Core Truths To Guide Us

We live in nonsensical times.  Good is bad, bad is good and much ugliness attempts to blot out the beauty.  Through the duplicitous tactics of the power hungry our basic sense of right and wrong has been upended resulting in chaos, division, and moral decline.  We can restore cultural sanity with the application of core truths and common sense as outlined in the examples below. 


To drive votes, politicians have created a holy war over abortion.  Let’s simplify. How can it be morally responsible to have an abortion for convenience when an unborn baby can feel pain.  We jail people for torturing dogs, why would we torture our offspring.  Yet we see people demand the right to abortion for any reason up to the moment of birth. 

Religious beliefs regarding the beginning of life vary greatly.  Each faction fervently believes they are right.  Politicians have converted the righteous into loyal combatants in their service.  

A simple solution lies in the middle.  In the early stages of pregnancy, agree to let judgement occur at the pearly gates.  Only allow abortion for convenience up to the point a baby can feel pain.  Reasonable exceptions should be allowed for the life of the mother, incest, and rape.  Let’s shut down the political games. 


The subject of immigration has also been politicized.  Until recent years, both parties believed a secure, well managed border was essential.  Whether the goal was accomplished is another matter, but a secure border was viewed as a good thing by most.  Not anymore.  For their own ulterior motives, the progressive controlled Democratic leadership and some Republicans insist we overlook logic, national security, fiscal responsibility, quality of life, and support thousands of daily border crossings, legal or illegal.  By doing so they also effectively condone human trafficking and flooding our country with fentanyl. 

Core truths can guide us.  It is wrong to let people into our home we know nothing about. We don’t know their intentions, whether law abiding or criminal, contributors or parasites, willing to assimilate or not, or plan to blow things up while chanting Allahu Akbar.  

Compassion for those who suffer in other countries is worthy, but we must be realistic and agree it is wrong to prioritize those who seek US residency over Americans.  The financial and societal burden has become extreme.  It is unwise to spend $150.7 billion tax dollars annually to facilitate illegal immigration when many states are in a deficit position, our national deficit was $1.7 trillion in FY2023 and national debt is $34.5 trillion.  Being rational is not racist. 

Would any parent bring a great number of unvetted people into their home if they don’t have the room, budget or ability to care for them without hurting their own children?  Not likely.  Why then would we do this on the national level. 

It is wrong to continue policies that encourage the humanitarian crisis at our southern border.  Human trafficking has become a billion dollar business with disastrous results for some including torture, rape and death. 

It is wrong that over 100,000 Americans die annually from fentanyl that is trafficked over our porous southern border.  

There is a simple solution.  Close the border to all asylum seekers until comprehensive immigration legislation is passed that serves the needs of the Country rather than the politicians.  If it takes Congress years to do it, so be it.  Any bill should have the blessing of border states, streamline legal immigration, be based on meritocracy, the individual’s ability to contribute and assimilate in our society with an appropriate number of immigrants allowed for humanitarian reasons.  A maximum number of immigrants should be established annually based on our ability to fund related programs and absorb additional residents. Incentives to break the law should be removed and penalties for doing so severe and immediate.  Build the wall and implement other strategies to further deter illegal crossings.  Ensure Mexico supports our efforts.  Kneecap the cartels. 

Voting Law

Attempts to manipulate voting law for political gain are a true threat to democracy. The potential for some politicians and voters to cheat is a core truth we cannot ignore. Until recent years both political parties understood this and agreed boundaries must be in place to deter cheating.  Now those boundaries have been relaxed under the guise of making it easier to vote.  Unfortunately, these same changes have also made it easier to cheat.  The disastrous result has been a loss of confidence in our elections.    

Why can’t we make it easier to vote and harder to cheat? 

Let’s go back to basics.  Encourage in person voting on election day and for a short early voting period with voter ID and proof of citizenship.  In lieu of mass mailing of ballots, allow any voter to request an absentee ballot for any reason with voter ID and proof of citizenship.  Aid voters who may have difficulty obtaining ID. 

Use paper ballots or voting mechanisms that are 100% tamper proof.  Absentee ballots should be mailed or dropped at a monitored polling location with verification of receipt.  Prohibit ballot harvesting and partisan donations and/or staffing of election offices. Absentee ballots must arrive by election day or earlier stipulated date so they can be counted by election day.  Late ballots or those with errors do not count.  Public service messages should underscore that voters have a responsibility to follow election rules.  If they don’t, their vote won’t count.  Penalties for cheating should be swift and severe. 

Sex Change

The push to teach children they can change their sex with a declaration, drugs and/or surgery does not stand up when core truths are applied: 

  • Humans are binary mammals. 
  • A minuscule number of children have a psychological condition in which they are unable to accept their sex.  Most of these kids accept their bodies after puberty and many are gay.  We do not need to redefine what it means to be male and female to care for these individuals. 
  • It is difficult to imagine a scenario where it is preferable to knowingly commit a child with gender dysphoria to a lifetime of health destroying drugs and surgery rather than employ extensive psychotherapy especially since no one can predict which 80% of kids will come to accept their bodies.  
  • If kids are taught they can change their sex, when other psychological stresses occur, they may choose to believe they are were “born in the wrong body” rather then grapple with the idea they are gay, autistic, have been sexually abused, influenced by their friends, etc. Social contagion is real. The current standard of care puts children with rapid onset gender dysphoria, most of whom have other psychological issues, on a path to medicalization instead of comprehensive psychotherapy. How can this possibly be good?
  • Minors and potentially young adults prior to maturation of the brain do not have the capacity to comprehend the long-term serious health ramifications of sex change drugs and surgery.  Detransitioners underscore this simple truth. How can it be good to peddle drugs to young people? 

There is a way forward.  Parents should unite and require local governments and schools teach kids basic biology and expose “gender ideology” as a well-financed notion that is inconsistent with human biology.  The standard of care for minors with gender dysphoria should be based on psychotherapy not drugs and surgery. As is done with other harmful drugs, clearly outline the dangers and irreversible nature of sex change drugs.  Warn kids to avoid the manipulation of political and social media influencers who have essentially become drug pushers for Big Pharma.  Teach them it’s not cool to destroy their health. Bans will not be as effective as education since kids suffering from social contagion will just wait until they are 18 to start sex change drugs.  Encourage compassion for and acceptance of those who struggle with gender dysphoria.  


The above is intended to show how general policy frameworks can be simply crafted when we ignore political machinations and focus on core truths.  We can apply this same strategy to other issues undermining our culture.

Unfortunately we are being smothered from every side by corrupt politicians and their operatives.  To achieve their own dreams of power and domination they lie and manipulate the citizens to believe bad is good and good is bad to gain support for their nefarious actions. We know better. Right and wrong are universal. 

While it appears we are trapped, we can act.  Let’s neutralize those who seek to confuse us by rediscovering our innate sense of right and wrong and demand policy that reflects these core truths.  Perhaps when we do, we will select better representatives. 


As always I include a details section to support positions above and provide additional information. 

  • A good source of information on the ramifications of illegal immigration can be found at FAIR, Federation for American Immigration Reform.
  • Please considering reading, “The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers, 2023 Cost Study.” 
  • Should anyone wish to refresh their knowledge on the national deficit, this article may be a good starting point.  “A budget deficit occurs when money going out (spending) exceeds money coming in (revenue) during a defined period. In FY 2023, the federal government spent $6.13 trillion and collected $4.44 trillion in revenue, resulting in a deficit. The amount by which spending exceeds revenue, $1.70 trillion in 2023, is referred to as deficit spending.”
  • A refresher on the national debt can be found in this article
  • Human trafficking is a massive problem exasperated by a porous border essentially controlled by the cartels.  Here is a general overview
  • I encourage folks to read “Rigged” by Mollie Hemingway for an overview of voting law changes that occurred in 2020.  Historical context is also included.
  • Please consider reading Michael Shellenberger’s recently released  “WPATH Files”. An excerpt: “But now, newly released internal files from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) prove that the practice of transgender medicine is neither scientific nor medical. American Medical Association, The Endocrine Society, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and thousands of doctors worldwide rely on WPATH. It is considered the leading global authority on “gender medicine. And yet WPATH’s internal files, which include written discussions and a video, reveal that its members know they are creating victims and not getting “informed consent”.”
  • As the reader may have noted, I no longer use the term transgender.  I firmly support adults over 25 with gender dysphoria who gain psychological relief by assuming the characteristics of the opposite sex. Sadly for them they cannot change their innate biology and at their core will still be their natal sex. Therefore actual transgender individuals do not exist and I will no longer use language such as this and “gender assigned at birth” designed to manipulate my beliefs. After much research on the subject, summarized in previous articles outlined below, my thoughts have simplified.  I do not believe in gender ideology. It is abhorrent to teach children they can change their sex and then peddle them drugs and surgery to do so.  The Transgender Campaign series:

Part 1 “Through the Looking Glass”

Part 2 “Snowballs”

Part 3 “The Marketeers

Part 4 “Comment on Biden Administration’s Proposed Changes to Title IX

Part 5 “Beliefs, Biases and Bad Ideas”

Part 6 “A Matter for Debate not Decree”

Part 7 “Exposing the Underbelly of Gender Ideology”

For those who prefer to read in Substack, feel free to follow My Two Cents. Thanks, Sue

2 Replies to “Core Truths To Guide Us”

  1. Well thought out and backed up. A return to common sense is needed and it is shocking these issues are front and center now. I do believe the MSM and social media have inflicted much harm in pushing a radical agenda. Hopeful through education the pendulum will swing back.

  2. All great points Sue….
    I still can not believe that there are so many uneducated voters that routinely vote and support the many failing and failed policies that are utilized by Democratic Party leadership at local, state and federal government levels. Open Border Immigration, Inflation Reduction Act, Defund the Police, Legalization of hard drugs, soft on crime policies/ no cash bail, Transgender policies for kids…. The list is almost endless at the local levels….
    Eventually these voters have to wise up…. Right?

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