
Dear Readers, I am slowly switching over to Substack. Please use this link should you prefer to read this article in Substack. Thanks, Sue Seboda

It is inconceivable that Biden will seek a second term, yet here we are.  Even if one agrees with his policies, he is a questionable candidate.  His age, reduced capabilities and projection of weakness are notable liabilities.  Biden’s chances of winning are likely boosted if Trump is the Republican nominee but is that enough to overcome the specter of a Kamala Presidency? Doubtful.  Will abortion serve as a red cape and conceal Biden’s many negatives?  Possibly but not guaranteed.  It seems risky.  We must examine why Democrat leadership decided to run an elderly vulnerable puppet instead of backing a more suitable leader. 

What do we know?  Our politics have devolved into ugly influence campaigns where the ends, power, justify the means, deception.  Anything goes regardless of how harmful it is to our country, culture, family, faith, economy or national security.  This election will be no different. 

We know an honest debate on the issues cannot exist in the presence of influence campaigns.  Debate could result in critical thought, kryptonite to those who seek to manipulate millions for their own gain.  Therefore Biden will stay in the basement. 

We know that corporate media and much of social media has been transformed into an instrument of social control.  As they did in 2020, the media will engage in election interference rather than honestly reporting the facts.

We know a coalition of Democrats, corporations, media and institutions have joined forces to saturate our country in progressive ideologies for their own gain.  This effort has ramped up significantly in the last two years and it is likely Democrat leadership is desperate to win so they can solidify and expand upon that progress.  Centralized power and money are the goal, Biden is the prop.   

We can safely assume that an unattainable level of lawfare, shenanigans and/or fraud would be required for Harris to win.  While a malleable puppet, she is a liability that limits the Democrats’ options. 

Therefore, one prediction suggests that Harris will be replaced.  In order for Biden to win, a skilled running mate is necessary, preferably one dedicated progressive ideologies.  Such a person provides the ability to dump Biden after he serves his purpose.  Depending on circumstances and the Republican nominee, several scenarios come to mind. 

Biden’s entrance into the race could lull Republican voters into foolishly nominating Trump. The Democrats want Trump.  A well-orchestrated media frenzy over the “historic” rematch will provide a wonderful distraction from the issues.  A Trump/Biden contest cancels out the age question.  Plus nobody can complain that Biden lies with abandon because Trump does too.  Character is also off the table because neither candidate has any.  

The country will be disgusted.  Their potential disinterest could allow Biden to cruise through the primaries in his basement.  Both Trump and Biden have signaled they will give Americans the middle finger and refuse to debate.  

If Trump is winning, Biden will withdraw before the general.  His running mate, a younger, smarter candidate who can successfully string 10 words together will face a far older Trump. Coupled with the fact that many women and Independents will never vote for Trump, this could give the Democrat candidate the edge. The shiny object will be the silver tongue of the new candidate whose pretty words hide the party’s true objective: globalism, centralized government, control of large segments of our economy, and nationalization of extreme progressive ideologies to name a few. 

If it appears Biden will beat Trump, his handlers will allow him to proceed to the general and be inaugurated if he wins.  Then Biden will step down willingly or via the 25th amendment.  Biden would essentially be the trojan horse for the real presidential candidate. 

Regardless of when Biden withdraws, this deception is required to reduce the focus on the alternate candidate. Democrat leadership cannot count on Independents being as dense as the voters in Chicago.  Many are likely to connect the dots between progressive ideals and the crime and chaos in progressive American cities.  Therefore candidates like Gavin Newsom cannot spend much time under the spotlight.  They must be installed through trickery. 

While these scenarios will be less effective if Republicans wisely nominate a competent electable leader, leadership can yank Biden off the stage at any point if it suits them.  That is the great thing about running an old guy in decline, maneuverability and a cover story for their deceit.  For any of this to work however, massive distractions will be necessary.

A bait and switch will be accompanied by a well-orchestrated media meltdown.  This 24-7 distraction will obscure the issues, the candidates and their platforms.  Whether he is in the race or not, Trump will steal headlines for some real or made-up infraction.  Chances are BLM, antifa, climate and/or trans activists will find a reason to riot and politicians will find a reason to support them.  In case people refuse to be distracted, 2024 censorship and election lawfare will make 2020 look like a warmup.  The uninformed voter doesn’t stand a chance. 

At a minimum, running a puppet president is an insult to Americans and indicative of the contempt Democrat leadership holds for voters.  While time will tell if the above predictions are true, it is certain a con is underway.  Otherwise they would have run a capable candidate willing to honestly debate the issues.  The deceptions are a colossal warning flag that their agenda is great for them and horrible for us. 


  • offers good summaries of election law and the processes that would be necessary if Biden withdrawals or dies. 
  • This article written in 2020, also details how laws would be applied in the event of death or withdrawal of a candidate.
  • Some might be tempted to suggest Republican leadership has shown the same deception by running Trump.  This theory doesn’t hold water since Trump is “running” himself.  Trump has many serious faults but being a puppet is not one of them.  
  • Update August 8, 2023. As stated above “massive distractions” will be required to implement whatever con job is underway. We now know that one component of that strategy is Trump’s future trials which will derail the election process. Trump will never put the good of the country over himself, realize he has been once again outmaneuvered, make a deal and support another candidate. Trump is Dem leadership’s greatest weapon. Note I also made minor linguistic edits above.

Let’s Ignore the Clown Show

America on Shaky Ground, Part 9

Dear Readers, I am slowly switching over to Substack for political articles. Please use this link should you wish to read this article in Substack. Thanks, Sue Seboda

Does anyone believe Alvin Bragg is a “rogue” prosecutor?  Highly unlikely. The Democrat machine is running this circus and what a circus it is.  All the clowns have assumed their roles.  Politicians wring their hands over democracy and declare no one is above the law.  Media personalities fake sadness to hide their glee over ratings.  Clueless protestors take to the streets for their TV debut.  Republicans perform their tired reactionary dance.  Biden dons a dazed smile and remains silent. Trump gives a campaign speech to his newly energized base.  Meanwhile our country continues to unravel with serious internal and external problems.  It’s sickening.    

What is going on?  Bragg indicted Trump on weak charges that others declined to prosecute, charges that are unlikely to result in a conviction.  Why?  Politicians have taught us that motive is best determined if we ignore their verbal misdirections and examine patterns, actions and consequences.  One pattern is obvious.  Keep Trump front and center in the media with real or made-up scandals and his loyal base will fanatically support him or his candidates while independents run screaming for the hills.  Trump gives the Democrats an assist when he takes the bait, spews ill-conceived remarks and endorses beatable people.  As we have witnessed in the last 3 elections, it is a winning Democrat strategy. 

This theory is borne out by the schedule.  Trump’s next court appearance is December 4, 2023 and prosecutors have requested a trial in January 2024.  What else is happening then?  Primaries.  Democrats have ensured Trump will be the orange amorphous cloud hanging over the primaries detracting attention from the other Republican candidates, obscuring their message, tilting the emotion towards Trump.  The Democrats will be ecstatic if Trump wins the nomination.  He is beatable.  They could run an over ripe banana and win.  Oh wait…

Isn’t this election interference on a grand scale and a serious assault on “we the people”, our country and democracy?  The clowns don’t want us to see it that way but the patterns tell the truth. 

The made-up Russia collusion attack is child’s play compared to the potential consequences of this stunt.  One of many is the public’s realization the Democrats have weaponized the justice system against the opposition.  Regardless of what anyone thinks of Trump, if the Democrats will do this to him, they will do it to anyone.  Is this an attempt to give Americans a giant middle finger?  To chill resistance, create subconscious fear and further shift the balance of power from “we the people” to government?  To further undermine faith in our once venerable institutions?  To deepen the divide?  All seem like happy accidents if not actual motives. 

Imagine what the rest of the world thinks.  The President of El Salvador tweeted: “Sadly it will be very hard for US Foreign Policy to use arguments such as “democracy” and “free and fair elections”, or try and condemn “political persecution” in other countries, from now on.”  It is hard to debate this logic.  Is reducing our influence globally a motive or a result of the perpetrators’ hubris?   

Another possible motive is the old game of “a good defense is a good offense”.  Credible information continues to pile up on the Biden family’s influence peddling, aka corruption.  Due to media bias, many on the left may be unaware of this.  Should an irrefutable case develop, how will an uninformed public react to legal action against any in the Biden family?  Will they declare it a baseless tit for tat thereby undermining the charges? 

Perhaps the most insidious motive is distraction.  The clown show is like a car wreck that snarls traffic for miles.  While folks miserably sit, glued to the carnage, they may not notice the failures of those who seek power or machinations of those Democrats who push hard to reformat society.  As a result, some people base their votes on the distraction (ie scary orange man) instead of the disturbing trend of girls who spontaneously declare they are boys, sterilize themselves with drugs and cut off their breasts, or any number of other equally serious issues that plague our society.

What is to be done?  Let’s ignore the clown show.  The consequences of Trump’s indictment will be terrible, but we can mitigate them and change the end of this storyline if we stay focused on what matters. 

In this game, both Trump and the Democrats believe Trump’s arrest will fill his coffers and solidify his support.  Hopefully Republicans will not convert their anger into a knee jerk Trump nomination without consideration of his ability to win or govern.  Let’s avoid the distraction and research the other candidates exhaustively.  For example, what are their belief structures and platforms?  Which candidate can communicate effectively to most of the country not just the base?  Who is best suited to unite the country against the woke cancer eating our society and harming our children?  Who is the best manager and can build a solid team?  Which candidate can rise above 2024’s version of the Russia collusion attack?  Who is the most honest and ethical?  Which candidates lead and which divide?  Who projects strength?  Who can best navigate threats abroad?  Who can win?

Democrats, it is logical to assume approval for the Trump indictment strategy came from the highest levels of the party.  Their actions suggest they will use any means necessary to stay in power even if it means deeply wounding America at home and abroad.  We gave these people power with our votes.  There will be a competitive Democratic primary whether Biden runs or not.  Let’s dedicate ourselves to in depth research, ignore the clown show and select a worthy candidate and administration that won’t take this country down with corruption and incompetence.  

Once the primaries are over, we can assume another phase of the clown show will be in play.  Will the Independents ignore the distraction, stay focused on the issues, and conduct a rigorous evaluation of the candidates and their platforms? For the sake of our country, we should all hope so. 

The Democrat strategy has put America on dangerously shaky ground.  “We the people” must disrupt this scheme and mitigate the fallout.  Uninformed complacency is no longer an option. 


Below is a summary of destabilizing factors addressed in this and previous articles in the America on Shaky Ground series.  Note I am in the process of switching to substack and some of the articles below have not yet been transferred. 

  • Part 1  “The Beauty of Gathering”.  Division and distrust caused by the prohibition of gathering.
  • Part 2  “Bad Ole Men”. Division and distrust caused by categorizing women and men into victims and oppressors.  
  • Part 3  “Whitey in the Woodpile”.  Division and distrust caused by racial segregation via victim/oppressor ideology.
  • Part 4 – “Annie Get Your Gun”.  Destabilize the populace by undermining the constitutional right of self-defense. 
  • Part 5 – “Thou Shalt Lie”.  Propagation of false narratives designed to destabilize the populace and consolidate power.  
  • Part 6 – “Predators”.  Destabilize US economic and national security with unsound energy policies.
  • Part 7 – “Through the Looking Glass and Snowballs.  Division via the splintering of society based on gender.  Destabilization caused by teaching kids to reject reality.
  • Part 8 – “Incredible Transitions.  Purposeful economic and national security destabilization to “transition” the United States.   

A Matter for Debate not Decree

Transgender Campaign Part 6

The national debate on transgenderism is at a fever pitch.  Some states have banned the chemical and surgical transition of minors and others have declared themselves sanctuary states for these treatments.  A woman who identified as a man just killed 6 people at a Christian school.  Activists scheduled a “Trans Day of Vengeance”.  The White House declared the trans community was under attack.  Meanwhile a few staunch proponents of gender ideology question the rush to medicalize children and they are verbally attacked for their efforts.    

Why has this subject become so toxic?  Primarily because proponents believe they are helping kids and detractors believe kids are being sacrificed.  There is a another subtler yet very important reason.  Much of the transgender rhetoric has an underlying presumption that gender ideology is generally accepted science.  It is not.  This presumption coupled with federal legislation and mass marketing of the idea that kids can change their sex at will has resulted in a serious societal pushback.  In response, proponents of gender ideology either assume or strategically state that transgender people are under attack.  Because this makes it personal, it also heightens emotions and feeds divisiveness beautifully.  It is also false.  Transgender people are not under attack, it’s gender ideology that people don’t like.  

Yet those who seek to ban medicalization of youth do not properly address the core issues either.  Attempts to curtail the consequences of the ideology do not speak to the important question of why more kids and young adults are spontaneously deciding they are the opposite sex.  Without public debate and action on gender ideology and the mass marketing that causes social contagion, bans on medicalization could ultimately be ineffective.  Kids will continue to be influenced.  How many will just wait till they are 18 to destroy their health with cross sex hormones? 

Let’s review several core issues:

We need a serious debate about gender ideology.  Modern gender theory is a recent idea and like all ideas, it’s a matter for debate not decree.  For example, I believe that humans are binary (male and female), sex is immutable and that biology supports this view.  I believe women and men are beautifully unique and their traits and desires exist on a wide spectrum.  I strongly oppose male and female stereotypes and believe we should embrace and celebrate the differences found within each sex.  I vehemently disagree with gender theory’s attempt to describe these differences as unique “genders” or “gender identities”.  

Throughout known history, a very small proportion of people have experienced marked and persistent identification with the opposite sex.  Before 2013 this condition was referred to as “gender identity disorder”.  As modern gender theory took root, the name was changed to “gender dysphoria”.  Medical institutions proclaimed that gender dysphoria was no longer a mental condition requiring treatment.  Fast forward ten years and state governments that support gender ideology require children be taught gender theory.  Babies have a “gender assigned at birth” and sometimes the doctors get it right and sometimes they get it wrong. All children can be a boy, a girl, both or neither and drugs and surgery are available to help them transition to “their authentic self”.  Sex is changeable.  

There is a huge gap between my beliefs, which are shared by many, and the ideas embodied by gender ideology.  It is important to recognize that belief structures are the basis for public and institutional policy.  Public policy that stems from gender ideology hardens sex-based stereotypes, encourages children to believe they can choose one of many genders or gender identities and seeks to normalize and encourage transition to the opposite sex (or other gender) via social and medical interventions.    

Public policy based on views such as mine would focus on psychotherapy for children and adults who are emotionally unable to accept their own sex, severely limit medicalization of minors, discourage sex-based stereotypes, and encourage acceptance of those who choose to manage their condition via transition.  

On the state and local level, we should educate people on gender ideology, debate the concepts and vote upon the direction of public policy.  If gender ideology is rejected then teachers’ unions and other institutions who mandate it must be neutralized.   

If the Biden administration were serious about healing the divide, they would be silent on gender ideology since much of the country disagrees with it.  What is it called when national government shoves an unpopular idea down peoples’ collective throats…authoritarianism.  

We need a serious debate on why gender ideology and “gender affirming care” have been mass marketed.  Why is it that the Obama and Biden administrations, teachers’ unions, medical institutions, TQ+ lobbies, progressive donors and activists insist that kids be taught that sex is a choice especially since a large percentage of the population disagrees with this premise?  Why do they tell emotionally vulnerable kids they might be “born in the wrong body” and then promote “gender affirming care” which includes health destroying drugs?  It is disingenuous to suggest that all kids should be taught they can change their sex so they do not bully a child who is unable to accept their own.  

We need a serious debate on the consequences of mass marketing gender ideology and “gender affirming care”.   Social contagion is one of many consequences of marketing gender ideology and has resulted in a greater number of kids, especially girls, spontaneously declaring they are the opposite sex.  It’s cool to be transsexual.  How can emotionally vulnerable children be protected without addressing social contagion and what has caused it?  

Another consequence of the trans marketing campaign is the number of social media influencers, therapists and gender clinics ready and willing to put children on a “gender journey” to resolve their emotional issues. Who is waiting with open arms when they listen?  Big Pharma.  Do you want some candy little girl?  

The influencers, Big Pharma, gender clinics and gender surgeons market themselves which helps gender ideology self-perpetuate.  

What are the long-term impacts of puberty blockers and cross sex hormones on mental and physical health?  It is a lie that puberty blockers are reversible as the Biden administration has stated.  Even a cursory examination of the side effects of sex change drugs suggests extreme caution for adults and a measure of last resort for minors.  

Marketing works.  Kids aren’t the only ones who have been influenced to accept gender ideology. How about parents who are so taken with it they overlook the dangers of puberty blockers and cross sex hormones?  How about therapists who immediately affirm and prescribe these drugs without a serious psychological evaluation?  How about schools who think it’s a great idea to socially transition a kid without telling parents?  Even assuming a belief in gender ideology, none of this makes sense until we recognize that this decades long campaign has been wildly successful.  

The data reveals young adults are electing drugs and/or surgery at a greater rate than ever before.  Why is there excess demand for sex change drugs and surgery compared to ten years ago? Marketing works.  

The well-funded gender marketing machine is entrenched in our schools, social media, institutions and federal government.  Those who disagree with gender ideology must offer a message that speaks to beliefs not just bans if want to protect the kids and young adults whose desire to transition is the result of influence.    

For the sake of the next troubled young girl who spontaneously decides she is a boy, sterilizes herself with drugs and cuts off her breasts, let’s please educate ourselves on gender ideology, focus the debate on the core issues and get serious about impacting public policy at the local level.  


  • The article above began as a response to Dr Erica Anderson’s recent article “Why We Need a Serious Debate About Healthcare for Transgender Youth”.  While I disagree with Dr. Anderson’s position on gender ideology, her article is thoughtful and worthwhile.  My reaction upon reading it was that a debate about treatment will be unsuccessful without a serious debate on gender ideology and the mass marketing that drives social contagion.  
  • “Missouri Senate Bill 49 is an Essential Step to Protect Missouri Children from “Sex Transition” Treatments is also a good article.  My reaction is that these efforts may not have the desired effect because they are silent on the underlying ideology that drives kids to the gender clinic in the first place.  
  • The photo above is from a book called “Being You: A First Conversation About Gender (First Conversations) by Megan Madison, Jessica Ralli and Anne/Andy Passchier   

A Battle of Extremes

We the People are the pawns in a battle of extremes.  Those seeking our submission do not have our best interests at heart.  They promote extremism and idolatry via emotional, nonsensical appeals short circuiting our vision of reality and ability to think rationally.  Our job is to take off the blinders, engage our brains, and get to work fixing this country by neutralizing those out for themselves.  

Let’s start with Trump.  I beseech all Trump supporters to critically examine his actions.  They are increasingly bizarre. Forget for a minute that he spared us a Hillary presidency, fought the good fight and implemented many policies that were good for our country. Ask instead, what has he done lately?  

For one, he unsuccessfully meddled in the 2022 midterms.  He elevated primary candidates based on whether they bent the knee not on their credentials and ability to win in the general.  Trump supporters complied and delivered Trump’s picks in the primaries, in some cases leaving the better candidate on the trash heap. The opposition recognized the opportunity and spent millions backing vulnerable Trump candidates. Trump’s ego grew.  Weak battleground candidates lost.  

Trump also exhibited incredibly poor judgement a couple days before the election at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania.  With crass attacks against DeSantis and Pence, he effectively announced his bid for the presidency.  ME, ME, ME, I am the celestial body around which everything revolves.  Who cares about Oz!  Who cares about winning the Senate!  Look at ME!  How many decided against Trump’s boy Oz as a result?  

Let’s please stop making excuses for Trump’s failures.  Let’s not fall for the divisive con that anyone who criticizes Trump is a RINO or Never Trumper.  Let’s deep six the idea that Trump’s words don’t matter because he did good things as President.  It should be clear to all that what he says has an immense negative impact on voters.  Do we ignore Biden’s words when he says: “No more drilling”.  Of course not.  Trump is not “anointed”.  The only thing he wants to save is himself and as we watch him self-destruct, his success even at that is in question.  

With Trump’s post election, rambling attack on DeSantis one can only wonder if his ego has eaten his brain.  As we move to a runoff in Georgia, would any rational politician cause a war in the party?  Sadly, it appears Trump has become a caricature of himself.  

Eyes wide open please because Trump is a gnat compared to the other extreme forces at work. Progressivism is a wrecking ball on western society.  Our confused, shuffling President is the face of the American progressive movement while whoever is running the government is the brains.  Regulation and executive order are the weapons.  Lies and manipulation create the marketing.  We the People are the suckers.  

Does the majority believe it’s a good idea to throttle back on fossil fuels before a viable alternative exists?  That we should cast aside energy independence?  Doubtful.  Progressives want the Green New Deal even though the resultant inflation and energy shortages threaten our national and economic security.  That sounds like a real “threat to democracy”.  

It is also hard to believe most Americans support teaching kids they can be a boy or girl, both or neither and then give them health destroying drugs when they listen.  Or undermine the traditional family structure by legislating parents out of decisions involving their children.   Or divide our nation along racial lines and promote Marxist victim/oppressor ideology.  What is gained by teaching kids they are victims? Nothing good.

Progressive politicians support abortion until the moment of birth.  The extreme support killing babies born alive after a botched abortion.  Regardless of one’s belief regarding first term abortions, most agree late term and post birth abortions for convenience are a moral abomination.  The slippery slope of physician assisted suicide is also gaining ground in states controlled by progressives.  

Progressives authored the defund the police movement that created chaos in our society.  We should always remember the riots and the progressive politicians who did nothing to stop them.  The “summer of love” was designed to create chaos so We the People would seek change in November 2020.  We got change.  We went from the frying pan into the fire.  

It is progressives who support our porous border controlled by the cartels.  Millions of people are released into our country siphoning tax dollars from hardworking taxpayers.  We know nothing about these folks.  Will they help or hurt our country?  We do know an insane amount of drugs are entering through the southern border.  We are at 100,000 drug overdose deaths annually.  That this administration does nothing to change course suggests they are good with the drugs, deaths, chaos and human smuggling.  They do not care about the financial and emotional cost of their policies, or they would change them.  

Free speech is under attack throughout our country. It is clear now that this administration has coordinated with social media to squash what they deem to be misinformation.  Watch progressive heads explode as Musk eliminates Twitter censorship.  In one of his most ironic moves, Biden suggested Musk be investigated for his ties to foreign countries.  Let that sink in.  

Progressives support the concentration of power at the federal level, packing the supreme court, eliminating the filibuster, woke ideology in our institutions, the elimination of the electoral college, federalizing elections, no voter ID, socializing large segments of our economy, high taxation, dumping trillions into the economy, and they absolutely love buying votes and dependency with our tax dollars whether they have the constitutional authority or not.  

Do the Americans in the middle agree with these extreme progressive policies and the obvious consequences?  Doubtful.  Yet a good number of them voted in the midterms for their continuation.  Why?  

When Biden said “democracy was on the ballot” his goal was to put Trump on the ballot, something the progressives desperately needed to deflect attention from the disastrous results of their policies.  They knew from 2020 many moderate democrats and independents have such a visceral hatred for Trump they would vote for a banana instead of him.  To aid in this effort, progressives spent millions backing Trump’s picks in the primaries figuring they would be easier to beat in the general.  They were right.  

Trump, with his big mouth and bad judgement, took the bait and plastered himself all over the ballot.  Trump himself confirmed the fear the progressives stoked.  Democrats voted in high numbers and independents broke for democrat and progressive candidates.  While there are other significant issues such as abortion that drove voters, the Trump factor in battleground states seems clear.  Emotions, ginned up by progressives and reinforced by Trump, resulted in some folks rejecting Trump candidates even though the candidate’s platform was a better reflection of their beliefs.  In other words, they hate Trump more than their grocery bills.

As progressive politicians vote progressively and democrats follow like sheep, emotion-based voters will likely say the country is headed in the wrong direction and wonder why.  

What is to be done?  

  • We must neutralize the extremes.  Progressivism is an extreme virulent cancer.  These words are not a republican scare tactic as the progressives in power would have many believe.  It’s real.  For those who consider this statement the ramblings of a nutbag, research is recommended.  Perhaps start with Thomas Sowell’s Black Wisdom Matters series to understand the race and equity con job.  The articles in the Transgender Campaign offer a window into the dangers of gender ideology.  Once a few threads are pulled the big picture will become clear.  
  • What can citizens do?  We can educate ourselves and then tell others.  Grassroot movements are the most effective.  
  • Woke indoctrination in schools must stop.  Parents are the front line in this effort.  
  • Gridlock in Washington will slow down the progressives. If control of the Senate comes down to the runoff in Georgia, support Herschel Walker.  While divided government will not stop Biden’s progressive pen or the regulatory actions of his administration, it will stop unlimited spending and efforts to pack the court or eliminate the filibuster.  Note the stock market responds well to grid lock.   Update 11.13.22 – Democrats will retain control in the Senate due to Republican losses in AZ (Masters) and NV (Laxalt). Herschel must win now in the event there are any free thinkers on the Democrat side.
  • Trump, the other extreme, must be neutralized as well if the republican party has any hope of uniting.  He has once again allowed himself to be the progressives’ most effective weapon.  Hopefully Trump supporters understand that he can’t win and if we back him, the country loses and progressivism wins.  We must support effective ethical leaders who can communicate clearly.  
  • The best way to neutralize Trump is to ignore him. 
  • Fringe Trump and far left progressive supporters are different sides of the same coin.  The rational middle should take control and demand the return of common sense and the demise of anything woke.  
  • All politicians use emotional appeals to win votes.  To get our country back on track, we can no longer afford to fall for that trick.  Let’s stand firm on our beliefs and vote accordingly.  

Our country is in a perilous position on nearly every front.  Hopefully, We the People pay attention, dig for the truth and take action.  

Candidate Checklist

Our Current “Leaders” at Work

What motivates us to vote?  Are our brains engaged or are we guided by knee jerk emotional reactions?   Do we focus solely on “who”, ignoring “what”?   It appears so. It is critical to understand what we are voting for especially when choosing between bad candidates.  For example, millions voted against Trump but gave little thought to what Biden’s handlers would do to us and our country.  We are in the middle of a giant shit sandwich as a result.   

As candidates on both sides attempt to engage our emotions with “threats to democracy”, it is clear the real threat to democracy is an uninformed electorate.  If we don’t get serious, ensure our representatives mirror our own belief structures, our so called leaders will continue to dump on us in their Gollum like quest for power and money.  

It is hard work, however.  In this age of media propaganda, cancel culture, incessant lying and information overload, it takes an impossible amount of time to discern the truth on any subject much less whether a candidate is ethical or will succumb to the clarion call of power and sacrifice us or our children in their quest.  

Perhaps the following candidate checklist is a helpful starting point.  For those who espouse limited government, individualism as contemplated in our constitution, conservatism, and a free market, “yes” answers should disqualify a candidate.  

For progressives, globalists and collectivists, “yes” answers signal a sympathetic candidate.  For those who don’t know what they believe, figure that out first and if can’t, please don’t vote.  

Examining a candidate’s actions will cut through the endless rhetoric and provide a window into a politician’s belief structure, intellect and penchant for independent thought.  We can then compare their policy positions against our own and vote accordingly.  For example, those who voted for Biden 1) voted for inflationary policies such as dumping trillions into our economy and hampering fossil fuels with no alternative in place, 2) voted for the drugging and mutilation of minors, 3) voted for a porous southern border controlled by the cartels 4) voted for a progressive president who is not that bright.  Any voter surprised by this did not do enough research.  

Did or does the candidate:

  • Support the covid “money vs lives” narrative?  
  • Support extended lockdowns?
  • Support school closures beyond May 2020?  
  • Support vaccine mandates even after it was clear vaccines did little to “stop the spread”.  
  • Force small business to close while allowing big corporate retail stores to remain open?
  • Fall for or promote the BLM scam?  
  • Support massive BLM protests while simultaneously forcing the closure of small businesses, churches and parks?  
  • Ignore their own covid rules?
  • Put covid patients in nursing homes and/or issue stay at home orders?  We knew in March 2020 that covid primarily killed older folks with underlying conditions and that people were far safer outside than inside.
  • Seek to ban covid “misinformation” from public forums, especially “misinformation” that has proven to be true?  
  • Turn a blind eye to the BLM rioters?
  • Turn a blind eye to the January 6 rioters?  
  • Donate money to bail out BLM rioters?
  • Donate money to bail out January 6 rioters?  
  • Support the effort to “defund the police”?
  • Support “cashless” bail? 
  • Advance the now debunked narrative that Trump colluded with Russia? 
  • Believe that climate change is an existential threat that can only be solved by a transition to government-controlled wind and solar power?  
  • Seek to restrict nuclear power?  
  • Agree with the Biden administration’s efforts to limit fossil fuels before viable alternatives exist to supply our energy demand?  
  • Attempt to silence those who believe global warming has causes other than fossil fuels and cow farts?  
  • Support the consolidation of power at the federal level. 
  • Support the nationalization of various segments of the economy such as healthcare and energy.  
  • Support trillions of dollars of government covid spending much of which had nothing to do with covid with billions lost to fraud?
  • Support the “Jim Crow 2.0” lie about Georgia’s voting laws?
  • Support federalized election laws?   
  • Support a ban on voter ID requirements?  
  • Block efforts to secure our border?  
  • Ignore the fentanyl pouring across our border killing our youth?
  • Propagated the lie that border agents on horseback whipped illegal aliens attempting to enter the country.  
  • Believe schools should teach children that they can be a boy or a girl, both or neither?  
  • Support “gender affirming care”?  
  • Support the social sex transition of kids in school without parental notification?  
  • Support the indiscriminate use of puberty blockers, cross sex hormones and/or sex change surgery for minors?  
  • Misrepresent Florida’s Parental Rights in Education Bill as the “Don’t Say Gay Bill”.   
  • Believe the traditional family structure should be dismantled?
  • Believe advanced school programs are racist and should be canceled.
  • Believe victim/oppressor ideology is beneficial for minorities and should be taught to children? 
  • Believe abortion should be legal up to the moment of birth?  
  • Believe abortion should be banned completely with no exceptions for the life of the mother, incest and rape?  
  • Believe abortion limits should be decided at the federal level?

Hopefully folks will conduct the necessary research and vote with their brains on November 8.  Lets choose common sense, intelligent candidates whose policies mirror our own belief structure, who understand the realities of human nature, economics and national security and who will put the good of the Country above themselves.  

Beliefs, Biases and Bad Ideas

The Transgender Campaign, Part 5

The success of the decades long campaign to normalize transgenderism is quite extraordinary.  When folks finally wake up and understand that gender ideology promotes the drugging and mutilation of minors, perhaps our society will thoroughly analyze how it was accomplished.  

While we wait for this to happen, however, we must sort this out ourselves so we can take effective action.  What strategies have convinced so many, including our preeminent medical institutions, to believe the following:  

  • Gender dysphoria is no longer a mental condition requiring psychological treatment.  
  • Anyone can be any gender on any given day.  
  • All kids should be taught they can be “born in the wrong body” and change their gender at will.  
  • Kids can actually become the opposite sex with social affirmation, drugs and/or surgery.
  • Parents who disagree with a child’s transition should be ignored.
  • There are many genders and the number grows daily.     
  • The skyrocketing number of transgender kids has nothing to do with the promotion of gender ideology in schools and social media.    

One strategy outlined in “Through the Looking Glass” is the manipulation of language. For example, ten years ago did anyone say “gender assigned at birth”?  When folks mindlessly repeat this phrase, they are really saying “I agree that gender is a social construct and not determined by biology”.  

As we learned in “Snowballs”, blinding people with their own compassion is also highly effective.  Folks certainly have compassion for children who suffer from gender dysphoria but when we give our own pronouns in solidarity with these kids, we offer our tacit agreement that human beings can change their sex. We signal our support for “gender affirming care” which is a pathway to medicalization, sterilization and serious health problems with no guarantee of an improved emotional outcome.  

We also learned in the “Marketeers” that the debates over women’s sports, locker rooms and prisons are the perfect chaff to deflect our attention from the actual tenets of gender ideology.  While society rages over the consequences, gender ideology has been quietly and methodically pushed into every facet of our society.  

Another powerful strategy used to manipulate people and hide the ugly reality of the transgender campaign is to label inconvenient beliefs as biases.  Mirriam Webster defines bias as “a personal and sometimes unreasoned judgment: prejudice.”

For example, I believe that humans are binary, one’s gender is determined by biology, that a very small number of people suffer from gender incongruence, that men and women have an infinite number of personality traits that often overlap, and we should bust stereotypes not the reality of our biology. According to the current orthodoxy, my beliefs are considered biases suggesting I am prejudiced against transgender people or, simply, transphobic. Nonsense. There is absolutely nothing “unreasoned” about my belief that humans are and always have been binary nor do I hold prejudice for those who suffer from gender dysphoria.

Because people abhor being labeled prejudiced or transphobic, their belief structure wobbles as they are confronted with gender ideology and the vast power of the transgender lobby.  They accept rather than question.  Alternatively many are afraid to speak out.  They fear being canceled, fired or kicked out of school.  This phenomenon is occurring at every level of our society.  The marketeers have done a marvelous job silencing debate and dissent.

Meanwhile the marketeers’ media lapdogs are vicious labelers who attempt to delegitimize those who disagree with the narrative.  Mainstream publications are afraid of that wrath and do not publish dissenting opinions which relegates important work to the fringe. The media also keeps a lid on the consequences of saturating schools and social media with gender ideology.  As a result, many people remain blissfully unaware of the exponential increase in the number of “gender diverse” kids; the explosion of gender clinics that prescribe puberty blockers to minors; the cadre of social media influencers waiting to tell your daughter she was “born in the wrong body” because she is a tomboy and the growing number of surgeons who will perform “top”, “bottom” and “eunuch” surgery.  

The silence and inaction of the manipulated, fearful and uninformed have allowed gender ideology to infect every institution in our society.  

And then there are the true believers.  That is their right.  The broader question is why do the rest of us have to replace our beliefs with theirs?  We don’t.  The gender narrative is an idea, not a confirmed theory based on science.  It is therefore more akin to a “religion” and should be treated as such.  Teachers are not allowed to teach religion in public schools, why should they be allowed to teach gender religion?  It is a belief based on an idea not a fact.  

It is productive to take a quick step back and examine where the idea came from.  John Money, who introduced gender as a social construct, is often credited with being the “father” of modern-day gender ideology.  He is also called a pedophile due to his sexual experiments on twin boys in the 1960s.  Regardless of Money’s proclamation that his experiments proved that gender is learned not inherent, it was a dismal failure.  The twin who was raised as a girl committed suicide and the other twin died of an overdose.  Most have probably never heard of John Money.  No surprise there.  Pedophiles and perverts generally do not make great figureheads when the manipulation of millions is the goal.  

How did we get from John Money’s sexual experiments on twins in the 1960s to the World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH) recommending “chest masculinizing surgery” of teenage girls in 2022?  Dr. Quentin Van Meter who worked at John Hopkins with Money provides an excellent historical overview in this 2017 speech.  He does not address the huge money that pushed transgenderism mainstream.  This article by Jennifer Bilek aids in that portion of the history.  Since 2017, gender ideology has only become more entrenched.  This is especially true since 2020 when the Biden administration began to legislate biology out of existence.  

Why?  This is not a grassroots movement.  A coordinated well-funded progressive coalition has pushed the idea of “gender diversity” on society.  While I cannot provide a definitive answer to “why”, the fact that the marketeers have had to use fraud and force belies their initial stated goal – to educate kids so they don’t bully those with gender dysphoria.  If it were not so sad, it would be laughable.  To keep kids from bullying other kids with gender issues, we had to teach the rest they too could be “born in the wrong body”?  How gullible are we? 

Perhaps we can examine a handful of consequences to determine the goals.  

  • This movement has divided society on yet another fault line.  
  • Detaching our youth from reality seems certain to destabilize them mentally.  
  • “Gender affirming care” can lead to a lifetime on drugs supplied by Big Pharma.  
  • There is a ton of money to be made in “gender affirming” surgeries.  
  • The movement creates a growing number of “marginalized” victims making it another head of the “victim/oppressor” hydra.  
  • Transgender legislation is driving a wedge between parents and children. 
  • Unabated this movement will disrupt the traditional family structure, a foundational element of society.  (Note eliminating the family is a foundational goal of Marxism).  
  • It sterilizes children who are medicalized early.  
  • It infringes on women’s rights and privacy.  
  • While subtle, we cannot underestimate the negative impacts of turning children’s attention inward on a mythical “gender journey” rather than towards the broader world of ideas and big dreams.  

Several potential goals come to mind based on the above.  Discontentment + Unrest +  Destabilization + Greed + Division = Conquer.  As horrific as it is that children are being sacrificed in a quest for money and power, I suspect this might be the low hanging fruit.  It feels as though there are far deeper motives as well. Is this an effort to dehumanize us? 

Regardless of the nefarious motives of the marketeers, there is one thing I am 100% certain of.  We have been conned.  What easy marks we humans are.  

For those who see the dystopian future the transgender campaign promises, silence is not an option.  We cannot wait for the lawsuits that are sure to come for change.  We must fight the marketeers’ strategies with our own.  Here are a few suggestions:  

  • Refuse to use language designed to change your beliefs such as “gender assigned at birth”.  
  • Communicate firmly that it is unnecessary to believe gender ideology to offer compassion and assistance to those who suffer from gender dysphoria.  
  • Who cares if someone calls us transphobic.  It’s a lie designed to manipulate.  Feel free to speak and stand firmly by your beliefs.  Loudly and often.  Gender dysphoria is not a normal state to be encouraged as this religion would have us believe.  
  • Whenever a debate arises about women’s sports steer the conversation to the basic tenets of gender ideology.  We are more than happy to support an individual who transitions to seek relief from their emotional anguish but that person will never be the opposite sex.  Biology is immutable.  Sadly this precludes transgender men from playing in women’s sports.  We can’t always get what we want.  
  • What is happening in your child’s school? How many kids claim to be trans?  Are they teaching gender religion? Does the school’s policy require teachers hide a child’s social transition from parents?  If so, build your own coalition of parents and demand change.  This parent’s story might propel you to action.  The San Francisco school board has lost their minds over gender religion as this article describes.  Parents must get involved so the drugging of children is not encouraged at a school near you.    
  • Even if your school is silent on gender religion, social media is not.  Be aware of the social media sites your child visits.  This parent’s description of what she found on her daughter’s accounts is incredibly disturbing.  This child became addicted to trans anime via social media and lost 7 years of his life.  
  • For those without children in school, it is still essential to educate yourself.  Politicians and school board members have played an outsized role in promoting transgenderism.  We voted these people into office and now our kids are being indoctrinated.  We can vote them out.  Research every candidate in depth. For example, how many children will be sterilized unnecessarily because Biden has pushed “gender affirming care” on society.  What will be the long term impact of Biden’s proposed amendments to Title IX?
  • Spread the word.  I recently posted a video shown to school kids in California and a friend said this was a fringe issue and people who focus on it are only doing so “to stir derision in our political system to divide us” aka a right wing talking point.  Like so many other folks, he does not realize what is happening.  It was a fringe issue when Obama pushed it mainstream in 2008.  It isn’t anymore.  Who knows where we will be in ten years if reality does not make a comeback.  Right now, there are school kids walking on all fours who identify as cats.  And worse, schools tolerate it.  What’s next? 

Stand firm.  


  • I began the transgender series because, of the con jobs being foisted on society, it seemed the easiest to see.  Then I discovered it wasn’t easy to see at all.  Most people had no idea of the basic tenets of gender ideology, how it started and how far it had progressed.  As much as I read, I did not fully understand the implications of “gender affirming care” until spending hours upon hours researching the subject.  My mission then changed to inform and now a call to action.  This is the fifth article in the series. Previous articles include background information that will clarify my sense of urgency.  Part 1 “Through the Looking Glass”, Part 2 “Snowballs”, Part 3 “The Marketeers”, Part 4 “Comment on Biden Administration’s Proposed Amendment to Title IX”.
  • Dr. Quentin Van Meter provides the history of John Money in his 2017 speech.  For those who wish to understand the early days of this movement, it is much watch TV.  This article summarizes John Money’s experiments on the twin boys referenced above.  
  • It is important to remember that most western countries are dealing with an increase in those claiming to be transgender or nonbinary.  The Netherlands was instrumental in promoting the use of puberty blockers on children.  Even they have raised the alarm.  Other European countries have banned their use on minors.  
  • I highly recommend PITT on substack, Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans.  One of the more impactful articles is True Believer.  Knowing what I now know about this movement, reading this article brought tears to my eyes.
  • SEGM, the Society for Evidence Based Gender Medicine has excellent reference material.  They recently posted this article from the Economist “Questioning Americas Approach to Transgender Healthcare”.
  • As more kids decide it’s trendy to be trans “A Dangerous Subculture” on PITT’s substack is a timely read.  
  • Jennifer Bilek has done an enormous amount of research on the money behind the transgender movement.  Her most recent article is “The Billionaire Family Pushing Synthetic Sex Identities (SSI)”.  Her earlier 2018 article “Who are the Rich, White, Men Institutionalizing Transgender Ideology” and updated here, is also worthwhile.  
  • For the scientists, this article defends the binary nature of humans.  This interview with Dr. Michele Cretella addresses this topic in laymen’s terms.  
  • Dr. Miriam Grossman has been warning us about gender ideology for a decade.  Hopefully people begin to listen. 
  • Brenda Lebseck is a teacher and author in California who also has a wealth of information on her site.  
  • For those who don’t know what “top”, “bottom” and “eunuch” surgery are, here is a surgeon’s center that describes the procedures. 

Please feel free to visit BayBuddha Travels for articles on a wide range of subjects.

Comment on Biden Administration’s Proposed Amendment to Title IX

The Transgender Campaign, Part 4

It is important to participate in our democracy. Today is the final day to comment on the Federal Department of Education’s proposed changes to Title IX. We must always take a stand when presented with governmental actions that will harm the very people they are intended to help.

Please read this article by Candace Jackson for an overview of the proposed rule changes and their consequences or this article from America First Policy Institute.

While there is much that should be challenged in the administration’s proposal, I focused on the inclusion of gender identity in Title IX protections. My comment is below. Please feel free to use any or all of it in your own comments which can be submitted here.

I strongly oppose modifying Title IX to include gender identity.  This will enshrine gender ideology which teaches children they can be any gender on any given day.  Upon the child’s self selection, all must immediately affirm or face consequences.  Wedges will be driven between kids and parents.  The clock will be turned back on women and girls as their protections under the existing Title IX are sacrificed. Reality itself will be undermined as social contagion spreads and vulnerable children with no previous history of gender dysphoria decide they are transgender in an effort to belong.   Once they declare themselves transgender, immediate affirmation at school, with or without the parent’s consent, follows.  After affirmation, medicalization will likely follow and regardless of the federal government’s assertions to the contrary, puberty blockers are not fully reversible.  The government’s recommended “gender affirming care” will be reinforced with the proposed Title IX changes and will lead to more transgender adults who are relegated to a lifetime of drugs, sterilization, and poor health.  It is unconscionable.  

When did the federal government gain the right to force citizens to reject the most basic of all scientific realities, our biology?  Schools, teachers and students can be compassionate to children with gender dysphoria without the need to force all to accept a revised reality that states that gender and biology are independent of one another.  Why does the government believe it is necessary to teach kids they can change genders at will when it is physically impossible to do so?  No drug or surgery will ever turn a boy into a girl or vice versa.  No drug or surgery will ever erase a child’s genetics.  Imagine the absolute cruelty of dangling that possibility to a confused child.

Gender ideology is incredibly regressive in that gender stereotypes are narrowed and reinforced creating the bizarre need for an endless array of genders.  Isn’t it far healthier for a child physically and emotionally to embrace their biology and eliminate the stereotypes?  

An adult with persistent gender dysphoria will weigh the pros and cons of sex change drugs and surgery and may choose this avenue to mitigate their sense of dysphoria.  These folks should have our full support and compassion.  But have they truly changed themselves into the opposite sex?  Sadly for those with gender dysphoria, they have not and never will. Sex change drugs and surgery are cosmetic with seriously bad side effects.  Why is the federal government telling kids they can be any gender they want?  

The devil is always in the details and based on the executive order President Biden signed on June 15, 2022 chances are the revised Title IX language will prioritize medical transition over “watchful waiting” psychotherapy.  Government edicts in combination with the APA have already led most therapists to immediately affirm even when other psychological conditions are present.  Why is the federal government attempting to tell therapists how to treat their patients?  Why do the proposed changes to Title IX encourage unquestioning affirmation?  Other Western countries are moving in the opposite direction and have put the brakes on the medical transition of youth.  Why is our government ignoring the evidence?  

Below are the facts:

•          In the absence of social and medical transition, “Childhood-onset gender dysphoria has been shown to have a high rate of natural resolution, with 61-98% of children reidentifying with their biological sex during puberty.”  Source.  In other words, puberty itself cures gender dysphoria in most kids.

•          “Historically, the small numbers of children presenting with gender dysphoria were primarily prepubescent males. In recent years, there has been a sharp increase in referrals of adolescents, and particularly adolescent females, to gender clinics. Many do not have a significant history of childhood gender dysphoria and a number suffer from comorbid mental health issues and neurodevelopmental conditions such as autism (ASD) and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The reasons for these changes are understudied and remain poorly understood.” Source.  Are the increases a result of the marketeers’ attempt to redefine gender, inundate society with trans messaging making it “cool” and a way to “belong”?  

•          A recent study suggests desistance is rare when parents elect to socially transition a young child (6 or 7 years old).   

•          Once a child begins puberty blockers, desistance is very rare if at all.  Almost all will progress to cross sex hormones and the certainty of infertility and other lifelong health consequences.  

Please do not enshrine gender ideology in our schools.  The consequences will be enormous and none of them will be good.  

For more information and references, please see the previous articles below:

Through the Looking Glass


The Marketeers

The Marketeers

The Transgender Campaign, Part 3

From “It Feels Good to be Yourself” by Theresa Thorn

Can the transgender movement be simply explained?  Yes.  To be truly supportive of transgender children, activists demand that society believe gender is independent of biology.  In other words, any individual can be any gender on any given day regardless of chromosomes. 

A decade ago, and for eons prior, generally accepted reality dictated that males are men, females are women, men and women have limitless personality traits that often overlap and a very small proportion of the population had gender identity issues.  Until 2013 such issues were considered a mental disorder by the American Psychological Association (APA).    

While the silent majority had their collective head in the sand, a campaign percolated in academia to declare this human reality wrong.  The idea that “one’s gender is part of personal identity and not a disorder requiring treatment” exploded out of academia and is now supported by a large, well-funded coalition of progressives including politicians, their benefactors, private and public institutions, the APA, the Endocrine Society, teachers’ unions, woke corporations, big tech, big pharma, gender clinics, sex change surgeons, powerful LGBT+ NGOs and a cadre of social media influencers.  These are the marketeers who relentlessly promote their idea that the man/woman dichotomy is a false premise, gender exists on a spectrum to be decided at will and social and medical transition are the only appropriate courses of action for a gender confused youth.  

The marketeers’ campaign to change the definition of men and women under the guise of protecting our gender confused children has the potential to fundamentally change our society.  Equally important, success will fill their coffers which will solidify their power.  

We learned in the previous article, Snowballs, how the marketeers use compassion to manipulate society to accept their idea that gender is independent of biology.  They also use another classic trick, encourage folks to focus on the consequences of their ideas instead of the idea itself.  For example, society tears itself apart arguing over biological men who compete in women’s sports when we should be questioning whether we accept their ideas or not.  As our attention is diverted with one gender crisis after another (rapes in prison, sports, bathrooms) we unwittingly signal our tacit acceptance of the core concepts.  The result?  The marketeers’ underlying gender ideas continue to seep into our institutions with little resistance.  Genius.  

For those who don’t buy what they are selling, the marketeers employ another successful tactic – cancel public voices into oblivion.  They also rely on their fanatical acolytes to ostracize the disbelievers or anyone who questions their methods and motives.  This family’s story provides an excellent example.

Have the marketeers’ strategies been successful?  Yes, they have made significant progress.  Let’s examine the data.  

According to a recent Pew Research Center analysis “Adults under 30 are more likely than older adults to be trans or nonbinary. Some 5.1% of adults younger than 30 are trans or nonbinary, including 2.0% who are a trans man or trans woman and 3.0% who are nonbinary – that is, they are neither a man nor a woman or aren’t strictly one or the other.”  

recent Gallup report stated “Roughly 21% of Generation Z Americans who have reached adulthood — those born between 1997 and 2003 — identify as LGBT. That is nearly double the proportion of millennials who do so, while the gap widens even further when compared with older generations.”  As Bill Maher famously said, at this rate we will all be gay by 2054.  

According to the Williams Institute as of June 2022, “among U.S. adults 18 and older, 0.5% (about 1.3 million adults) identify as transgender. Among youth ages 13 to 17 in the U.S., 1.4% (about 300,000 youth) identify as transgender.”  

The Williams institute estimates the number of transgender 13–17-year-olds is 300,000 today and was approximately 150,000 in the 2016/2017 report.  Note however better base data is available today and the earlier estimate could be inaccurate.  

The Williams study also examined prevalence at the state level, At the state level, our estimates range from 3.0% of youth ages 13 to 17 identifying as transgender in New York to 0.6% in Wyoming.”  Is this disparity a result of how active the marketeers are in New York vs Wyoming?  The marketeers would have us believe that children are more comfortable coming out but geographic disparities call this theory into question.  In July 2015, to be more “inclusive” and stop kids from bullying those with gender dysphoria, New York implemented guidelines forcing schools to teach all kids they can be any gender they want at will.  The data shows that kids are listening.  So are their parents.  

Interestingly the Williams Institute report stated “overall, based on our estimates from 2016-2017, we find that the percentage of number of adults who identify as transgender has remained steady over time.”  Marketeer messaging to adults does not appear to seek their transition but instead the acceptance of the medical transition of young people.  The marketeers and their acolytes tell distraught parents “would you rather have a live son or a dead daughter” suggesting that if the child doesn’t start expensive, dangerous puberty blockers, which lead to a lifetime of drugs and serious health consequences, he or she might commit suicide.  Parents should dig a bit deeper before accepting such statements.    

While the accuracy of the studies above is unknown and they have different parameters and results, it appears transgender youth represent a very small part of the population.  Yet there is a significant upward trend especially in areas where the marketeers have control of the messaging.  Considering that US marketeers insist on immediate social affirmation and irreversible medical treatments in lieu of “watchful waiting” psychotherapy, the trend is also alarming for the physical and emotional health of any child (and their parents) who heed the call to social affirmation and medicalization.   

Before we examine the data regarding puberty blockers and surgery, it is important to restate key facts:

  • In the absence of social and medical transition, Childhood-onset gender dysphoria has been shown to have a high rate of natural resolution, with 61-98% of children reidentifying with their biological sex during puberty.”  Source
  • Historically, the small numbers of children presenting with gender dysphoria were primarily prepubescent males. In recent years, there has been a sharp increase in referrals of adolescents, and particularly adolescent females, to gender clinics. Many do not have a significant history of childhood gender dysphoria and a number suffer from comorbid mental health issues and neurodevelopmental conditions such as autism (ASD) and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The reasons for these changes are understudied and remain poorly understood.” Source  Are the increases a result of the marketeers’ attempt to redefine gender, inundate society with trans messaging making it “cool” and a way to “belong”?  
  • A recent study suggests desistance is rare when parents elect to socially transition a young child (6 or 7 years old).   
  • Once a child begins puberty blockers, desistance is very rare if at all.  Almost all will progress to cross sex hormones and the certainty of infertility and other lifelong health consequences.  
  • Regardless, the Biden Administration released standards of care for transgender children that include immediate social affirmation, puberty blockers at approximately 12, cross sex hormones at 16 and sex reassignment surgery if desired.  In some locales puberty blockers are encouraged at younger ages. 
  • President Biden signed an executive order on June 15, 2022 that appears to further prioritize medical transition over “watchful waiting” psychotherapy.  Note other Western countries are moving in the opposite direction and have put the brakes on the medical transition of youth.  

How many children in the US have been prescribed puberty blockers?  

Curiously this information is not readily available.  We do know the first gender clinic prescribed puberty blockers in 2007 and there are hundreds of prescribers now which suggests the number has increased dramatically.  

Lupron (Abbvie) and Supprelin (Endo) are the primary drugs prescribed off label to block puberty in children with gender dysphoria.  The charts below reflect total sales which include among other uses, prescriptions for palliative care for prostate cancer, endometriosis and precocious puberty.  Therefore, one cannot conclusively prove without additional data from Big Pharma how much of the increase is due to kids with gender issues.

Note Abbvie’s annual report explained the 2020 reduction in Lupron sales was due to pandemic related shortages while Endo’s annual report suggested the increase in Supprelin sales was due to supply shortages of a competitor.  Endo canceled production of Vantas in 2021, a cheaper alternate to Supprelin prescribed off label for puberty suppression.  Annual sales data for Vantas were not included in the online annual reports.  2022 annual sales reports will be interesting.

The long-term effects of prescribing these drugs to healthy kids have not been properly evaluated nor have Abbvie and Endo undertaken the rigorous testing necessary to obtain FDA approval for on label use to block puberty for healthy children.  However, there is evidence that these drugs can do serious damage especially in bone and brain development.  Equally important, almost all kids who start blockers progress to cross sex hormones which are irreversible and have many serious health consequences not the least of which is infertility.   

The marketeers’ assertion that puberty blockers are reversible is a blatant lie.  

The Swedish health authority sums up the concerns regarding puberty blockers best: “the risks of puberty suppressing treatment with GnRH-analogues and gender-affirming hormonal treatment currently outweigh the possible benefits, and that the treatments should be offered only in exceptional cases.” 

An older study in the Netherlands suggested that 65% of children referred to their primary gender clinic in 2010 progressed to hormone treatments by 2015.   If this trend holds in the US, without question the marketeers’ push for medical transition of kids will result in a greater number of transgender adults many of whom will fill Big Pharma’s pockets for the rest of their lives.  One cannot help but wonder if the marketeers hope the number of kids prescribed blockers stays hidden.  If this information were available along with an honest assessment of the risks, their acolytes and the silent majority might finally wake up.

How successful are the marketeers in encouraging minors to have sex reassignment or nonbinary surgery?  

Below are charts compiled from data released by The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) that represents the number of adult sex reassignments since 2015 performed by their members.  

Note the data does not include minors nor does ASPS have this data sorted by age but considering the Williams Institute and Pew Research data above, it is likely heavily tilted towards young adults.  The location of these surgeries is also key data necessary to evaluate the marketeers’ efforts.  Are procedures concentrated in areas where the marketeers have successfully redefined gender in K-12?  

Is the increase in female to male surgical transitions a result of the increase in rapid onset gender dysphoria in young girls that many believe is a result of social contagion? If so, we can draw a clear line between the marketeers’ messaging, “gender affirming care” and a surgeon’s knife.

While the increasing trend is clear, the number of people seeking surgery is very small compared to our population. This raises questions regarding intent.  Why did the California Department of Insurance direct all insurance companies in the Golden State to pay for the mastectomies of any gender transition patients under the age of 18?  Did California force this change because there was an existing market of young girls who were desperate to remove their breasts or to encourage market demand?  

The marketeers in western countries are gleefully counting their future dollars as demand for these surgeries grow.  Global Market Insights (GMI) estimated in 2019 that we “will witness 25.1% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) during 2020 to 2026.”  They estimate sex change surgeries will be a billion-dollar industry by 2026.  The synopsis suggests that “increasing focus on the transgender issues through various studies will contribute to the sex reassignment surgery market growth.”  And not unexpectedly, “favourable government policies associated with gender transition surgeries is one of the major factors driving the industry demand.” 

As with puberty blockers sex reassignment surgery comes with serious risks and long-term health consequences.  According to some who have transitioned, these pesky details are not thoroughly discussed with patients.  This article will open one’s eyes to the brutality of male to female sex change surgeries as will Scott Newgent’s female to male experience during and after surgical transition.  

Let’s summarize.  A coalition was built to promote a new definition of gender under the guise of protecting a minute number of transgender youth relative to the population.  At no time did the marketeers offer an alternative method to assist our gender confused children that did not include reordering society at large.  

Through a variety of successful strategies, the idea that gender is independent of biology has been relentlessly pumped into mainstream culture via education, entertainment, legislation and social media.  Young people are listening.  Their parents suffer with nowhere to turn.  

Utilizing poor quality data, the marketeers including the APA, the Endocrine Society and the Federal Government encourage social and medical affirmation of gender confused children, a strategy that will likely result in their sterility, a lifetime of drugs and profound health issues with no guarantee of improved mental or physical outcomes.   Meanwhile the marketeers seek to suppress opposing views, deliberately lie about the side effects of the drugs they push and downplay the consequences of sex change surgery.  This should be deeply troubling to all.  

Unbelievably many, if not most, Americans are oblivious to the danger to our youth and therefore our country.  Society rages over consequences of this ideology (bathrooms, prisons, women’s sports) which have served as effective diversions.  Meanwhile, the ideology itself has taken root. This is striking since it is highly likely the silent majority believes that gender and biology are inexorably linked.

We the people let this happen and we the people are the only ones who can stop it.  We must.  


  • Note this is the third article on the transgender campaign that has gripped and divided our country.  For background data it may be helpful to read “Through the Looking Glass” and “Snowballs”.  
  • To be perfectly clear, I firmly oppose the marketeers’ tactics, ideology, and push to transition and medicalize children.  I believe we can and should be supportive and compassionate to our gender confused children without a fundamental shift in our understanding of gender and the resultant reordering of society.  In addition, should any informed adult whose prefrontal cortex is fully developed wish to pursue hormones and/or surgery to reduce distress caused by gender incongruence, they should have the opportunity to do so.  Medicalizing children before their brains are mature and they are able to fully understand the risks is akin to child abuse and should only be pursued in the most extreme circumstances after extensive traditional (not affirming) psychological treatment. 
  • The Society for Evidenced Based Gender Medicine (SEGM) has a wealth of information for those interested in understanding this topic in greater detail.  Anyone with children in school districts controlled by the marketeers and who are free to roam social media should have a laser focus on this issue.  “Our aim is to promote safe, compassionate, ethical and evidence-informed healthcare for children, adolescents, and young adults with gender dysphoria.”
  • A “must read” from SEGM that fact checks the Biden Administration’s recently released standards for gender affirming care.
  • Genspect’s is another excellent resource.  
  • The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) is a prime marketeer for “gender affirming” care who also supply materials to schools.  In concert with other organizations such as the National Education Association (NEA) they published “Schools in Transition, A Guide for Supporting Transgender Students in K-12 School”.  While much of the material is appropriately based in compassion, the following excerpts indicate their goal – to redefine gender.  
    • While this concern may seem understandable, it is often based on the false idea that a transgender boy is not a “real” boy, a transgender girl is not a “real” girl or that a transgender student wants access to those facilities for an improper purpose. Schools should attempt to address these and any other misconceptions that may be causing the student’s discomfort.” The article goes on to suggest that the student who is uncomfortable use a different restroom.
    • “Unfortunately, schools often erroneously believe that a transgender student, particularly a transgender girl, will have a competitive advantage over the other players and therefore should not be allowed to compete on the team that matches their gender identity. Concerns regarding competitive advantage are unfounded and often grounded in sex stereotypes about the differences and abilities of males versus females.11”
    • “As part of this effort, it is important to educate the student’s family members about the serious consequences of refusing to affirm their child’s gender identity.”  There is no mention of informing the parents of the serious consequences of affirming their child’s identity and that going through puberty cures gender dysphoria for the majority of kids.  Nor do they mention the substantial numbers of adolescent girls claiming to be transgender with no prior history.  
  • This article examines the experience of one family in California.  It is a “must read” and demonstrates how open discussion of the pros and cons of transition is prohibited in certain areas and those who attempt to question the narrative are ostracized.  
  • This article highlights the acolytes’ fanatical obsession with the gender narrative.
  • Angus Fox (a pseudonym) has written an excellent series “When Sons Become Daughters”.  Here is part 7.
  • Casual research into Lupron will reveal its dangers.  Hormones Matter is a good resource.  In this article Dr. Julia affiliated with Genspect answers questions on blockers.  This PBS article discusses the long term side effects and this article in the Daily Wire is the personal story of a woman who is currently taking the drug. 
  • Anyone considering Lupron for themselves or their children might benefit from contacting one of the many Lupron victim groups. I have been in touch with the Lupron Warriors group on Facebook.  
  • Annual sales data for Lupron (Abbvie) and Supprelin (Endo) was pulled from their online annual reports.  2021 Abbvie annual report. 2021 Endo annual report.
  • I searched extensively for Lupron and Supprelin annual sales limited to puberty blockers for transgender children and the number of prescriptions written annualy but, as a Big Pharma outsider, was unable to find this data.  It is important data and if any reader has a means to obtain it, please feel to contact me.  We may have to wait until states such as Texas release reports resulting from their actions against Abbvie and Endo.  

Please feel free to visit BayBuddha Travels for articles on a wide range of subjects.

Behind the Swamp Curtain

Everything changes on the Loop Rd. It is nature unleashed. Happiness goes up and stress goes down.  This is the Everglades and I am behind the swamp curtain.   Here I can meld with nature, sit quietly with alligators and soak in the beauty of chaos.  

Passage through the swamp curtain is always accompanied by a sense of anticipation.  What will nature reveal?  Will I make any new friends?  Will I be able to capture the essence?  My last visit started with a wonderful interlude that spoke of more to come.  At one of the fishing holes, I came upon Johnny and his granddaughter Crystal.  Johnny filled a bucket with fish as we chatted about life, the Loop Rd and fishing.  He then told the story of his birth.  Johnny’s mother was an avid fisherwoman who was also due any minute.  She told her midwife she was headed out to Fishing Creek.  In no uncertain terms the midwife told Johnny’s mother it was a bad idea.  She insisted however and the midwife decided to go along.  It’s a good thing because Johnny was born that very day on the banks of Fishing Creek.  He has been fishing ever since.  


It was difficult to tear myself away from this bubble of goodness, but it was time to head to my Everglades home away from home, Clyde Butcher Big Cypress Gallery.  Clyde Butcher is a well-known Everglades photographer whose large format black and white photography is gorgeous and inspiring.  When I first started traveling to the Everglades when Earl went north, I stopped in to check out his work.  Jaw dropping. 

The Gallery has other offerings as well.  From my first time in the Everglades, I wanted to hike in the swamp but no way was I doing that on my own. Was very happy to learn they offer swamp walks on the 14 acre property plus two accommodations, the cottage and the bungalow. The people are wonderful, the swamp walks fun, and it makes a great home base.  


Big Mama and her babies live in the pond next to the cottage and that is always my first stop.  I love baby alligators.  Interestingly when hatchlings are about 2 years old mothers chase them away as they are now a threat to the next batch of eggs.  Sadly no Big Mama and no babies.  I figured the older babies had moved on.

The next day I was walking along the edge and there was a splash.  I stopped dead in my tracks.  Deep settling breaths.  Could it be?  A baby alligator crawled back up the slope at my feet.  I reckon that was permission so down on my belly I went.  Anytime a creature hangs out with me for an extended shoot, they enter the new friend category and I name them.  Please meet Abner.  Note my preference would have been to hold the camera a bit lower however that pesky leaf was in the way.  Abner allowed me to try every angle imaginable but the side on shot is my favorite.  


Later at almost the same spot, I met the handsome Hamilton, a curious Great Blue Heron who literally posed for the camera as I sat close by.  The light was kind to both of us as a sunray broke through the swamp canopy and perfectly spotlighted Hamilton.  This creates the ideal scenario for in camera lowkey portraits that need very little adjustment in post.  

I had arranged for a sunrise pole boat ride with Everglades Adventure Tours.  This is a quiet pleasant way to glide though the swamp.  There was only one problem, it was uncommonly cold at 48 degrees.  Even though we had on every layer possible, we were freezing.  The upside is the elusive smoke on the water created on a chilly morning.  In this shot, a sun ray beautifully lit a strip of steam.  

Teenage alligators are wonderful due to their giant eyes.  While I really like this shot, it would be even more dramatic if I had been comfortable holding the camera at water level.  It will happen next time.  

While we did not see a ton of birds, the way the light hit the red eye of this night heron made the trip worth every cold minute.  

I am always in search of shots that capture the patterns and magic in swamp chaos.  

While there is much chaos in the swamp, I love noticing the small touches of beauty the swamp delivers.

Another morning I visited Marsh Trail in search of the white pelicans.  Some were in residence but sadly they were in the far reaches of the lake and had to crop this far too much. 

Meanwhile I practiced birds in flight.  I dealt with this seriously underexposed but cool white pelican shot by blowing out the sky for a high key look.  

While my intent was to practice technique rather than create wall worthy photos, I do like the one above.  

I always spend plenty of time on the Loop Rd.  At one spot, another photographer pointed out “the” shot, a beautiful preening great white egret.  While he was shooting, I had a wander and noticed this green heron perched in classic swamp.  For me, this was not only “the” shot of this spot but perhaps of the trip.  I can’t decide which I like best the environmental shot that tells a bigger story of the swamp or the cropped in portrait framed by a literal swamp curtain.  What do you think?  

Alligator Dress Up

One can usually find alligators on the Loop Rd, even when its freezing.  I like how this alligator adorned itself in the vegetation.  The shot below is about alligator reflections and the possibilities if green gets on your nerves.  

There are usually plenty of birds as well on the Loop Rd.  This tricolored heron hung around just long enough for a portrait.

Sweet Water is an area on the Loop Rd that has delivered many great moments but has been oddly devoid of wildlife recently.  I figured I would settle in for a good while over lunch to see what might develop.  Just as I sat down a pickup truck parked on the bridge (no one does that), music blaring.  They started unloading a grill.  Things got louder.  This was not a Johnny and Crystal moment, they made no attempt to blend with the environment and I wondered if I had found the reason things had changed for the worse at Sweet Water.  

In addition several adult alligators had to be put down recently because people fed them.  Alligators view humans as food if people are stupid enough to do this and they could potentially attack the next human they see.  Hopefully folks will remember that we are guests behind the swamp curtain and behave accordingly.

Meanwhile, I left the pickup in my rearview mirror to find one of the many excellent spots for a relaxing lunch, enjoy the light on the cypress and perhaps some wildlife.  This great white egret stared intently down her beak.  Will we see you again she said?  Most definitely Mrs. Egret.  Thank you so much for welcoming me in your home.  

Please feel free to visit BayBuddha Travels for articles on a wide range of subjects.

“Incredible Transitions”

Part 8 America on Shaky Ground

At a press conference in Japan, Biden said “[When] it comes to the gas prices, we’re going through an incredible transition that is taking place that, God willing, when it’s over, we’ll be stronger and the world will be stronger and less reliant on fossil fuels when this is over,”

A few pressing questions come to mind:   

  1. What are we transitioning to?  Renewables?  It is critical to understand that renewables such as wind and solar are currently unreliable and unable to meet US energy demand. Until a solution for long term storage of energy is invented to overcome the variable nature of weather and/or nuclear energy is increased dramatically, we are stuck with fossil fuels if we wish to satisfy current demand.  Does Biden mean we are transitioning to low emissions nuclear?  Nope.  This administration has declared war on nuclear as well.  Why would they undermine fossil fuels and nuclear which supply 88% of our energy without a viable alternative in place?  An important question that is never asked much less answered by our so called leaders.  
  • Is Biden doing everything he can to lower gas prices?  Regardless of Biden’s words to the contrary, this administration is taking more steps, right now, with the highest gas prices in history, to further hamper the US fossil fuel industry. Regulatory actions impact prices. For additional details please also refer to an earlier article “Predators”, a deeper dive into energy policy.  
  • Intent or incompetence?  Any serious conversation about the Biden administration’s record invariably leads to this question, can they possibly be this incompetent or is there some measure of intent?  Biden lifted the curtain with his “transition” remarks and confirmed intent.  Think long and hard about that folks.  Their intent crushes Americans economically and he encourages us to suck it up with some grand notion of transitioning to a better future.  It’s blatant manipulation.  

It is now crystal clear that this administration has purposely put America on shaky ground to achieve an “incredible” yet undefined “transition”.  A “Great Reset” perhaps?  How long will we tolerate this assault on our country?  How long will it take otherwise intelligent people to stop believing foolish memes that deflect blame from Biden and attempt to normalize high gas prices?  Will the silent majority finally dispense with their silence?  


Below is a summary of destabilizing factors addressed in this and previous articles in the America on Shaky Ground series.  

  • Part 1  “The Beauty of Gathering”.  Division and distrust caused by the prohibition of gathering.
  • Part 2  “Bad Ole Men”. Division and distrust caused by categorizing women and men into victims and oppressors.  
  • Part 3  “Whitey in the Woodpile”.  Division and distrust caused by racial segregation via victim/oppressor ideology.
  • Part 4 – “Annie Get Your Gun”.  Destabilize the populace by undermining the constitutional right of self-defense. 
  • Part 5 – “Thou Shalt Lie”.  Propagation of false narratives designed to destabilize the populace and consolidate power.  
  • Part 6 – “Predators”.  Destabilize US economic and national security with unsound energy policies.
  • Part 7 – “Through the Looking Glass and Snowballs.  Division via the splintering of society based on gender.  Destabilization caused by teaching kids to reject reality.
  • Part 8 – “Incredible Transitions”.  Purposeful economic and national security destabilization to “transition” the United States.