
The Transgender Campaign, Part 2

From “What Are Your Words” by Katherine Locke

Our compassion was hijacked years ago.  How else could our perception of reality be so twisted that we believe biological men should compete in sports against biological women?  That it is a moral imperative to teach young girls and boys they can be a boy, a girl, a boy and a girl, or neither?  That tampons should be in K-12 boys’ bathrooms? That minors should be able to pursue chemical castration without parental approval?

Most humans ache for a troubled, unhappy child and would do whatever possible to bring them comfort.  This basic human compassion has been teased into a grotesque acceptance of policies that risk the health of both our gender confused youth and kids in general.  Equally disturbing, “gender affirming care” increases the demand for transgender care, which increases the number of opportunists who lobby for more “gender affirming care”.  A nationally orchestrated cycle of Munchausen by Proxy.  Who wins?  Opportunists.  Who loses in the short term?  Confused kids.  Who loses in the long term?  All of us. 

From “What Are Your Words” by Katherine Locke

Many are unaware how far this insanity has spiraled since Obama gave the gender snowball a shove via administrative and executive actions in 2009.  Very few objected.  Would we have blocked Obama’s pen if we knew it would result in our kids being taught “See, when you were born, you couldn’t tell people who you were or how you felt.  They looked at you and made a guess.  Maybe they got it right, maybe they got wrong”.  Would alarm bells have gone off if parents knew “gender affirming care” could lead future kids to declare “they got it wrong” and unilaterally pursue irreversible, life altering drugs and surgery as minors?   

From “It Feels Good To Be Yourself” by Theresa Thorn

As we witnessed with appalling clarity during Covid, once a snowball gets rolling encouraged by politicians, institutions and a media machine that cancels opposition, folks tend to jump on board.  “Of course we have compassion for kids with gender dysphoria, love is love”, they mimic.  Sadly people are too busy to see the rot beneath the pretty words or consider what this snowball will look like in a decade.  Nor do they wonder why the snowball got pushed over the cliff initially. Or why our compassion and acceptance of those with gender dysphoria isn’t enough and to be truly supportive, we must deny the link between gender and biology for all humanity. Note less than 1% of the population were transgender when this movement began.

For those who wish to critically evaluate this movement, it’s important to determine where we are and where the transgender snowball is headed.  Let’s start by understanding that most kids will grow out of gender dysphoria by the end of adolescence.  On the other hand, desistance is rare once puberty blockers are prescribed to a gender confused child (the federal government recommends blockers at age 12).  Puberty blockers are not “reversible” when consider the full range of physical and psychological impacts not the least of which is a desire by almost all kids to continue with cross sex hormones (the federal government recommends cross sex hormones at 16).  The combination of these drugs results in irreversible sterility, undeveloped sexual organs and other potential health issues.  There appears to be no foolproof method to determine who will desist and whose gender dysphoria will persist.  Since most 12-year-olds are incapable of grasping the ramifications of these drugs, treatment with comprehensive psychotherapy appears to be the only safe and humane avenue for gender confused minors.  When the brain of a gender dysphoric young adult is fully developed, the individual can then decide if drug and surgical interventions are the appropriate course of action.  

From “It Feels Good To Be Yourself” by Theresa Thorn

Next, let’s consider the future.  Where will we be in ten years without a course change?  Three states have passed laws that allow minors to pursue puberty blockers and cross sex hormones (ie sterility and other complications) without parental consent.  How many more politicians will follow like sheep?  Will a generation of children who have been taught that feelings supplant reality be easier to manipulate by future snowballs that target emotions?  How does the push to unmoor children from their biology impact the family in the future?  We have learned how the collapse of the family has impacted poor black communities.  Can we expect similar destabilization in other communities?  What will be the impact on the family as government entities insert themselves between kids and parents on health matters?  

This is a small sampling of potential outcomes to ponder.  We must take our collective heads out of the sand and face this issue head on.  Lest folks think the above is nothing more than a right-wing talking point and, as such, should be ignored, let’s examine actual trends which will help us understand where we are and predict the future….

From “What Are Your Words” by Katherine Locke


  • Note my previous article, “Through the Looking Glass” on the transgender movement is a deeper dive and would perhaps be helpful to understand the basics.  The above seeks to communicate a few important details in a shorter format and set the stage for an examination of data and trends.  
  • “A new law recently passed in California allows (foster) children as young as 12 years old to receive taxpayer-funded transgender treatments and services, without parental consent.”  Source.  
  • In 2015, Judicial Watch wrote regarding Oregon’s new law: “In a matter of months dozens of kids—some younger than 9—received taxpayer-funded, sex-change therapy in a state that earlier this year made it legal for minors to undergo radical treatment for “gender dysphoria” without parental consent.” Source.
  • In Washington, “the age of consent for obtaining health care services was lowered to 13 in a bill that went into effect in January of 2020.” Source.  Note it appears that HB2288 referenced in this article to locate health centers on middle and high school properties which would effectively bypass parents, is dead.  That it was even considered should raise eyebrows.  
  • “Gender affirming care” has had an impact on how therapists approach treatment of gender confused kids.  This article by Dr. Miriam Grossman is essential reading for anyone who wishes to understand the current state of care or for parents of a child who has declared they are transgender, especially Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD) that has impacted so many young girls.  ROGD is a recent phenomena that many believe is caused by social contagion.
  • The photos from this article were taken from the following two books which are in many school libraries around the country.  Brenda Lebsack, a teacher in California, forwarded them to me.  I do not believe they are used in the classroom or if it is likely a child will encounter them.  They do however provide insight in how gender ideology is communicated to children.  I highly recommend listening.  Please consider the impact on a young mind.

Please feel free to visit BayBuddha Travels for articles on a wide range of subjects.

Through the Looking Glass

American on Shaky Ground, Part 7

The Transgender Campaign, Part 1

A byproduct of the “gender is a feeling” movement is that people who pee sitting down must share public restrooms with people who pee standing up.  This is unacceptable.  Their restrooms tend to get that not so fresh smell from pee landing in places it does not belong.  Logic also dictates that crouchers who pee all over the toilet seat should be relegated to the standers’ bathroom.  In fact, restroom usage should be divided not on how one feels but on who can keep their pee in the toilet bowl.  Laws must be enacted and enforced.  If absurdity is the norm let’s at least be practical.  

Is the above any more absurd than men who wish they were women competing in sports with actual women?  Or that anyone would ask a potential supreme court justice what the definition of a woman was and equally bizarre, the judge would refuse to answer?  No.    

Let’s take a step back and examine the gender and transgender narrative that’s dumped us all in the same restroom.  

A narrative is often accompanied by the manipulation of language.  “Prior to the 1950s, gender meant male or female, but applied only to grammar not persons. Latin based languages categorize nouns and their modifiers as masculine or feminine and for this reason are still referred to as having a gender.”  Source.  

Now definitions like this proliferate: Gender refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviours, expressions and identities of girls, women, boys, men, and gender diverse people. It influences how people perceive themselves and each other, how they act and interact, and the distribution of power and resources in society. Gender identity is not confined to a binary (girl/woman, boy/man) nor is it static,” etc. 

The word gender itself has been transitioned.  

The word “Intersex” describes an old phenomenon.  In rare instances, people are born with abnormal chromosome combinations that result in both male and female characteristics.  The first sex change operation on an intersex individual occurred in the early 1900s. While there is disagreement on the prevalence of intersex people, one calculation states they represent approximately .018% of US population. 

Gender Identity Disorder is not new either although this condition is now referred to as Gender Dysphoria. “Gender dysphoria (GD) in children describes a psychological condition in which they experience marked incongruence between their experienced gender and the gender associated with their biological sex.” Source.  “Children represent a small number of individuals with gender dysphoria and in only 10-20% of the children, gender dysphoria will continue to manifest in adolescence”.  Source.  These folks and intersex individuals deserve our compassion and hope for a fulfilling life.  For perspective, a rough estimate of the number of GD individuals seeking sex reassignment surgery can be found in the Details section.  

The label “gender nonconforming” is new but the concept is old.  Gender nonconformity refers to the extent to which a person’s gender identity, role, or expression differs from the cultural norms prescribed for people of a particular sex.

What is new is the idea that we should teach children gender is fluid so they will accept and be compassionate towards those who suffer from gender identity disorder.    

What is also new is the increased volume of GD diagnoses over baseline (referred to as excess demand in this article) and the willingness to treat GD chemically and surgically at younger and younger ages ignoring the data that at least 80% of GD cases resolve with psychotherapy alone by late adolescence.  Unbelievably, in some clinics, chemical transition is initiated in the absence of comprehensive psychological evaluation.  

It appears the increase in referrals to gender clinics has not been quantified although we can look at the explosion of clinics and surmise demand has grown significantly.  The first US clinic to pioneer puberty blockers for children opened in 2007.  According to one study, there are approximately 200 clinics and growing.  This number does not appear to include Planned Parenthood clinics which have embraced puberty blockers and cross sex hormones.  GD drugs and surgery have become big business.  

Why are there so many more gender confused kids?  Why has the number of young girls seeking transgender care surged?  The chicken and egg debate rages but it is important to understand these questions have not been evaluated as outlined in this Dutch article.  Without this essential data the federal government has issued official support for “gender affirming care” which can include social transition (name and pronoun), puberty blockers, cross sex hormones, surgery and psychotherapy.  The federal government has also warned states they could be in violation of civil rights laws if they block minors from receiving “gender affirming care” even though the long term impact of puberty blockers on children has not been adequately studied.  

Even without studies, it stands to reason that excess demand is driven by the relentless gender narrative of social media influencers, politicians, educators and the media coupled with the censorship of critics.  The rhetoric resembles a well-executed marketing campaign.  Gender drug pushers and surgeons welcome the new target market with open arms.  

Another likely driver of excess demand is the age at which gender ideology is introduced. Is it wise to tell little kids that boys can be girls and girls can be boys?  Imagine a prepubescent child’s reaction when presented with the Gingerbread Person or the Gender Unicorn, images that are clearly designed for a young audience.  Once these concepts are in a child’s mind, will they confuse common body image concerns, normal identity questions and insecurities with GD?  According to Erikson’s Psychological Stage Summary Chart, an important factor for adolescents is their search for personal identity.  Is it possible the relentless gender messaging from teachers, children’s programming and social media will misdirect children in their search?  

Like Alice, it feels like we have entered a fantastical world, where we find that, just like a reflection, everything is reversed, including logic.  Did our society take a wrong turn through the looking glass?  

It certainly appears so.  Any human who has been around for a while witnessed the negative impacts of strict gender stereotypes and the existence of “gender noncomformists”.  In the 1970s things visibly started to change.  By the turn of the century expectations and assumptions had loosened to such a degree that those who march to their own drummer were celebrated.   

The gender movement is regressive however and strict stereotypes are back.  How can a 10 year old girl casually tell her parents she is not a girl unless society has narrowly defined how a girl behaves, how she thinks and what is expected of her?  This is obvious “elephant in the living room” logic and is the crux of society’s wrong turn. We should bust the stereotypes not the reality of our biology.  

Are there any other elephants that deserve our attention?  Yes, big ones.  

  • “Also, some experts noticed that a clear majority of children on GnRH therapy (puberty blockers) will decide to pursue cross-sex hormonal therapy.” Source.  Other sources suggest this number is close to 100%.  We have already learned that 80%-90% of GD resolves without drug intervention plus there has been a notable increase in children, particularly girls, seeking transgender care.  Do the math.  If we start children on puberty blockers whose GD would have otherwise resolved, we will increase the number of transgender adults who are also dependent on cross sex hormones.  No doubt the pharmaceutical companies support “gender affirming care”. 
  • Consider the distinctive manifestations of women and men in your own circles.  How can gender labels and pronouns possibly encompass the depth of our uniqueness?  They can’t.  That is why the number of genders/pronouns has grown to ridiculous proportions, 64 by one count.  Yet what is the endgame of gender transition?  Male and female genitalia.  A full circle of absurdity.  
  • How can equal opportunity laws conceivably address the expanding number of genders?
  • When I was in grade school, the kids viciously teased an overweight girl because she was different. Imagine her isolation and trauma.  Did the government issue a directive on “fat affirming care”?  Of course not.  Why would we force society at large to declare their pronouns and abandon biologic reality rather than teaching kids to be kind and accept the differences of others?  Does anyone really believe “gender affirming care” will result in kids being nicer to those who are different?  For example, a group of kids in a Maryland junior high bullied another group of kids because they were not bisexual. Junior high. Will the law of unintended consequences rear its ugly head as people are divided into small angry victim groups and kids turn on each other?
  • No amount of compassion for a gender confused individual supports a biological man playing on a women’s sports team.  Note the Biden Administration is scheduled to release a revision to Title IX April 2022.  Consider what that report will do to the polarization in this country.  
  • A man who wants to be a woman can change his name and pronouns, elect chemical and physical castration, get breast implants and other feminine features but he will never be a woman with the ability to give birth and nurse her child.  A woman who wants to be a man can select one of 78 pronouns, pursue hormone therapy, have a double mastectomy and radical hysterectomy.  She will have a clitoris with penis clothing and will never be a man with the ability to impregnate a woman.  The bottom line?  Sex reassignment surgery is cosmetic and pronouns are superficial.  Quite a sad reality for GD folks but it is a reality none the less.  
  • Transgender individuals who pursue full chemical and surgical transition will be sterile, yet “a clear majority of them express the desire for reproductive potential after transition”.  In a society that caters to the smallest minority, where will the transgender desire to maintain fertility lead our nation legally and ethically?  The future is emerging already.  Some states do not require surgical transition to change gender on birth certificates.  
  • How will our unique, gifted or troubled children fare in this new environment.  Will an influencer suggest their uniqueness is a sign of GD and recommend “gender affirming care”?  Will one of the sleazy gender clinics put them on drugs without comprehensive psychological evaluation?  Is it possible the side effects of these drugs will derail the natural development of their gifts or enflame underlying psychological conditions?  Do we undermine our society by undermining our children?  
  • Societal trajectories matter.  In addition to ignoring the long-term impacts of transgender drugs, we are also ignoring the potential progression when reality is supplanted with desire.  The furry movement comes to mind as does research into uterine transplants in men.  What’s next? 

How do we get back on track?  Let’s apply common sense.  

Can we return to simplicity, reality and acceptance?  Let’s celebrate the beautiful diversity of being human, embrace our woman and manhood, reject gender stereotypes and revel in our differences.  Let’s extend our understanding and acceptance to those with persistent GD without forcing society to participate in gender ideology.  Let kids be kids, educate them on the basics, encourage them to be kind, turn off the gender marketing machine and cancel the drug pushers.  This isn’t complicated.  Common sense rarely is.  

Wouldn’t the above actions be preferrable to splintering our society into an infinite number of angry victim groups who take offense at being called the wrong pronoun?  To eliminating a key bedrock of human experience, our biology?  To the gender wars developing between parents, schools, states and the federal government? To the manipulation of compassion which results in the incremental acceptance of senseless legislation?  To the weaponization of greed to advance an agenda?  To subjugate parents’ belief structures to the will of government?  

Yes, reality grounded in common sense, compassion and pragmatism will unite us.  The absurdity of modern gender ideology and associated legislation will rip this country apart, undermine our children and put this nation on dangerously shaky ground.  We should reject it and equally important, determine why the government and their corporate cronies are hellbent on drugging our kids and splintering society.    


Below is a summary of destabilizing factors addressed in this and previous articles in the America on Shaky Ground series.  

  • Part 1  Division and distrust caused by the prohibition of gathering.
  • Part 2  Division and distrust caused by categorizing women and men into victims and oppressors.  
  • Part 3  Division and distrust caused by racial segregation via victim/oppressor ideology.
  • Part 4 – Destabilize the populace by undermining the constitutional right of self-defense. 
  • Part 5 – Propagation of false narratives designed to destabilize the populace and consolidate power.  
  • Part 6 – Destabilize US economic and national security with unsound energy policies.
  • Part 7 – Division via the splintering of society into an ever increasing number of “marginalized” victim groups. Destabilization caused by teaching kids to reject reality which will ultimately undermine children.


  • Gender ideology is complicated.  The above only scratches the surface.  For those who want a deeper dive, there are many resources above and below to get you started.  My plan is to examine gender transition drugs in a future article.  Regardless of the rhetoric to the contrary side effects of long-term use of puberty blockers and cross sex hormones have not been adequately studied.  In addition, once the Biden Administration releases their proposed Title IX update, an article on the illogical outcomes of gender legislation will likely be in order. 
  • Update 4.8.22 – New Jersey has updated their education standards. Gender ideology will be introduced in the 2nd grade. “Discuss the range of ways people express their gender and how gender- role stereotypes may limit behavior.
  • How many transgender kids were referred for treatment prior to this movement (baseline)?  Was this number consistent over the years?  What is the number of kids claiming to be transgender now?  I don’t know.  I wonder if anyone does.  This is important information, however.  In search of a baseline estimate, it was suggested I review the 2013 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition.  While modern transgender narrative began prior to 2013, the Obama administration gave it a hefty push around then.  “There are no recent epidemiological studies to provide data on prevalence of Gender Identity Disorder.  Data from smaller countries in Europe with access to total population statistics and referrals suggest that roughly 1 per 30,000 adult males and 1 per 100,000 adult females seek sex reassignment surgery.”  Census data reveals there were approximately 154,650,000 men and 161,610,000 women in 2013.  Therefore approximately .003% of men and .001% of women sought sex change surgery in 2013.  Did this number justify foisting fringe academic gender theory into mainstream culture?  
  • Update 4.8.22 – After publishing this article, I became aware of the Gallup poll which seeks to measure the number of people who identify as LGBT. This is not surprising.
  • The reader will note that I did not touch on sexual orientation above.  While that may be inexact because many of the new genders speak to orientation, I did not want to complicate the article further.  
  • Upon the release of the above documents which endorse the use of puberty blockers and cross sex hormones, President Biden said among other things: “To transgender Americans of all ages, I want you to know you are so brave.  You belong.  I have your back.”  With everything we have learned about a child’s need to belong, their search for personal identity and the fire hose of gender messaging, this statement is disturbing. 
  • While the US government has embraced transgender drugs, Sweden’s top children’s hospital suspended puberty blockers.  Note Sweden instituted their version of gender affirming care prior to the US and they are not the only country putting the brakes on drugging kids.
  • The Gingerbread Person is a tool to teach gender ideology.  The Safe Zone Project, creates gender curriculums utilizing the gingerbread person.  Sam Killerman, who is a gender and sexuality consultant, had a hand in creating both. Reading this material is recommended.  Much of it seems fine until one realizes that these lessons teach kids they can be any gender “they know themselves to be”. I have been unable to confirm at what age this is introduced but have seen references as young as 4th grade and up.
  • Because some LGBTQ folks don’t agree with how gender is depicted on the Gingerbread Person, the TSER (Trans Student Educational Resources) created the Gender Unicorn which is also being taught in some schools.  Studying the mission and message of TSER is highly recommended.  
  • The American College of Pediatricians is opposed to the current transgender treatment protocol.  They have been vilified and labeled as a hate group.  For two vastly different perspectives read the releases of the Biden Administration “Gender Affirming Care” documents above and this ACP article.  In a takedown of this article, an author suggested ACP misrepresented the twin study.  I have reached out to ACP for clarification.  
TSER Graphic for Students

Please feel free to visit BayBuddha Travels for articles on a wide range of subjects.


We are at a critical juncture in history.  Our choices now will have far reaching consequences at home and abroad.  We must choose wisely.  Can anyone predict with certainty how Russia will respond to our actions?  No. Therefore we must focus on strengthening America so we can weather any storm that arises.  

While bolstering America is a multipronged effort, the purpose of this letter is to focus on energy policy and request your assistance.  Let’s please dispense with the talking points and recognize that America is in a precarious position.  We import more energy than we export, have massive debt, spiraling inflation and fiscal responsibility at the Federal level is nonexistent.  The supply chain is fragile at best and most industries are besieged with worker shortages.  While much needs to be done, one strategy to strengthen our foundation is shift immediately to energy independence.  Our exports should exceed imports, we should import only from trusted allies and produce most of the energy we consume.  

The Biden administration energy policy is driven by the belief that fossil fuel emissions are the cause of our warming planet.  Energy policy is therefore geared to reduce fossil fuel production and increase renewable energy. While the environment is an essential pillar of any energy policy it is critical to understand that renewables such as wind and solar are currently unreliable and unable to meet US energy demand.  Until a solution for long term storage of energy is invented to overcome the variable nature of weather and there is a substantial overhaul and expansion of the grid, we must rely on fossil fuels and nuclear to satisfy demand unless we want to collapse our economy.   

Even though renewables cannot possibly supply US demand, through executive order and regulatory action, the administration has hampered investment and impacted US oil and gas production.  The willingness to invest is negatively impacted by this regulatory atmosphere, as is the market, as are prices.  Consumer price increases are the result.  

Inexplicably this administration tightened the regulatory screws on US oil and gas while simultaneously requesting OPEC to increase supply to moderate “prices at the pump”.  When Russian imports were cut, the administration sought alternate supply from Saudi Arabia, Iran and Venezuela without a corresponding policy change at home. 

The President and his appointees don’t like nuclear energy either.  If climate change is an existential threat, why is the Biden administration closing low emission nuclear plantsrevoking extension permits and denying permits for new builds?  When nuclear plants are shuttered, they are typically replaced with gas generation plants with higher emissions.  The consumer also pays more, a classic lose, lose scenario that makes zero sense. 

Recently Congress has shown willingness to override bureaucrats and regulators.  We ask that members set aside concerns of special interests, ignore the endless rhetoric, and consider only America’s present and future.  Please examine the efforts of this administration to undermine domestic energy supply and undo them.  Prohibit future regulatory actions without Congressional approval. Honestly evaluate the shortcomings of renewables and incentivize technological advancement.  Construct an energy policy based on national security, economics, climate and environmental concerns.  

High energy costs and dependence on foreign oil and gas will lead to increased economic instability that weakens America and her allies.  A stable economy with affordable energy is essential, especially now.  Please act.  

Please feel free to visit BayBuddha Travels for articles on a wide range of subjects.


America on Shaky Ground, Part 6

To be effective participants in our democracy, a dedication to reality is essential.  Said dedication is difficult amid the relentless political theater and complexity of the issues we face.  But try we must.  Energy policy, Russian aggression, and the West’s ability to respond are inextricably linked. To understand, let’s begin with what we know to be true, raise questions and finally, determine if we can draw any conclusions.  


  • Readily available, affordable energy is the backbone of a society. Energy is to society as oxygen is to humans. Every industry, business and citizen rely on energy to function.  Every product brought to market requires energy to produce.  A sound energy policy is essential for economic and national security.   
  • If energy prices increase, the price of goods and service will also increase, i.e., inflation.  Steep inflation has and will continue to jeopardize our economy.
  • Many factors impact energy prices.  Supply and demand are key as are the games nations play with supply to manipulate pricing and/or advance agendas such as climate change.  Regulatory policy and uncertainty also impact prices.  
  • Biden administration energy policy is driven by the belief that fossil fuel emissions are the cause of our warming planet.  Energy policy is therefore geared to reduce fossil fuel production and increase renewable energy.  Biden attacked the fossil fuel industry immediately.  For example, he revoked the permit for the Keystone pipeline on day one, temporarily suspended the issuance of oil and gas permits on federal lands and waters and most recently, during the Russia/Ukraine crisis, FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) modified approval requirements to include climate considerations for interstate natural gas facilities and pipelines.  The new guidelines will ensure such projects are far more difficult if not impossible to permit.
  • While the environment is an essential pillar of any energy policy it is critical to understand that renewables such as wind and solar are currently unreliable and unable to meet US energy demand.  Until a solution for long term storage of energy is invented to overcome the variable nature of weather and/or nuclear energy is increased dramatically, we are stuck with fossil fuels if we wish to satisfy current demand.  Please review the charts in this article that outline energy consumption by source.  
  • In February 2022 the NRC (Nuclear Energy Commission) rescinded extension permits for two functioning nuclear plants in Florida and Pennsylvania. In January 2022, the NRC rejected the application to build a reactor in Idaho. Shuttered nuclear plants typically are converted to gas-fired plants which have higher emissions. Rescinding permits that were issued under a previous administration is a sure fire way to dampen investment at time when we need nuclear energy to reduce imports. For more information please read this article.
  • Germany provides a clear example of a climate based energy policy that neglected to properly balance environmental, economic and national security concerns and ignored the reality of renewables.  “Germany embarked on Energiewende in 2010 with the goal of eventually making Germany independent of fossil fuels. The idea was to phase out oil, coal, and natural gas to allow for drastic reductions in carbon dioxide emissions. Since 2009, Germany has spent over a hundred billion euros on solar and wind energy, but carbon dioxide emissions did not decline over that period.  Source.  Germany also began a process to shutter their nuclear power plants with the remaining two plants scheduled for closure at the end of this year.  How has this worked out for Germany?  “Currently, Russia provides Germany with 55 percent of the natural gas, 50 percent of the coal, and 35 percent of the oil consumed by its inhabitants.” Source.  Germany supported Nord Stream 2, a pipeline that would transport Russian gas to Germany.  Nord Stream 2 will be a significant economic boon to Russia, filling its coffers to rape and pillage Ukraine, threatening Europe’s stability. Germany has since halted the process to certify the pipeline but has declined to enact any Russian sanctions that jeopardize its energy supply. .  
  • Unlike demand, US energy output has not rebounded to prepandamic levels.  This imbalance pushes costs up.  It is difficult to discern the cause. Some say it is a result of Biden administration policies intended to restrict supply.  Some say it is a lack of investment due to the regulatory atmosphere created by Biden policies.  The Biden administration blames OPEC, Russia, big oil and more recently, the conflict in Ukraine.  Still others blame Covid. 
  • The United States achieved “energy independence” for the first time in 2019.  This means that our net exports exceeded imports.  It does not mean that we produced all the energy we consumed.  We continue to import energy.  Becoming a net exporter was fueled in part by regulatory changes and the hydraulic fracking boom.  Prior to the end of the Trump administration our imports exceeded exports due to the havoc lockdowns wreaked on supply and demand.  We continue to import more than we export under Biden.  
  • Soon after Biden took office Russia began amassing troops on the Ukrainian border.  This article from April 2021 states that troop movement to the border had started “weeks” prior to publication.
  • Putin has repeatedly stated over the years that there will be significant consequences if Ukraine joined NATO.  Biden and Harris have repeatedly used language supporting Ukraine’s addition to NATO.
  • While implementing steps to restrict fossil fuel production at home, in May 2021, Biden waived sanctions on the company building Nord Stream 2.  Also in May 2021, U.S. imports of oil and refined petroleum products from Russia increased 23 percent to 844,000 barrels a day from the prior month, according to the Energy Information Administration.  In August 2021 Biden requested OPEC and Russia increase the supply of oil and gas production to offset higher energy prices in the US.  
  • While US imports from Russia increased to their highest historical level in 2021, It is important to note that the US has been importing oil from Russia for years.  Russian exports currently represent roughly 7% of total US 2021 consumption.  We import oil from many countries.  Top exporters to the US are Canada, Russia and Mexico.  For a detailed dive into the data, click here.  For more information consider this US Chamber of Commerce article, this article from Oil or summary from Institute For Energy Research.
  • Russia’s sales of oil and natural gas far exceeded initial forecasts for 2021 as a result of skyrocketing prices, accounting for 36% of the country’s total budget.”  Russia’s energy exports are a significant source of funds and finance Russia’s brutal attack.  Source.     
  • Almost a year after signs of impending Russian aggression began, there is finally a bipartisan push to cut energy imports from Russia.  However, the way some suggest it be done is counterproductive.  Elizabeth Warren stated “I think that means it should all be on the table including banning the import of Russian oil, not just here in the United States but among all of the nations.  We can protect ourselves, we can support ourselves, we can keep our economy going without fossil fuels.”


  • Why have so many NATO countries financed Russia’s invasion of Ukraine?  
  • Why didn’t the US and NATO turn off Russia’s money machine and seek alternate means of energy supply in 2014 after Russia invaded Crimea? Or if not then, as soon as the troop build up began on the Ukrainian border?  Considering Russia’s history, Russian aggression in Ukraine had a high probability.  Why was it ignored for so many months?
  • Knowing Putin’s “red line” regarding NATO expansion, how much did Biden’s NATO/Ukraine rhetoric enflame the situation?  Were those overtures serious suggestions to Ukraine to join NATO or did they have another purpose?  Did Biden and Harris consider Ukraine’s entrance into NATO worth the potential for war?  If so, why? This opinion piece offers an interesting perspective. 
  • The timeline above raises serious questions.   Let’s recap.  On Biden’s first day in office, he takes steps to hamper US energy markets at a time when the country was reeling from Covid and the disastrous results of the lockdowns.  Russia amassed troops on Ukraine’s border shortly thereafter.  While Russian troops were in place, Biden increased oil imports from Russia and greenlights Nord Stream 2 which will aid Russia economically and increase their control over Europe.  Biden then requests OPEC and Russia to increase supply.  Meanwhile Biden suggests Ukraine join NATO and actively takes steps to reduce oil, gas and nuclear production in the US.  Days before Russia’s invasion, FERC made it more difficult to build infrastructure to transport natural gas and the NRC rescinded extension permits for two nuclear reactors. This is strikingly bizarre behavior for an American president.  Whose side is he on?  Were Biden’s actions an invitation to Russia, is he mentally incapable of evaluating the consequences of his actions, or is he hamstrung by the ideology of his masters?  Who are his masters?
  • How did Biden’s and his son’s financial arrangement with Ukraine impact this situation?  How did the false and relentless Trump Russia collusion narrative impact our relationship with Russia?  How does the Ukraine “phone call” and subsequent Trump impeachment play into this?  The opinion piece referenced above attempts to address these questions as well. 
  • Undermining the fossil fuel industry under the guise of climate policy without a viable alternative actively in place seems foolhardy in the extreme.  Now that we are confronted with the clear consequences of this policy, why hasn’t the administration changed course and taken steps to increase energy production at home?
  • Why is the Biden Administration also undermining the nuclear industry? It is incomprehensible. Nuclear is the only way to reduce emissions and satisfy our energy needs.
  • While unplugging Russia’s money machine seems to make sense, imagine what will happen to energy prices and overall inflation if we eliminate 7% of our energy supply overnight.  Has Biden’s energy policy restricted our ability to react to Putin effectively and therefore compromised our national security?  We import more energy than we export, have massive debt, spiraling inflation and fiscal responsibility at the Federal level is nonexistent. This WSJ editorial explains why cutting our Russian imports could largely be a symbolic gesture and have no meaningful impact on Russia.
  • Does the anticapitalistic “degrowth” movement inform Biden’s energy policy?  Would this explain Biden’s attempt to reduce fossil fuels and nuclear without an alternate means of supply?   


We can easily conclude that Russia’s actions are horrific. The people of Ukraine will suffer greatly.  We can also conclude that Biden’s and Europe’s feckless energy policies have helped finance this carnage and hampered our ability to respond in the most effective manner.  We know that countries like Germany are so dependent on Russian oil and gas they are incapable of meaningful sanctions without tanking their economies. We know many months elapsed with no discernible strategy from Biden or Europe to thwart this invasion or improve our leverage.

In addition to the complexities inherent in the energy industry, there are far too many unanswered questions for us to fully understand how we came to this juncture in history. We will not learn the truth from talking heads or politicians.  Their rhetoric is political theater and feels like manipulation, the goal of which is unclear but instinctively troubling.  Collectively we must demand answers and seek true motive.  

Russia is not the only aggressor.  Ukraine is the classic shiny object to deflect attention.  Elizabeth Warren clearly demonstrated she would use this situation to advance a drastic climate agenda and it appears many in the administration share her view.  Biden attempts to sweep consequences of his administration’s policies under the Ukrainian rug.  These are the manipulative strategies of weak leaders.  It is high time we view this latest assault on our economic and national security as an act of aggression against the American people.  Equally important, we must ask why.  

And finally, we can conclude that our current leaders, whoever they may be, are woefully inadequate to navigate the difficult times ahead. Can we trust them to do now what they have neglected to do for the last year?  No. Will they dramatically change course to strengthen America at home and abroad with sound fiscal and energy policies that balance environmental, economic and national security with available and evolving technology?  No.  Their goals are not our own.  They have put America on dangerously shaky ground.  


Below is a summary of destabilizing factors addressed in this and previous articles in the America on Shaky Ground series.  

  • Part 1  Division and distrust caused by the prohibition of gathering.
  • Part 2  Division and distrust caused by categorizing women and men into victims and oppressors.  
  • Part 3  Division and distrust caused by racial segregation via victim/oppressor ideology.
  • Part 4 – Destabilize the populace by undermining the constitutional right of self-defense. 
  • Part 5 – Propagation of false narratives designed to destabilize the populace and consolidate power.  
  • Part 6 – Destabilize US economic and national security with unsound energy policies.  

Please feel free to visit BayBuddha Travels for articles on a wide range of subjects.

Little Buggers, Big Pelicans and the Slowskys

Reading the directions is torture.  It’s the last resort well after head banging and excessive bad language.  This is a problem when learning a complicated craft such as photography where the path forward is often blocked with indecipherable manuals.  

Imagine my delight upon discovering a workshop on flash photography on a cool island with an excellent teacher.  Is it possible to learn flash basics and avoid a descent into manual and youtube hell?  Yes.

After an extensive Covid delay, Jared Lloyd’s workshop in Bocas del Toro, Panama was on.  Let the buying begin.  We needed gear – flash, flash bracket, flash cord, flash extender, flash box and a way to connect the bracket to the camera or lens.   But the real panic came over how to safely check all the gear into the belly of the beast, have a backpack for short hikes while respecting a carry-on weight restriction of 8lb.  Jared provided the simple solution, put the backpack loaded with gear into a pelican case.  Genius.  Pelican’s stock got a nice bump.  

We arrived in Panama City and enjoyed a classroom day before the trek to Bocas del Toro. After a prop plane ride to Isla Colon, the big pelican cases were loaded first into vehicles, driven to a pier, then into boats.  At long last, we made it to our island and Tranquilo Bay Eco Adventure Lodge, home for the next 5 nights.  My kind of place.  

We immediately got down to business learning flash and the necessary camera settings to achieve various results.  It was obvious incorporating flash into wildlife photography would be transformational. There were six students, two excellent teachers, Jared Lloyd and Annalise Kaylor plus our wonderful naturalist Stacey Hollis.  

We experimented with frog and snake setups that yielded beautiful photos for all.  Bocas del Toro has a lot to offer but many photographers come for the frogs.  We discovered that frogs are suffering from their own pandemic caused by the chytrid fungus.  Frog populations in several countries have been decimated.  Frogs have suffered in Bocas del Toro but to a lesser degree that other areas leading some to believe proximity to the sea and salt water provide protection against this scourge. 

While I wish we had these frogs in our backyard, I am glad we don’t have army ants.  There was a literal brigade crossing the path to our cabins.  To avoid the very unpleasant army ant bite, we ran up and down the path to minimize the opportunity for a handy meal.  Army ants love feet and their yummy smells.  Then I had a great idea.  How about getting a photograph for this article?  With extreme caution, I head up the path and see hundreds of them marching in columns, presumably a safe distance ahead.  Bad assumption.  The little buggers found me before I could find the shutter release and my feet and legs were covered instantly.  No time for picture taking while madly swatting ants at a dead run to the hose bib.  My feet burned for an hour.  

While I did not record the army ants for posterity, here is a shot of leaf cutter ants, the farmers of the ant world who form large, complex societies.  They are truly mesmerizing and if interested in the details, here is a quick article to satisfy your curiosity.  

Of the wildlife we encountered, the adorable three toed sloth was my favorite, the real slowskys. In addition to making anyone who sees them happy, sloths offer disconnected humans an important lesson on the symbiotic relationship between earth’s creatures.  Note the algae on Mrs. Sloth.  “The fur of a sloth doubles as a personal, edible garden ecosystem that house a collection of diverse microorganisms, many of which are found nowhere else.  A prominent member of this mobile ecosystem is the pyralid moth (Cryptoses species) whose entire life-cycle is dependent on the sloth.”  

The interesting article quoted above theorizes that the three toed sloth comes to the ground for a weekly constitutional in which the moths lay their eggs and grab some nutrient rich waste to feed the algae.  The algae in turn feeds and camouflages the sloth.  After contemplating this article, I wonder if we gave Mrs. Sloth a case of stage fright when we were lying next to her in the mud, clicking away.  Instead of digging a hole to do her business, she did a slow flow across the ground and climbed another tree.  Did Mrs. Sloth wait another week?  Were the moths able to lay their eggs?  Did the algae get the needed nutrients to flourish?  Something to think about in the future.  

While shooting a hummingbird nest, another sloth came into view and all thoughts of the hummingbird vanished.  At one point the sloth was directly above us.  Imagine a camera, dangling flash equipment and heavy zoom lens smashed against my face to get this shot.  It is important to note this would have been an ideal opportunity to use fill flash with flash extender to reduce ISO.  Sadly operator error got in the way of that.  Next time.    

And let’s not forget the monkeys.

We also made a couple of trips to Bird Island, an hour boat ride from Tranquilo Bay.  As the name suggests Bird Island is a rookery populated by thousands of birds including the Red-Billed Tropic, Brown Booby and Magnificent Frigatebird.  This prehistoric place offered an excellent opportunity to practice tracking, manage exposure settings, see beautiful birds all while in two foot swells.  The morning after our first trip to Bird Island, Jared must have seen the concentration on my face and asked if I was alright.  I replied I was great and was mentally reviewing the questions I would torture him and Annalise with over breakfast.  Bird Island revealed some notable gaps in my learning.  Over yet another delicious breakfast, they provided the education I needed on exposure.  

On our second trip to Bird Island, Jared directed our attention to the birds flying over the crashing waves.  The sun was behind us, the waves bright white, the brown boobies dark, the fast red-billed tropics white, the sky and sea blue, the seas rough, the boat small.  Difficult.  Jared yelled out an exposure compensation suggestion.  Didn’t work for the Sony.  This incredibly beautiful scene was playing out in front of us, possibly never to be seen again, and I was screwing it up.  JARED! HELP! Settle down, think about what you have learned, you know what to do.  Manual ISO.  

With photography there is always more to learn. On our second day at Bird Island, photos would have been far better utilizing custom white balance to avoid the clipped blue bomb. Jared mentioned this but I did not delve in. Correcting white balance and clipped blues in post is not always easy and life is far simpler to get it right in camera. Went with a bleached look for the brown booby scene above and moody blue for the red-billed tropic below. A deep dive into white balance and its impact on the histogram is in my future.

Normally a bird against a clear sky isn’t that exciting. However, I do like this front on shot of the brown booby.

On our last morning, we learned another interesting flash technique that produces a crisp white background.  We practiced with the parakeet heliconia.  For details on how to achieve this look, check out Jared’s video.  

We all loved this workshop.  The people were great both in our group and at Tranquilo Bay.  We learned heaps, had wonderful photo opportunities, had excellent food and enjoyable conversation.  This was my first organized photo workshop and while I prefer solo photography excursions, I will sign up for another.  Thank you Jared, Annalise and Stacy for making us all better photographers and teaching us the mysteries of nature.  You are all very good at what you do.    


  • While there was much to learn in this workshop, one of the primary takeaways was to have the histogram visible in the viewfinder at all times and actually look at it. In some circumstances such as a small bright white object in a dark background, the tiny histogram on my camera can be hard to read. Therefore I keep “zebras” activated which indicate areas of over or underexposure. Exposure compensation can then be adjusted accordingly. For those using Sony, I highly recommend Mark Galer tutorials on this and a range of subjects.
  • The learning continued as I edited photos. It is very exciting to shoot beautiful or interesting scenes. One can be so captivated that all the technical details go out the window. For example on our second trip to Bird Island, I neglected to consistently monitor the histogram and did not adjust exposure as we were loosing the light. Consequently the later photos are underexposed which made the blue bombs even harder to fix.
  • I came across Jared Lloyd via his well written photography articles that somehow hide the fact that I am “reading the directions”.  It was clear that in addition to being an accomplished wildlife photographer, Jared could teach.  His Journal of Wildlife Photography is first-rate.  Feel free to visit for details on this and upcoming workshops.  
  • As one of my mentors beat into my head, taking the photo is only 50% if it.  Processing represents the rest and can propel an ordinary photo into something truly beautiful.  While I have a long way to go, I benefited greatly from the Ultimate Wildlife Photography Course , also available at the site above or  
  • For a nature escape, I highly recommend Tranquilo Bay Eco Adventure Lodge.  For the birders of the world, you are guaranteed to add many lifers.  The wildlife is wonderful and hanging with sloths is fun.
On the boat ride from Bird Island to Tranquilo Bay
Until we Meet Again

Please feel free to visit BayBuddha Travels for articles on a wide range of subjects.

Thou Shalt Lie

America on Shaky Ground, Part 5

Have we descended into a fact free culture?  A time where outrageously false pronouncements are commonplace?  Yes. Truth is the sacrificial lamb in our “thou shalt lie” society.  Why do we tolerate this insult to our intelligence?  

While a book could be filled with examples from this and previous administrations, let’s examine a few recent whoppers:  

During his election campaign after the Kenosha riot, President Biden implied that Kyle Rittenhouse was a racist white supremacist in a tweeted video condemning President Trump. The media joined in.  Not surprisingly folks only learned the facts if they watched the actual trial.  Racism played no role and those who stated it did were lying.  

On January 6, 2022, Vice President Harris stated: “The violent assault that took place here, the very fact of how close we came to an election overturned — that reflects the fragility of democracy.”  At no point was the election in danger of being overturned.  To characterize the January 6 riot as a coup is political theater at its worst.  Another lie uttered by yet another morally bankrupt politician.  

During his second public address after Kabul fell, President Biden said:  “Any American who wants to come home, we will get you home.” The President also made the assertion that if we needed to remain in Afghanistan beyond the end of the month to continue to evacuate Americans we would.  Clearly a lie.  

In reference to the trumped up kerfuffle over border agents on horseback, President Biden stated: “To see people treated like they did, horses barely running over, people being strapped – it’s outrageous.  I promise you, those people will pay. There will be an investigation underway now and there will be consequences. There will be consequences.”  Deflection? Probably. Lie? Definitely.  

During President Biden’s speech in Atlanta regarding his proposed bill to federalize election law, he stated: Jim Crow 2.0 is about two insidious things: voter suppression and election subversion. It’s no longer about who gets to vote; it’s about making it harder to vote. It’s about who gets to count the vote and whether your vote counts at all.  It’s not hyperbole; this is a fact.”  It is hyperbole and it is a lie.  For an excellent summation, consider this editorial from the WSJ. 

And how about the Biden administration talking point, “inflation is transitory”.  Gross incompetence?  Yes.  Lie?  Yes.  

Other than sporadic Washington Post Pinocchios, there appears to be a bizarre indifference to the incessant lying as evidenced by empty excuses such as “all politicians lie” or more often “at least Trump is gone”.  Our silence is permission.  

Not only do we encourage lying politicians and their propagandists with our silence, very few ask why they bombard us with one obvious lie after another.  Has our curiosity been dulled by years of unethical politicians?  Are we too lazy to ask why?  Too busy?  We certainly are not too stupid.  We must reengage and examine the liars’ motive. 

Some motives are obvious.  As evidenced above, much of the lying seeks to divide us on racial lines spawning resentment and anger between groups causing the citizens to turn on each other.  Clearly division and resultant destabilization is one goal.  Another goal appears to be the consolidation of the liar’s power.  Divide and conquer is an axiom for a reason.  

Consolidation of power also requires an erosion of our Federalist system of government which distributes power between the States and the central government.  Not surprisingly we have recently witnessed an uptick in proposals to shift power away from the States, such schemes fueled by blatant lies.  Why do they lie in this case?  To gain popular support.  We should reject all efforts to concentrate power at the federal level and loudly denounce the lies. Our system of checks and balances offers us protection from tyranny and limits the power of unethical individuals who manage to win elections or lurk in the shadows controlling an incompetent figurehead.

We tolerate the manipulative behavior of politicians and their propagandists at our own peril.  Our rational democrat, republican, black, brown, yellow and white neighbors are not the enemy as they would have us believe.  The liars are the enemy.  Regardless of their rhetoric to the contrary, these dishonest politicians do not care about us, the constitution, our democracy, voting rights, poverty or racism.  They only care about themselves, their power and money.  

Our country desperately needs ethical, competent men and women at the helm who will uphold our brilliant constitution.  We need leaders who respect our intelligence with the truth and do not propagate false narratives for their own gain.  It is up to us, we the people, to demand the best and stop accepting politicians who put America on dangerously shaky ground.  

Shaky Ground Summary

As a reminder we will only examine what is happening and leave why unasked for now.  Below is a summary of destabilizing factors addressed in this and previous articles in the America on Shaky Ground series.  

  • Part 1  Division and distrust caused by the prohibition of gathering.
  • Part 2  Division and distrust caused by categorizing women and men into victims and oppressors.  
  • Part 3  Division and distrust caused by racial segregation via victim/oppressor ideology.
  • Part 4 – Destabilize the populace by undermining the constitutional right of self-defense. 
  • Part 5 – Propagation of false narratives designed to destabilize the populace and consolidate power. 


  • The thoughts above are not intended to be solely a Democrat bashing session. There are Republican politicians who have been equally guilty of lying and creating division. I chose to focus on the present lies and avoid the distraction that any discussion of Trump always brings. Republicans were virtually silent about Trump’s lies and Democrats are virtually silent about Biden’s lies. This contributes to the division in our country. We can no longer be silent regardless of party.
  • Lately everything seems to be a “threat to democracy”.  This is head spinning material considering that the same folks who use that talking point are also leading efforts to consolidate power at the federal level.  Concentration of power opens the door to future tyranny, which is a very real threat to democracy.  
  • Considering the lies and rhetoric, a review of our federalist form of government is in order.  There are many articles such as,
  • Federal encroachment on State’s rights is not new.  There has been steady creep for years.  For an overview, read this Heritage Foundation article.
  • Here is a Daily Mail article that summarizes a CATO institute study which assessed each of the 50 states under 23 different categories and produced an overall freedom ranking. The most and least free states are unchanged – New York being the least free, followed by Hawaii and California, and New Hampshire, Florida and Nevada being the most free.
  • Since so many false narratives involve race, it behooves us to reacquaint ourselves with the global history of slavery.  Thomas Sowell outlines much needed facts in his essay “The Real History of Slavery” found in his excellent book “Black Rednecks and White Liberals”.  
  • The lies and rhetoric that surround HR1 are beyond belief. Read the full text of the Georgia law here. Schumer is the latest in a long line of politicians to enter the fray. This WSJ editorial demonstrates what Schumer really cares about and its not voting rights.
  • Biden took the opportunity during his press conference on January 19, 2022 to divide the country further by suggesting that the 2022 elections could be illegitimate unless his federal voting rights bill is passed. Haven’t we had enough talk about illegitimate election results from would be and elected Presidents? I encourage the entire country to watch Biden speak on this issue. Do we really want to put control of elections in the hands of this man and his handlers, Trump or any other future President?
  • There is always a kernel of truth in a good lie. This WSJ editorial attempts to find that kernel in the distorted justifications supporting federalized election law.

Please feel free to visit BayBuddha Travels for articles on a wide range of subjects.

Annie Get Your Gun

America on Shaky Ground, Part 4

The Rittenhouse trial offers a window on the current state of America.  It is not pretty.  I watched much of the trial to determine if the narrative of the killer, white supremacist, racist kid was true or if indeed he acted in self-defense.  Plus if Rittenhouse acted in self-defense, no question the media jackals would double down on the narrative instead of admitting their error.  Or if convicted, Rittenhouse supporters would likely spin their own narrative.  Only the facts would reveal the liars. 

Watching the trial suggests strongly Rittenhouse acted in self-defense. Even some of the prosecution’s witnesses corroborated Rittenhouse’s story. Are they racists too? The prosecutor did not present a strong case and in fact it was painful to watch. He asked questions that either reflected his lack of firearm knowledge or were designed to misrepresent the situation.  The most bizarre line of questioning insinuated that having a gun pointed at you was not grounds for self-defense because the person hadn’t pulled the trigger yet.  Ideology or grasping at straws?  

As the facts piled up in favor of self-defense, not surprisingly the jackals began attacking the judge.  Another white supremacist of course. If watch the trial instead of relying on media personalities for information, it is crystal clear the judge became angry when the prosecutor blatantly attempted to trample Rittenhouse’s constitutional rights. Are constitutional rights not applicable to those who Biden and the media label as racist? The judge is called a Trumpist as well because his ring tone is a pro American song. Horror of horrors. 

The jackals scream, why was he there in the first place especially with a gun? Guilty! Rittenhouse is not on trial for being in Kenosha. Have any of them asked why the rioters were there? Why did the police and local government allow the rioters to loot and burn the city leaving it to the citizens to defend their property? Why did the media, BLM and their masters incite violence with false information about the Jacob Blake case?  Why did President Biden and the jackals immediately brand Rittenhouse a white supremacist before the facts were available? So many questions yet so few questions asked.  But there is one question that is asked a lot – did Rittenhouse fake his breakdown.  Is that deflection or a failure to comprehend the big picture?

Let’s personalize this.  Suppose an out of control mob arrived in your town intent on massive destruction. As happened in some cities, assume local government and police stood down with little effort to curb the violence and protect private property.  No question this would be an Annie get your gun moment.  People have the absolute constitutional right to protect themselves, their families, livelihoods, and community.  

Whoever is calling the shots for BLM and Antifa certainly know that many Americans will take a stand when threatened.  I suspect these leaders count on that reaction because the possibility of confrontations and deadly violence increases. As we have witnessed in the aftermath of Kenosha and other clashes, the violence creates the opportunity to fuel division, chaos and instability, clearly goals of the combatants in our current culture war.  As expected, Kenosha violence was also used to advance the anti-gun narrative.  

There appears to be a more insidious goal however. The relentless false narrative seems designed to undermine our ability to defend ourselves both legally and in the court of public opinion.  Please think long and hard about this statement.  Watch the trial, consider the jackal narrative, examine the big picture. Do you see it?  Then ask yourself why.  

The ability of Americans to defend themselves provides tremendous stability to our country.  It holds bad actors in check.  It is not racism.  It is not white supremacy. An armed society tends to stay a free society. To undermine our right of self-defense would thoroughly destabilize this country.  We cannot let it happen.  

Shaky Ground Summary

As a reminder we will only examine what is happening and leave why unasked for now.  Below is a summary of destabilizing factors addressed in this and previous articles in the America on Shaky Ground series.  

  • Part 1 – Division and distrust caused by the prohibition of gathering.
  • Part 2 – Division and distrust caused by categorizing women and men into victims and oppressors.  
  • Part 3 – Division and distrust caused by racial segregation via victim/oppressor ideology.
  • Part 4 – Destabilize the populace by undermining the constitutional right of self-defense. 

Alpha Chics

I am not afraid of spiders per se.  It’s the spider bites that I find so disturbing.  Bruises, bumps, itching, the specter of death.  Close encounters therefore result in rather dramatic reactions. Last week I was on a predawn search for owls at Pa-Hay-Okee in Everglades National Park when I came eyeball to eyeball with a giant spider.  My hat and tripod went flying as I frantically brushed off webbing and spiders making an incredible racket in this deserted, wonderfully serene place.  I proceeded down the path brandishing my tripod like Joan of Arc with her sword.  Surprise surprise no owls.  

There was an abundance of spiders however, more than I have ever seen in one place here or anywhere.  Not civilized suburban spiders with one spider to a web, these are multilevel spider condos with big groups hanging together.  The prairie is an endless sea of spider webs.  It is truly remarkable.  

From there I visited my favorite haunts.  The birds in ENP are wondering what this new creature is that pops out of a big gray box so close to their perch.  Was lucky to catch an egret in front of a rainbow and many bird portraits.  My assignment next time is birds in flight, something quite difficult for a newish bird photographer in this tree and stick filled environment.    

I photograph this bush every visit to Mahogany Hammock.  It is best when the water is high and shooting into the sun.  Here is my latest take.  

The pink grass between Anhinga Trail and Pine Lake was finally back.  This is best in afternoon sun which lights the grass beautifully.  

At sunset I experimented with sunset shots and returned to Mahogany Hammock in search of owls.  No luck.  

The next day I was up and out well before dawn on a coffee fueled mission to find owls.  With my tripod as protector, I entered the forest and was engulfed in a cloud of mosquitos demanding a blood donation.  News flash, mosquitos bite through Patagonia long sleeve sun shirts.  It wasn’t long before I went back to the car for a bug jacket and more spray.  As I reapproached the path I heard an owl hoot.  Excellent.  I stopped for a quiet moment to let the world start back up around me.  When I looked up, the owl was there.  

We hung together for about 10 minutes.  After the owl flew away, I realized that image stabilization was on panning.  Not good.  Also in the excitement I had forgotten my calming mantra when shooting to reduce movement.  Especially bad if image stabilization is off after lots of caffeine while being driven to distraction by mosquitos.  Was disappointed but decided to do a checklist to avoid that sort of mistake, stay another night and try again the next morning.  Meanwhile when I downloaded the photos I was happy to see that other than the impacts of photography before sunrise, many were salvageable.  Chalk this up as a valuable lesson. 

Later in the afternoon, I went to one of my favorite spots, Pine Glade Lake.  It is a very special place and by far the best sunset location in the park.  The road was flooded but it was no problem for the big gray box.  Being a couple hours early, figured I had time for a hike but nature had scheduled a wonderful opening act featuring clouds, rain and sun. Then the main show began.  

The next morning, I was ready.  Equipment checked and packed.  Battery full, cards empty, settings checked, no caffeine.  Cruising down the empty predawn road with music cranked, I reviewed my shot plan.  Opened the windows, turned the a/c off and uncovered the lens so it would become acclimated.  Condensation is a very big concern on mornings like this.  I was ready and sensed a good day was on the way.

Before opening the car door, I suited up in mosquito gear.  Pulled the jacket hood up and layered that with the hat.  I wore socks doused in repellent.  Tripod in front, I entered.  Once again I stopped for a quiet meditation letting the ripples from my presence fade.  Then BAM.  Something hit my head hard, blunt force trauma hard.  I turned to my left and saw the owl mere feet away.   Could it be?  As I collected myself I momentarily turned my head and BAM again.  With another yelp, I see Bertha land just to my right.  For real Bertha?  That hurt.  Then I see her bunch up, preparing to launch but I am ready.  It’s alpha chic against alpha chic, literal vs figurative talons.  She comes at me and I duck putting my camera up.  Bertha passes over and lands about ten feet away.  Next time when I have proper head gear you can rest assured that I will be hammering the shutter release like a woman possessed as Bertha comes my way.  

Bertha is now on my left, her partner Digger lands in the tree to the right.  I back up to form the apex of the triangle and start shooting.  No way I was letting either of them behind me.  Then a crow lands directly to my right raising holy hell.  I keep shooting.  

This tableau continues, the owls staring, the crow crowing, me shooting, my head in an owl swivel.  The crow flew away, then Digger.  That left me and Bertha in a staring contest.   What followed was an unbelievable 30 minute photo shoot.  Mind you, shot plans, steadying mantras and any proper strategy fly out the window after an owl tries to pick up your head.  My hands were shaking like crazy and heart beating too fast to think I was ever going to relax into the shots.  Hey but the image stabilization was set properly.  

I was not properly prepared for predawn flight shots especially since I flinched every time she took off. Love the photos I did take but they are too blurry to be fixed.  Equally important to a fast low light flight strategy is the ability to anticipate impending motion.  After watching Bertha hop from tree to tree and reviewing the photos, I should be able to predict when she will take off and adjust accordingly in advance.  With any luck my adrenaline will not be off the charts.  My new helmet should help with that.

Why did she attack? While I rarely see anyone else there at dawn, no doubt Bertha and Digger know that human heads are inedible.   Was her message “hey you just walked by me dummy”?  Or perhaps “you arrived a wee bit too early this morning, come back later”.   Sometimes the simplest answer is the most likely…she wanted my sexy mosquito hat.  I asked the ranger and she was unsure especially since it’s too early for nesting season.  

When she flew away, I snapped a sunrise shot and then turned my attention to the spider show which was once again incredible.  

As I wandered back, I offered a prayer of thanks for the magnificence of our natural world with special thanks to the mosquitos who encouraged me to wear two hats.  


  • There are a number of articles online about Barred and Great Horned Owls dive bombing people.  Here is one.  
  • The entrance to ENP is near Florida City.  It is a wonderful magical place.  If you are considering a visit feel free to reach out for additional details.  There is a Holiday Inn Express which is a bit run down but clean and a new Fairfield Inn by Marriott next door.
  • My first visit to ENP was two years ago, I have returned several times since then and have always left with at least one wall worthy photo.  Bertha, although we had not been formally introduced yet, is already on the wall.  She will be again.  I discovered during the initial visit that spending a few days dedicated to photography improved my skills.  It is also incredibly rewarding to be immersed in nature.  As my love of photography and the everglades has grown I visit the western everglades and Big Cypress National Park or ENP several times a year. 
  • Should anyone like to know settings or processing techniques for the photos included in this article, I am more than happy to share.  I am very much still in learning mode however.  
  • Photography led me to precision pistol and precision pistol will make me a better photographer.  So many similarities in one’s approach.  For more information on that journey please feel free to visit the “Guns”section.   

Powering Through

On Learning to Shoot, Part 4

During a group ski lesson many years ago, I had successfully conquered the intermediate slope, thoroughly enjoying myself, implementing newfound skills quite well, thank you very much.  At the bottom I took a break from patting myself on the back to notice my surroundings.  Barreling straight for me was another student. Unbelievably she crouches down low.  My efforts to get out of the way failed as did my suggestion that she not turn herself into a bowling ball.  Upon impact, I flew out of my skies into the air.  She came up crying and I came up laughing.  She at her embarrassment, me at my premature gloating.  Welcome to learning.  Two steps forward, one step back.  

And so it is with precision pistol.  On my first string at 50 yards, I got two on and that was someone else’s target.  The other day, at 50 yards, all ten rounds found the target, 9 of them in the scoring rings. Hot damn!  The cat’s meow!  We are rolling now!  I then proceed to fall apart at 25 yards for the rest of the day and realized my preening was once again premature.  Two steps forward, one step back.  Power through.  No discouragement allowed.  

As we jerk our way up the hill of learning, new shooters should also be aware that learning can be a progression of phases.  The early phases are like some sort of bizarre hazing ritual we must endure. In the latter part of June, I joined the Thursday league for the first time and faced the impossibly distant 50 yard target for the second time.  The fluster factor was HIGH and the number of bullets that made it to the target LOW.  Even more horrifying, first grade math eluded me as I turned Mike’s score sheet into a Rorschach test.  As I stared at that mess, I realized I was smack dab in the middle of the spaz attack phase.  The only thing to do is refocus and power through.  

That day Eddie showed me how to pull the trigger.  The following Tuesday, I started to consciously put together the basics my new friends and mentors had taught and low and behold, I started the slow climb out of the spaz attack phase to the second phase – the first incline.  

As any new shooter has discovered, there is an endless list of dos and don’ts.  I like to prioritize learning and focus on a limited number of key fundamentals first.  Below are a few that have helped tremendously.  Detailed explanations of these concepts can be found in the excellent “The New Pistol Shooters Treasury”.

See the Sights   Early on, Mike said my shot pattern suggested I wasn’t seeing the sights clearly.  Correct, they were a bit blurry.  This is of utmost importance because one does not focus on the target but on the sights.  They must be perfectly aligned during the arc of movement and trigger pull to achieve success.   So it stands to reason, they must be crystal clear to have any chance of learning this harder than it sounds task.  Luckily I had an eye appointment in a couple days and walked in with my gun figuring it was easier to ask forgiveness than permission.  Let’s just say I am glad that appointment was in Florida where such things happen.  With the proper stance, I held the gun in firing position, and we determined the prescription necessary to see the sights clearly.  That afternoon, I had new glasses.  It was transformative.  It’s up to me now to truly manage the sights not passively observe them.  

The Natural Point of Aim   Mike put it best: “the natural point of aim is the place you are most stable, comfortable and strong.  The duty of holding the gun is shared by the back, chest and shoulders. The head is aligned with the body so that the eye is aligned with the sight and the neck is not twisted so much as to reduce circulation through the neck. And, very importantly, it is the place where the gun will be steadiest and will naturally return after recoil.”  To determine the correct foot position, close your eyes and bring the gun into firing position.  Adjust the feet until your gun rises automatically to the proper position during repeated attempts.  

The elbow is important.  When raising the arm, it should be strong, flat and locked.  Mike suggested visualizing the arm as a cannon.  Perfect.  Also while walking to the car after the terrible shooting day mentioned above, I ran a mental video of my mechanics and realized something very important.  My elbow was breaking plane after each shot.  This causes all sorts of unnecessary movement that could result in difficulty regaining the sight picture, a rushed shot and jerking the trigger.  Think cannon, not spaghetti.    

Pulling the Trigger   No doubt reams have been written on this subject.  From The New Pistol Shooters Treasury: “Get the proper grip on your pistol and keep the pressure constant, align the sights on the target properly, then with the trigger finger only, exert a steady, constantly increasing pressure, straight to the rear, until the hammer falls.”  Better yet, get someone to actually pull the trigger with you.  Skip the death grip on the pistol and practice moving the trigger finger without moving the rest.  If this sounds easy, let me assure you it is not and requires much practice.

On one occasion Paul watched me during timed fire and noted that I lifted my finger off the trigger between shots.  I was completely unaware of this bad habit.  Keeping proper pressure on the trigger at all times reduces movement and sight alignment can be regained more readily.    

There are many opinions on exactly where the trigger should make contact with the finger.  Some folks place the crease on the trigger, others the pad, others in between.  For now, I am doing what feels natural and will make an adjustment as necessary.  

Dry Firing   Dry firing is the secret sauce.  On my second day, Paul asked, did you practice dry firing?  I looked at him as if he had three heads.  Then he proceeded to show me a snap cap.  A snap cap is used in the pistol to dry fire and provides the opportunity to practice grip, stance, raising the gun to firing position, sight picture and, most important, trigger pull.  The first time I tried it, I was amazed at the information I gained.  All kinds of bad things were happening.  The more practice, the more likely it is good things will happen instead.  

While I continue to improve with two steps forward and one step back, I know there is another phase coming.  Like the spaz attack phase it will be important to avoid discouragement and power through.  It is the dreaded plateau.  With any luck it will be a long time before I get there and when it comes, may it be short lived.  

Whitey in the Woodpile

America on Shaky Ground, Part 3

Do you really think the likes of Carol Swain, Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas and Ben Carson achieved success by crawling around under someone’s bootheel?  Of course not, they believed in their own ability to succeed, worked hard and took advantage of all that America has to offer.  As Dr. Swain eloquently explained “I was born into a world where systemic racism was real—no-fooling, outright-bigotry, back-of-the-bus real. But here’s what you need to know: Yes, that racism shaped the black experience—but even then, it did not define it. Change was in the air. Call it systemic reform.”  

The systemic reform Dr. Swain referenced has transformed our country.  While there is more work to do, a person of any color can succeed in America.  Our collective American message should be one of possibilities, hope, hard work, personal responsibility, and perseverance.  We should encourage all citizens to learn from the past and shoot for the stars.  Sadly the opposite is happening. We are bombarded with negativity and defeatist messaging that black folks are victims to white oppressors.  Some would have us believe that America is drowning in racism and white supremacy.  As one BLM leader said regarding US systems of law: “when we talk about institutional and systemic racism, I can’t think of an example of a system that is clean.”  Welcome to the race chapter of the victim/oppressor club where black outcomes are stymied by whitey in the woodpile.  

Will stoking animosity between racial groups result in the advancement of our nation?  Highly unlikely.  Has any group of any size achieved success when the team members are infighting rather than focused on the goal?  A group with a common focus that knows what’s working, what isn’t working, creates reality based plans, learns from mistakes, avoids problems and works in concert has a chance of winning.  A group divided by hate sinks to mediocrity or collapses entirely.  We see this concept played out in our families, sports teams, small business, large corporations and countries.  Since this is a fundamental fact of human interaction, why has a narrative been deployed that pits citizens against each other rather than a message of unity that uplifts us all?  

It is extremely disorienting to watch black people who have achieved the pinnacles of success tell their black brethren that their success is hampered by white people.  Where is Captain Obvious when you need him?   There are many reasons individuals and groups achieve different outcomes not the least of which is the individual’s attitude and work ethic.  However, these peddlers of victim ideology offer only one excuse for poor outcomes – systemic racism.  

Anyone who listens to the local news knows that there are serious problems that plague poor minority neighborhoods that are unrelated to racism.  These communities suffer from lousy government schools, the disintegration of the family, a culture of government dependence, drugs, out of control gangs and black on black violence to name a few.  Instead of honest conversations regarding the economics of poverty and comprehensive multipronged strategies, we see black youths loot and burn their own communities, often destroying minority owned businesses.  Then BLM tells us “looting is reparations”.  Translation – violence that destroys other people’s lives is okay because whitey is in the woodpile.  

The actual occupants of the woodpile are race hustlers and others who seek to benefit from the extreme division caused by corrosive victim/oppressor ideology.  These evil people are sacrificing our black youth for their own gain.  It is beyond sad that many have placed themselves in victim status in search of a handy oppressor to blame for their personal outcomes.  Victimhood is at best a recipe for mediocrity and will likely result in worse outcomes for struggling black folks.  How can this be good?  

Even though we still feel the shock waves from slavery and the unbridled racism that followed, it is my fervent belief that the vast majority of Americans are not racist.  Please consider how these folks will react as the nationwide hunt for whitey in the woodpile intensifies and white people are tried and convicted for the actions of their ancestors.  It is very bad business to fight racism with racism unless division is the actual goal.  There is a better way.  

We will delve into the subject of race in greater detail in future articles but for now our goal is to list destabilizing factors impacting America.  Without question, the racial segregation of Americans via victim/oppressor ideology puts us on dangerously shaky ground.  

Shaky Ground Summary

As a reminder we will only examine what is happening and leave why unasked for now.  Below is a summary of destabilizing factors addressed in this and previous articles in the America on Shaky Ground series.  

  • Part 1 – Division and distrust caused by the prohibition of gathering.
  • Part 2 – Division and distrust caused by categorizing women and men into victims and oppressors.  
  • Part 3 – Division and distrust caused by racial segregation via victim/oppressor ideology.


  • Dividing our nation along racial lines is so incredibly destructive that it behooves all Americans to study this issue in depth rather than react emotionally to three word slogans.  Empirical evidence and historical context are essential to evaluating the current narrative accurately.  A great start is the “Black Wisdom Matters” series of videos curated by Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams and other very smart people.  Here is part 1 of 7.  
  • “Discrimination and Disparities” is an excellent book by Thomas Sowell that offers an in depth examination of disparate outcomes among groups and forms of discrimination.  This is critical information for assessing the current conversations on “equity”.  “Black Rednecks and White Liberals” is a collection of thought provoking essays that provide necessary historical facts missing from critical race theory based narratives.  
  • The Black Lives Matter (BLM) organization is more than it appears and research into BLM and the founders is wise.  This video by Ami Horowitz is worth your time.  
  • This Forbes article provides a quick summary of the history of slavery. Note to all our poorly educated students, America did not invent slavery.

Pearls of Wisdom from Thomas Sowell

Below are two Thomas Sowell quotes which elaborate on the concepts discussed above:  

“While the lessons of history can be valuable, the twisting of history and the mining of the past for grievances can tear a society apart. Past grievances, real or imaginary, are equally irremediable in the present, for nothing that is done among living contemporaries can change in the slightest the sins and the sufferings of generations who took those sins and sufferings to the grave with them in centuries past. Galling as it may be to be helpless to redress the crying injustices of the past, symbolic expiation in the present can only create new injustices among the living and new problems for the future, when newborn babies enter the world with pre-packaged grievances against other babies born the same day. Both have their futures jeopardized, not only by their internal strife but also by the increased vulnerability of a disunited society to external dangers from other nations and from international terrorist networks.”  Black Rednecks & White Liberals.

“Whatever chances such people have of acquiring the missing ingredients for their own advancement are reduced to the extent that their problems are misdiagnosed as the sins of other people rather than things that they themselves lack—even if they lack those things for reasons beyond their control. Often the things they lack can be acquired sooner and more extensively than they can either reform other people or get the society as a whole to provide for them through a redistribution of existing wealth what they are capable of producing for themselves through an upgrading of their own productivity. Moreover, rising productivity adds to the net wealth of the society and the world, which is more likely to gain the respect of others, as well as self-respect, than are reiterated pleas or demands for a share of what others have created.”  Black Rednecks & White Liberals.