Exposing the Underbelly of Gender Ideology

The Transgender Campaign Part 7

There has been a chorus of articles recently suggesting that “gender affirming care” for minors as recommended by the federal government and major medical institutions will soon be written off as one of the greatest medical malpractice events in human history.  This standard of care recommends minors who believe they have been “born in the wrong body” receive immediate social affirmation to the opposite sex, puberty blockers, cross sex hormones and surgery.  However, even though the public has begun to recognize the barbarity of “gender affirming care”, this will not be enough to stop this movement.  We must eliminate the source of the massive increase in kids who wish to change their sex. 

Gender ideology and those who push it are the culprits.  Until they are neutralized, those children who do not fall into traditional stereotypes such as our feminine sons and tomboy daughters plus those with mental illness will remain at risk. The drumbeat to find one’s “authentic self” via health destroying drugs and surgery will continue.  Vulnerable kids who have been spoon-fed this ideology both in school and social media will simply wait until they are 18 to harm their bodies. 

The Difference Between Gender Ideology and Gender Dsyphoria

To critically evaluate gender ideology, we must first decouple the ideology from gender dysphoria lest our compassion for those who suffer from this condition obstructs our view.  The two have been inexorably linked, purposely it appears, so that anyone who questions the ideology, or the money-making scheme behind it, is labeled a “transphobe” who wants to block treatments for those who have gender dysphoria.  Aside from being false, this approach has allowed a corrosive ideology to flourish that manipulates young people to believe that biologic reality can be overridden by desire. 

Gender dysphoria or gender identity disorder as it was called before the ideology influenced the medical institutions, is a condition in which a child experiences a marked incongruence with their sex and exhibits an intense persistent identification with the opposite sex. The standard of care used to be “watchful waiting” and psychotherapy not immediate affirmation, drugs, and surgery.  There is an excellent reason for this approach. After puberty most of these kids accept their sex and many are gay. While not the subject of this article, note that a very small percentage of adults, mostly male, also experience this condition. 

On the other hand, gender ideology is a belief structure.  It posits that sex and gender are distinct and may or may not match.  For example, a person can be born a boy but feel like a girl.  Those feelings are described as one’s “gender identity”. This individual may choose drugs and surgery to make their bodies more closely resemble their “gender identity”.  With or without medicalization the ideology dictates that a person’s “gender identity” defines their true sex and they should participate in society as such. “Gender identities” and therefore sex is fluid and can change at will.  Defying gametes and chromosomes, gender ideology also teaches that humans are not binary mammals.  Instead, there are multiple sexes any of which a person can choose and implement via desire, drugs and/or surgery. 

It’s Not About Compassion…

It is critical to grasp that gender ideologues declared that gender dysphoria was no longer a rare psychiatric disorder that required treatment but instead a normal human experience. Any human could and should embark on a “gender journey” to find their “authentic” self.  In other words, gender ideology used the plight of children with gender dysphoria to saturate our culture with a novel theory of human biology and sexuality. 

The launch of gender ideology into society would have been a miserable failure without attaching itself like a malignant tumor to gender dysphoria.  This was necessary to both garner compassion from the public and conceal the true nature of the ideology.  Otherwise folks would have likely recognized that “gender identities” were actually our personalities and preferences, human biology is reality and that the strict stereotypes pushed by the ideology were regressive. 

Gender ideology was the impetus for the “gender affirming care” model that encourages self-affirmation and on-demand drugs and surgery regardless of the presence of other mental health conditions.  Prescribing testosterone upon request to a young woman who decided last month she is male is not compassion. 

Marketing Gender Ideology

After gender ideology was declared a fact of life by the major medical institutions, the marketing began in earnest.  In the name of inclusion, language was changed to include phrases such as “gender assigned at birth”.  Youngsters were taught about “gender journeys” at school and that they could be a boy, a girl, both or neither. Preferred pronouns were added to one’s signature.  To the delight of Big Pharma, gender clinics mushroomed over the country pushing sex change drugs without psychological treatment.  The surgeons willing to cut breasts off and castrate healthy minors and young adults jumped on the bandwagon. Social media influencers also raked in the dollars.  Holidays were established.  The President declared those on gender journeys “brave”. Tampons were installed in boys’ bathrooms.

The marketing worked.  Many of our youth and their parents became true believers.

The General Public’s Reaction 

Sadly, as gender ideology and its proponents caught society in their web, the public remained largely ignorant of its teachings, its presence in many schools and social media, and the exponential growth of the on-demand sex change industry.  Society’s blind eye allowed a growing number of vulnerable minors and young adults influenced by the movement to be drugged and mutilated.  Media’s complicity is evident in its praise of “gender affirming care” coupled with silence on the considerable physical and psychological health consequences. Public figures who questioned “gender affirming care” or how the ideology impacted our culture were viciously labeled, canceled, and/or silenced. 

The WPATH Files Expose the Underbelly

Anyone who doubts the impact of gender ideology on the treatment protocols, should read the WPATH Files published by Environmental Progress.  It is a report that includes a compilation of leaked internal correspondence and videos from the World Professional Association of Transgender Health.  WPATH establishes the standard of care for gender dysphoria and our major medical institutions, federal government, many state governments and associated government schools have followed their lead on “gender affirming care”: immediate affirmation, drugs, and surgery in lieu of psychotherapy and “watchful waiting”. 

To say that the WPATH Files are intensely disturbing is a gross understatement.  It is abundantly clear that the recommended standards of care that lead a girl with rapid onset gender dysphoria to self-harm and testosterone are based purely on the unproven everchanging landscape of gender theory without regard to evidence based science, ethics, or the long-term physical or psychological health of the patient.  They are making it up as they go along. 

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It is difficult to choose the most troubling excerpt from the WPATH files. A top contender, however, is that WPATH members understand that it is impossible to gain informed consent from their patients.  Yet they still proceed with treatments that, among other things, could sterilize them, block their ability to ever orgasm, impact sexual function, and result in a lifetime of drugs and surgery with serious physical and mental health side effects.  “Metzger reminded those assembled that gender doctors are “often explaining these sorts of things to people who haven’t even had biology in high school yet,” adding that even adult patients often have very little medical understanding of the effects of these interventions.”

It is incomprehensible.  But even more so is that any medical institution listened to these misguided ideologues whose judgement seems horribly twisted by their own psychological issues.  This is a testament to the power of marketing.  With the revelations and analysis included in the WPATH Files, some organizations will wake up and agree that WPATH members and associates are no different than the quacks who performed lobotomies and removed women’s ovaries to combat mental illness.  But others appear to be standing firm in support of gender ideology and its spawn, “gender affirming care”. 


Even though folks are beginning to understand the threat, the sex change industry will not collapse until its market is eliminated.  The market will only dry up when gender ideology, which teaches kids to believe they might be “born in the wrong body”, is exposed and discarded as junk theory.  

To aid this effort, a comprehensive nationwide marketing campaign should be initiated to educate parents and children on the dangers of sex change drugs and surgeries.  Gender theory should be removed from schools and parents given tools to inoculate their children from sex change predators on social media. We should vote out politicians who support the drugging and mutilation of minors in the name of gender ideology and “Budlight” corporations who do the same. Equally important, for the safety, health, and healing of those with gender dysphoria, the condition should once again be recognized as a psychiatric disorder and treated as such. 

It is time to act.  It is our duty to protect both those with gender dysphoria and those who have fallen victim to the mass marketing of gender ideology and its barbaric, unethical treatments.  Let’s do what needs to be done.    

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As always, I include a details section to support positions above and provide avenues for additional research. 

·       The WPATH Files is essential reading for those who want to educate themselves and help protect minors and young adults from self-harm.  It was released by Michael Shellenberger’s Environmental Progress and authored by Mia Hughes.  I would recommend reading the raw files and watching the videos first and then read the report which provides a helpful history, commentary of the files and compares “gender affirming care” to other horrific medical procedures such as lobotomies and ovariotomies.  Note I have included several excerpts of the raw files in this article.

·       For those who do not have time to read but can listen, I recommend this Jordan Peterson podcast in which he discusses the WPATH files with Michael Shellenberger. 

·       Not long after the WPATH Files came out, England’s National Health Service banned the use of puberty blockers.  SEGM, The Society for Evidenced Based Gender Medicine discusses the action in this article.  The SEGM website is a wealth of information for those who would like to understand this subject in more depth.  “Our aim is to promote safe, compassionate, ethical and evidence-based healthcare for children, adolescents, and young adults with gender dysphoria.”

·       Colin Wright’s Reality’s Last Stand is an excellent publication for those who wish to examine the scientific aspects of gender ideology’s claims regarding sex and biology.  Here is a sample that discusses the sex binary.

·       A google search of “gender dysphoria” will reveal one source after another laden with the language of gender ideology.  This Psychology Today article is an example.  It establishes that there are more than two genders and that kids are assigned a “gender at birth”. 

·       Consider reading the definition of gender identity disorder/gender dysphoria in DSM 4 and DSM 5.  It is a major shift based on the influence of gender ideologues.

·       As the American Psychological Association states:  “The presence of gender variance is not the pathology but dysphoria is from the distress caused by the body and mind not aligning and/or societal marginalization of gender-variant people.”  This step to declare that gender dysphoria was no longer a psychological condition normalized the theory that gender identity was distinct from sex, provided a pathway for insurance to cover medicalization, and cast society at large as the oppressor. 

·       What is missing from the article above is a discussion of why gender ideology was plucked out of academia and thrust on society by the likes of Obama, Big Pharma, the Pritzkers and other big money bags.  Power and money are usually the goals.  I am not 100% clear on the twisted motives of this strategy but am perfectly clear that they have sacrificed children to achieve them. 

·       After much research on gender ideology and its impact on society, summarized in previous articles below, my thoughts have crystallized.  I do not believe in gender ideology.  I believe it is abhorrent to teach children they can change their sex and then encourage them to do so. 

The Transgender Campaign series:

Part 1 “Through the Looking Glass”

Part 2 “Snowballs”

Part 3 “The Marketeers”

Part 4 “Comment on Biden Administration’s Proposed Changes to Title IX”

Part 5 “Beliefs, Biases and Bad Ideas”

Part 6 “A Matter for Debate not Decree”

Part 7 “Exposing the Underbelly of Gender Ideology”

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