It’s the Girl Scouts All Over Again

Back in the day I enjoyed a short stint as a girl scout.  My time was cut short because I asked why the girl scouts were responsible for cleaning up after the boy scouts.  Why can’t the boys clean up after themselves so we can do something fun? Rather than a healthy debate, I got a swift kick out the door.  No questions allowed.  You’re out. 

So many years later and not much has changed.  Those attempting to control the narrative stifle critical thought via any means possible. Unbelievably one of the more effective methods is still name calling.  Nothing shuts the debate down faster than calling someone an “ist”. The tried and true “ist” weapon has been so overused that it has now lost its power and, sadly, its meaning.  New “ist” tags have been rolled out with much fanfare but they too will fizzle from relentless misuse.  

Agree or not, the article below is thought provoking.  It conjures images of snowflakes scrambling for safe spaces, progressives dropping atomic “ist” bombs and conservatives diving for cover.  In other words, exactly my kind of article.  How about “we the people” start talking.