
How Political Conniving Screwed America

The combination of political folly, extreme hubris and a dishonest media have put our country in an untenable position.  While the chattering political class visibly squirms to save themselves, they ignore the potential consequences of their actions.  As they feel power slipping away, they hope voters remain blissfully ignorant of their duplicitous strategies that brought us to this juncture.  Fortunately for the country, eyes are opening.  To keep them open and help us evaluate the sequel we all know is coming, let’s examine a handful of these schemes. 

Before we dive in, it is important to note that anyone who was surprised by Biden’s performance in the presidential debate needs to face some hard truths.  Much of the country knew before the 2020 election that Biden was in cognitive decline and that his rate of decline had notably increased in the last year.  For those who were unaware of Biden’s condition, the first question they should ask is why.  With an open mind, perhaps the chronology of compounding political cons that prioritized power over country, might shed some light on the answer. 

Regardless of Trump’s questionable character, it is also true that he and the office of the presidency were maligned by the Democratic party with the years long Russian collusion narrative.  It’s common knowledge that it was a strategic fabrication.  The lies succeeded in undermining Trump’s presidency, divided the country horribly and damaged our faith in the political establishment.  Politicians like Adam Schiff never faced consequences for shamelessly promoting the lie.  Those in media who peddled the false narrative still have their jobs.  No accountability anywhere for this documented 2020 election interference or the negative impacts to our country.  Perhaps if the voters had demanded accountability, we would not be in our current position. 

The Russian collusion narrative and related media commentary accomplished another critical goal, the voters donned Trump Colored Glasses.  Between Trump’s own behavior, the false attack narratives and people’s acceptance of them, Trump is hated passionately by at least half of the country.  Heightened emotions provide wonderful cover for strategic deceit.  When it comes to Trump, even the greatest defenders of democracy will make a mockery of it to wound him. 

Biden was chosen in 2020 as the best person to marshal the anti-Trump vote.  Many were incredulous that a man in the early stages of cognitive decline was chosen and were equally puzzled that he was backed up by someone as unpopular as Harris. 

What game were the Democrats playing?  We assumed Biden would be a puppet who shielded the actual “president” and therefore dubbed him “Pinocchio Joe”. Biden’s tenuous relationship with the truth in combination with his reduced mental acuity made him an ideal puppet.  If this is even remotely true, it is a stunning bit of deception.  Please note the meme below is four years old not four days old.

It was generally accepted there would be a massive “red wave” in 2022.  Nope.  While the abortion issue was a key element, clever Democratic strategists also understood what a gift they had in Trump.  To give their candidates a boost, all they needed to do was keep Trump front and center.  Trump with great fanfare backed several primary Senate candidates over more electable choices.  The Democrats then financed Trump’s picks and painted them as extremists.  Trump’s base voted for his candidates in the primary without regard to electability.  Democrats watched with glee as moderates and independents rejected Trump’s picks in the general.  Republicans lost the Senate and barely won the House.   

The midterm strategy was so successful, it appears Democratic leadership ramped it up to unprecedented levels for 2024.  If they could just keep a beatable Trump in play, Democrat chances of remaining in power were greatly improved even with a candidate who regularly displayed symptoms of dementia.  They elevated Trump to the nomination with a series of well timed, legally dubious indictments.  Understandably half the country was incensed that Democratic leadership weaponized the justice system against a political opponent.  Trump’s base reacted as predicted with a middle finger to the establishment and voted enthusiastically for Trump.  The Democrats got what they wanted.  Republicans were outmaneuvered once again. 

In April 23 after Biden declared he was running again, I posted “Predictions”.  With his obvious mental decline, it was inconceivable Biden could function even as a puppet for 4 more years.  Therefore, it was highly likely another con job was underway. I posited that, for various reasons, Biden would pick a new vice president and then exit the race due to “health issues” sometime before November 5 if it appeared the Republican candidate would win. 

The article concluded with this sentiment: “…running a puppet president is an insult to Americans and indicative of the contempt Democratic leadership holds for voters.  While time will tell if the above predictions are true, it is certain a con is underway.  Otherwise they would have run a capable candidate willing to honestly debate the issues.  The deceptions are a colossal warning flag that their agenda is great for them and horrible for us.” 

During and after the primaries, Biden’s condition continued to deteriorate and the cover up intensified.  A hallmark of a good con is the effort to discredit any information to the contrary.  Incredibly it was only a few weeks ago that the Democratic “cheap fakes’ talking point was deployed which essentially claimed that Biden’s decline was a right wing talking point backed up by doctored videos.  We must remember two things can be true at once.  Biden’s decline is a nonstop Republican talking point and Biden has a serious problem with his brain. 

The recent WSJ article entitled “Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping”was also lambasted.

The comment that will go down in infamy, however, comes from Joe Scarborough:  “Start your tape right now because I’m about to tell you the truth.  And f*** you if you can’t handle the truth. This version of Biden, intellectually, analytically, is the best Biden ever. Not a close second. And I’ve known him for years. … If it weren’t the truth, I wouldn’t say it.”  

Where are we now?  The strategies and scams have exploded due to various miscalculations:

·      Biden likely declined faster than he, the administration, media and his handlers anticipated. 

·      Biden promised to choose a woman of color as vice president.  Sadly she is also a woman of great incompetence with a serious likability problem.

·      If Biden is unfit to run, he is also unfit to serve the remainder of his term, yet the specter of a Harris presidency will ensure he does. 

·      After the debate, it is no longer possible to cover up Biden’s decline and all those who participated in the coverup have been exposed as either liars or dupes. 

·      The world is a tinderbox, and the Biden/Harris/Trump debacle presents an opportunity for our enemies especially those who have waltzed over our borders unvetted. 

·      Perhaps the biggest bomb is that Biden appears to have gone Frankenstein and broken free of his handlers.  He is refusing to step down.  For now. 

·      While the indictments helped nominate Trump, the overall strategy backfired.  Trump is more popular than ever plus his supporters are highly motivated by the lawfare leveled against him.  Nor will he be in court or jail during the final months of the campaign as hoped.  

·      2020 and 2024 lawfare has undermined our faith in the judicial system and the political process. 

·      There is massive jockeying behind the scenes.  Matt Taibbi details the state of things as of 7.8.24  in “Details on the Proposed “Blitz Primary””.  

·      The voters do not know who is running the country.  Many are very angry at this betrayal and will vote accordingly. 

What a pathetic mess.  The Democratic party has jeopardized our country with their conniving arrogance that prioritized their power over the good of our country.  With other viable candidates ready to serve, the feckless Republican party nominated Trump who is despised by half the country.  If Biden and Harris stay in, the actual choice is Trump vs Harris.  Republicans’ best hope is that Trump selects a well-respected vice president capable of being president rather than a weak sycophant.  

For now we are trapped in the game.  Let’s be clear why we are in this position so we can evaluate the next salvo which is surely coming.  Hopefully we exert our influence and avoid another date with a hungry predator.

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It is inconceivable that Biden will seek a second term, yet here we are.  Even if one agrees with his policies, he is a questionable candidate.  His age, reduced capabilities and projection of weakness are notable liabilities.  Biden’s chances of winning are likely boosted if Trump is the Republican nominee but is that enough to overcome the specter of a Kamala Presidency? Doubtful.  Will abortion serve as a red cape and conceal Biden’s many negatives?  Possibly but not guaranteed.  It seems risky.  We must examine why Democrat leadership decided to run an elderly vulnerable puppet instead of backing a more suitable leader. 

What do we know?  Our politics have devolved into ugly influence campaigns where the ends, power, justify the means, deception.  Anything goes regardless of how harmful it is to our country, culture, family, faith, economy or national security.  This election will be no different. 

We know an honest debate on the issues cannot exist in the presence of influence campaigns.  Debate could result in critical thought, kryptonite to those who seek to manipulate millions for their own gain.  Therefore Biden will stay in the basement. 

We know that corporate media and much of social media has been transformed into an instrument of social control.  As they did in 2020, the media will engage in election interference rather than honestly reporting the facts.

We know a coalition of Democrats, corporations, media and institutions have joined forces to saturate our country in progressive ideologies for their own gain.  This effort has ramped up significantly in the last two years and it is likely Democrat leadership is desperate to win so they can solidify and expand upon that progress.  Centralized power and money are the goal, Biden is the prop.   

We can safely assume that an unattainable level of lawfare, shenanigans and/or fraud would be required for Harris to win.  While a malleable puppet, she is a liability that limits the Democrats’ options. 

Therefore, one prediction suggests that Harris will be replaced.  In order for Biden to win, a skilled running mate is necessary, preferably one dedicated progressive ideologies.  Such a person provides the ability to dump Biden after he serves his purpose.  Depending on circumstances and the Republican nominee, several scenarios come to mind. 

Biden’s entrance into the race could lull Republican voters into foolishly nominating Trump. The Democrats want Trump.  A well-orchestrated media frenzy over the “historic” rematch will provide a wonderful distraction from the issues.  A Trump/Biden contest cancels out the age question.  Plus nobody can complain that Biden lies with abandon because Trump does too.  Character is also off the table because neither candidate has any.  

The country will be disgusted.  Their potential disinterest could allow Biden to cruise through the primaries in his basement.  Both Trump and Biden have signaled they will give Americans the middle finger and refuse to debate.  

If Trump is winning, Biden will withdraw before the general.  His running mate, a younger, smarter candidate who can successfully string 10 words together will face a far older Trump. Coupled with the fact that many women and Independents will never vote for Trump, this could give the Democrat candidate the edge. The shiny object will be the silver tongue of the new candidate whose pretty words hide the party’s true objective: globalism, centralized government, control of large segments of our economy, and nationalization of extreme progressive ideologies to name a few. 

If it appears Biden will beat Trump, his handlers will allow him to proceed to the general and be inaugurated if he wins.  Then Biden will step down willingly or via the 25th amendment.  Biden would essentially be the trojan horse for the real presidential candidate. 

Regardless of when Biden withdraws, this deception is required to reduce the focus on the alternate candidate. Democrat leadership cannot count on Independents being as dense as the voters in Chicago.  Many are likely to connect the dots between progressive ideals and the crime and chaos in progressive American cities.  Therefore candidates like Gavin Newsom cannot spend much time under the spotlight.  They must be installed through trickery. 

While these scenarios will be less effective if Republicans wisely nominate a competent electable leader, leadership can yank Biden off the stage at any point if it suits them.  That is the great thing about running an old guy in decline, maneuverability and a cover story for their deceit.  For any of this to work however, massive distractions will be necessary.

A bait and switch will be accompanied by a well-orchestrated media meltdown.  This 24-7 distraction will obscure the issues, the candidates and their platforms.  Whether he is in the race or not, Trump will steal headlines for some real or made-up infraction.  Chances are BLM, antifa, climate and/or trans activists will find a reason to riot and politicians will find a reason to support them.  In case people refuse to be distracted, 2024 censorship and election lawfare will make 2020 look like a warmup.  The uninformed voter doesn’t stand a chance. 

At a minimum, running a puppet president is an insult to Americans and indicative of the contempt Democrat leadership holds for voters.  While time will tell if the above predictions are true, it is certain a con is underway.  Otherwise they would have run a capable candidate willing to honestly debate the issues.  The deceptions are a colossal warning flag that their agenda is great for them and horrible for us. 


  • offers good summaries of election law and the processes that would be necessary if Biden withdrawals or dies. 
  • This article written in 2020, also details how laws would be applied in the event of death or withdrawal of a candidate.
  • Some might be tempted to suggest Republican leadership has shown the same deception by running Trump.  This theory doesn’t hold water since Trump is “running” himself.  Trump has many serious faults but being a puppet is not one of them.  
  • Update August 8, 2023. As stated above “massive distractions” will be required to implement whatever con job is underway. We now know that one component of that strategy is Trump’s future trials which will derail the election process. Trump will never put the good of the country over himself, realize he has been once again outmaneuvered, make a deal and support another candidate. Trump is Dem leadership’s greatest weapon. Note I also made minor linguistic edits above.