone.  Grayzone is a group of left leaning, antiwar journalists who dared to challenge the establishment’s stand on Ukraine.  GoFundMe froze their account.  They also discuss the EU’s recently passed Digital Services Act.  The US is on track for similar Orwellian legislation if we do not change course.